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Holla peeps!

Welcome back

Hope you all are doing well

Don't forget to motivate me through your valuable votes and comments

And I really want you guys to spam this chapter .... really want a good memory of 1k+ comments on at least one chapter

So let's get started 👇


Arnav's pov

"But why you didn't recognised me Neet" I asked her while looking at her ...... She was crying but the Shine in her eyes was different and unique as if she got everything she want from this life ....... Her long wait is over ....... She won this whole world


Pov ends

(Author be like - kal batau😂

Before you guys kill me I'll tell you )

Avu's pov

"Because the love of my life , my jaan came in front of me after 4 years and didn't even reacted or I say smiled" I replied but it seems he didn't got my point

(A/N - I guess my readers are In the same situation ...... Isn't it truth)

"I guess you didn't got it , ok let me begin from the the beginning , the first time I saw you after 4 years , when you came to my place with your mom for the proposal ....." I replied


(The day when Arnav/Siddharth went to Avu's place with his mother for the proposal)

All of them were sitting in the dining room when I made my way towards them with a tray of tea and snacks in my hand ....... The moment my eyes captured the figure in front of me , I stopped in my way ...... I was shocked as hell or I say heaven cause the person whom my eyes were searching from last 4 years was in front of me , the thing I wanted was just to engulf him in a hug and stay in his embrace forever, all those thoughts were running in my mind when I Heard my mom calling me

"How is it possible" was the only line which could be escaped from my mouth but my voice was low to be heard by anyone else

"Come here beta" mom called me and I made my way towards them with a natural smile planted on my face ...... He noticed my presence when mom called me amd lifted his head to meet my gaze ...... The moment our eyes met I felt everything but the main thing was he didn't , he was having a small smile without excitement .

"Avu he is Arnav , Arnav Nigam" mom introduced him to me and I was shocked like his face is exactly the same as jaan's ......his surname too matches but his name differs ...... And I don't think he is my jaan as if he was jaan that he would have engulfed me in a hug as we met after 4 years , his eyes would have reflected his love for me and here he doesn't even have a natural smile on his face , nor he us happy neither excited ....... I thought you can be Jaan's doopelganger

The thing came in my mind was
"At some point , you have to realise that some people can stay in your hearts but not in your life forever"

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