Feeling like Falling(Chapter-12)

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I am here with the next chapter

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Arnav's pov
I was scared that what she is doing and after she told me that and burst out laughing      I was watching her actually staring her when she was laughing. And before I could speak something she spoke up "I know you are in a mood to kill me but before you kill me let me make breakfast so that you can take your medicine and and and you are not going office till you are all fit and fine   no arguments  and that's final so I am thinking of making aloo paratha as it is your favourite " and when didn't got any answer from me she questioned " is it okay ?".  I answered " y..yes ". She further continued " ok fine I am going if you need anything to then call me" and with this she left

She left but her thoughts were not leaving me I don't know why but when she was laughing I was feeling happy   and this was not at all normal 

Nor for me feeling something like this neither for her behaving and laughing like that  ...     and the only thing came to my mind was am I falling for her ... I don't know that if she is also feeling the same but If I say about my feelings then I think I am falling for her ....and I guess I should give a try cause I wasn't really happy with jaan and I don't think that she also loves me cause  she kissed my whole face but didn't got that I am sick , I was in fever but she didn't realised and this is not the only thing their are many other things too which made my mind to think like this

And I think you can feel every feeling and emotions of your loved ones without even seeing him/her but she is always the opposite

Now I have a doubt on her and her feelings too ....now I should clear my mind from all these thoughts. 

With clearing my mind  I stood up and headed towards the kitchen and I saw  my wife cooking for me and watching this I felt good and a smile came on my face

I made my way towards her and when she saw me she shouted "why are you here    go and take rest "  I answered     "calm down avu I will take rest after having breakfast".she nodded and spoke up " ok fine but go and sit on the dining  table don't stand here "  and I replied "ok ma'am " and chuckled  and made my way towards dining table and settle myself

I was staring at her while she was cooking for me and after some tomr she placed the breakfast in front of me and commanded me " finish it " I replied " this is so much I can't have this much " and she spoke " I said finish it up ...your six pack abs won't vanish in one day ...just have it and yes no further arguments ". I actioned her zipped up 🤐with a chuckle

We had our breakfast and then she gave me my medicines and told me  "get ready ..after an hour we have to go to doctor.. I have taken the appointment" i replied " no need I have taken the medicine and I will be fine in some time ". And she spoke "I didn't ask you...I am telling you that you have to get ready ".  I questioned raising  my one eyebrow   "telling or ordering". And she glared at me and shouted " just go and get ready "  oh my god she is showing me every colour of her and I am kinda enjoying this 
Pov ends

After sometime they both got ready and headed to the doctor's clinic

At clinic

Avu 's pov

Receptionist told us to sit in the waiting area doctor will call us ....after wait for sometime doctor called us ...arnav told all the symptoms to the doctor and doctor wrote some medicines plus tests....and told is he will do the tests .....after sometime all the tests were done and we were waiting for the reports ...the reports came and doctor called us ...he told us  "so Mr and Mrs Nigam the reports shows that he is suffering from typhoid" he continued " and this not the first time you have been suffered fro. This earlier also  ...I guess before 4-5 years ". Arnav replied " I don't remember  doctor ...maybe ...I'll ask my mom ".  Doctor continued.  "Ok whenever you ask just ask her about the time you took to recover cause I need this information" I replied "ok"

He further continued " Mrs Nigam I am allowing him to go home but you have to take full care of him like don't leave him for single second too and give him the medicines I prescribed and give him full and healthy diet ".  I replied " ok doctor ". And we both stood up and mouthed him a thank you and left

We reached home not before taking the medicines ....and in full drive I was disturbed cause of this disease 'typhoid'. All the memories with this disease were flashing in my mind and again the past was repeating the same thing but  I was disturbed more cause   how is arnav unaware of the disease he has suffered and just 4-5 years ago

His style of talking , his birthmark , his expressions , the same warmth when he hugged me ,  and the last thing this disease 'typhoid' and too  exactly 4-5 years ago ....all this things can't be coincidence.... And all this confusion was leading me to only one solution that arnav is .....


That's all for today

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See you in next part

Till then take care and stay safe guys 🤞

Thank you
-afreen 💕

To be continued
Stay tuned

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