Not love , Anger is in the air (chapter -6)

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Arnav -. (in anger ) yes nice question what is wrong with me i was an idiot who thought that you are innocent and naive but you you changed the definition of these words and ya I must say you have great acting skills as you act so innocent and right now also you are acting like you don't understood anything and you are so innocent

Avu - ( controlling her tears ) arnav just tell me what I have done I am not getting anything what you are saying

Arnav - ( coldly )ok so this small child need the complete explanation but don't worry I will explain you


Author's pov
Arnav left his office to meet his friend went to his friend's workplace but the receptionist told him that he is busy so wait outside when he was sitting outside his cabin his eyes caught something which made him shocked
Pov ends

Arnav's pov
She was avu yes she was avu but is she doing with Rohan and where are they going I should follow them he started chasing them and we headed to the garden and their I saw them talking and then I saw Rohan side hugging avu and then avi responded back side hugging him then they again started chit - chatting which was not audible to me as I was standing at a distance from them and I saw avu laughing with him and he winking at her and at last I saw them hugging each other and then they bid bye and parted their ways
Pov ends


Arnav - so miss kaur now to everything must be clear or I should show you the video which is a proof that this events took place between you both      so now you want you want to clarify something MISS AVNEET KAUR

Avu - (shocked and tears rolling to her cheeks ) (coldly ) NO

Author's pov
Arnav left the place and went to the room and anger was visible in his eyes he just sat on the bed and his mind was recalling all the memories and he was just waiting for the moon to disappear and the sunto appear so that he can go and hold Rohan's collar for his deeds and after sometime he saw avu entering the room but not even taking a glance of his she took her phone and earpods and went to the gallery which was attached to their room
Pov ends

Avu's pov
After all that drama happen I was too sure that their was only one person who actually cared about me and actually trusted me and that was him I thought that arnav could be a good friend but no I was wrong because friends trust each other and if they have some doubt they clarify it
    God why did you snached him from me I really miss him alot and with these thoughts I entered the room and took my phone and earpods and went to galery and sat there listening music
    And as the song started our memories were running in my mind and with the song tears started falling from my eyes and when the line played   'agar tu hota to na rote hum'.  Made me cry and sob more and I can surely say that my voice was so loud that it can be audible in the room too all our memories flashing in my mind and one more sleepless night went like this 
Pov ends

Arnav's pov
After some time I heard her crying badly and sobbing too but my ego and anger diverted my mind from her and I don't know when sleep took over me         
     When I woke up I don't know why but I directly went to galery to see avneet but she was not their and i thought that I should find her but when I get at my room back I saw her coming out of washroom but she didn't even took a glance of me and went outside the room I diverted my mind from her and went to washroom and did my morning chores and then I got ready for the office and went outside and saw breakfast ready on dining table and sat their and found a note
' have your breakfast and take your  lunch From kitchen it is packed '
I did my breakfast and took my lunch and went to the clinic to meet Rohan

At clinic

Arnav - may I come in

Rohan - ya sure (after looking at arnav) hey bro watsapp

Arnav - not as good as you are

Rohan -i didn't understood what you are trying to say and you not seems to be in normal mood what happened bro

Arnav- so I come on the point ( show him a picture) see you wanted to see my wedding's pic and my bride see this

Rohan - ( shocked ) oh this is to (cut by arnav )

Arnav - why are you shocked by looking at my bride ohh yes It to just slipped from my mind that you are dating her

Rohan - what did you just said

Arnav - what you heard my broooo that you both are dating

Rohan - arnav just tell me one thing ok    did you talked about this topic to avu and please the answer should be no

Arnav - I did and I just open up anything and told her all the things which I felt actually you know what I am not a men that keeps secrets and SECRET RELATIONSHIP I show the world what I am and I even don't like to do dramas to play innocent, naive  like that avneet

Rohan - ............

That's all for today
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- afreen ❤️

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