SHE WILL LEAVE ME (chapter-47)

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Arnav's pov

Currently i am laying on my bed ........ Angle is also on the bed but on other side ....... My mind is messed up with many thoughts......... and this is irritating me as hell the moment I was entering the room with drinks and snacks in my hand  I saw jai speaking something very serious and avu was shocked like hell but the moment jai spotted me he stopped and start trying to behave normally .......I tried to act normal as If I  didn't saw anything........ And the moment I acted normally they both sighed in relief ....... And I asked them the reason..... They might want to share ......but no they didn't wanted and this only increased my suspicion......after having our snacks and some chit chat jai left our place ..... But those  thoughts were not ready to leave my mind ...... The person in the cafe .....why avu met that person ....... I need to find out each and every thing ........ My head is paining like hell since that accident....... I can't even act like I am suffering as angel will get worried...... I am trying my best to act normal in front of her ........ But I won't be able to sleep without her ...... Her scent work as sleeping pills to me

One thought is troubling me like hell ...... 'SHE WILL LEAVE ME' if she will leave me what will I do ..... I won't be able to bare that pain ..... I can't bare her lost........ I love her more then anything......I just can't live without her ....... The day she will leave me I will die

A tear escaped my eye while thinking this ..... I travelled my hand to her figure and pulled her by her waist towards me ......till now I had many tears in my eyes ........she turned around me and sniffed in my chest as soon as possible........ She inhaled my cologne .....and then sighed relief as if she got oxygen in corona ........ I kissed her hair but unfortunately or i say fortunately tears made there way out towards my cheeks......and in a fraction of seconds she got to know that I was crying........she stood up laid agin but this time in a way that my head rested on her chest .........she hugged my head .....her grip was hell tight as if she also don't want to loose me

"I don't like tears in  my Cutie pie's hazel orbs " she said almost crying ......... And after a moment I felt tears and they were her tears flowing uncontrollably........"just tell me the reason atleast ........ I can't see you crying jaan" she said breaking down

"It's nothing serious......just headache that's all....... No need to get worry" I said hugging tightly know what you all thought I didn't noticed but I did she just called me jaan my jaan called me jaan I have clear all those thoughts as I am confirm she won't leave me ever .....and the very next moment I hugged her more tightly .... She too giggled and hugged me tightly by my head

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