GUILT (chapter -8)

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Hello guys

Hope you all are doing well

I am here with the next chapter

Hope you'll like it
As it is very emotional because I (your author) am very emotional actually extraordinary emotional

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Arnav's pov
After listening Rohan's words I was the one who was GUILTY and  the thing I  wanted  now was  avneet's forgiveness  and I know that don't deserve it as I have hurt a beautiful soul like her and I don't know how but  I  am feeling the pain she is going through and I really don't felt this type of feeling with jaan but this type of feeling occured when your souls are connected    
ARE WE SOULMATES ?    no no this is not the time to think all this I should clean these thoughts from my mind

These were the things which were stuck in my mind till I reached my home

When I reached the door was locked but I was having the spare keys I unlocked the door and went in a note was on the dining table and read it
"I am going to my parent's house to meet them . I'll be back till 9pm  dinner is kept in the fridge "
I have watched in movies that while reading letters people can feel the voice and the appearance of the one who has written it but with me it is very different.      I can feel that she was emotionless when she wrote this and  she is perfect she was write because the movement she needed me I was behaving emotionless.       This is what you deserve ARNAV NIGAM    

She cooked for me with this line my lips curl from both the edges to form a  small smile
I took out the food and heated it up   I am not hungry but I am eating it because she made   I took the food and one beer bottle from the fridge and settle myself on the dining table I ate my food and drank 3 bottles of beer and then  I heard unlocking sound of main gate I didn't stood up as I know it would be avneet she came inside and was passing by without even taking a glance of me but I caught her by her wrist and suddenly I don't know what happened to me I backhugged her  I can feel how much she was shocked by my sudden action and I can actually feel my effect on her but she didn't show up anything. 
I placed my lips on her ear

( 😂😂RIP Readers who thought for kissing her earlobe he placed his lips on her ear .......control readers control)

" I am sorry " these words escaped from my mouth and I turned her  around to face me and hold her hands  I further continued with these words by looking straight Into her eyes  " I know I am not worthy for your forgiveness but still I am feeling the GUILT which I wanted you to feel and the words and things  I told you were all in anger and insecurity  and I know that I was  wrong and I am really very sorry  for raising finger on your character and it was all escaped from my mouth because of the heat of the movement and anger I didn't meant even a single word I uttered please forgive me if it is possible or if I deserve it and trust me I won't go against your decision It is  all up to you and you can take as much time as you want "and with this i zipped my mouth and I don't know when tears started rolling down my cheek when I was speaking all this and I was taken back from my thoughts when she started wiping my tears with her beautiful hands and it was the medicine to my pain    her touch feels like heaven but I was still feeling GUILTY as I didn't trusted her and what I did with her was not acceptable and she is such a beautiful soul that now also she is thinking about me , wiping my tears  
and I don't know when I unzipped my mouth and utter " Can you hold me "

She was dumbfounded as she didn't expected this from my mouth but she consoled herself and hugged me and within a fraction of minute I can feel that my shirt is getting wet and I can also say that her shirt would also be wet till now
( A/N - a hug is needed
Only a single hug can make the another guy burden free, sorrow free
A hug can let out all your emotions
It is better to cry in someone's embrace  to cry alone and it feels like heaven and if someone is sad please do hug that person he/she will definately feel better. )

We hugged eachother like we  were hugging someone after a long time and the main thing was that both of us  needed this and I was feeling very  safe in her embrace it was a feeling that I needed this from a long time and once I felt like i missed this like hell but it was the first time I hugged her but I cleared  all the thoughts to again get in that movement and feel the movement

Pov ends

Words -979
That's all for today guys

I filled this chapter with emotion and I am sorry if you don't like it or find it boring

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See you in next part
Till than take care
Thank you
-afreen 💕

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