THE TRUTH(chapter-55)

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Arnav's pov

The 'TRUTH' it came out some time ago ....... it is difficult for me to accept all this that early ........ it's not like that i don't want to accept or i an doubting .....the thing is I was unaware of my own self till 4 years ....... i feel like i lost 4 years of my life and i am back again but with changes ....... everything is changed ....... i remembered everything but now Neet is my wife ...... everything happened but i was unaware of the fact that she was the one i loved ....... Jannat did all this but why ....... my question is why she did all this ........ what she did is not a small thing which can be forgivable or forgettable , it is indeed a big thing ....... i lived 4 years of my life but it wasn't me who lived all those years ........ the things she did just not affected me , it affected all my loved ones .......all the people who were attached to me go affected ....... Neet forgot to live thise years ...... she lived like her soul is dead ....... she was in depression ....... i really wanna know why she did this ....

"What was Jannat's purpose behind her deeds" i asked facing faisal

"She will confess each and everything directly ....... i have called her here ...... she is on the way" faisal replied with an expression less face .......i wonder where did his smile vanished

"Why she will confess herself ....... like why she will confess her deeds....." I was about to say further when a voice interrupted my words

"I will confess cause I know I am guilty , I will confess cause I know thise accusations are correct , I will confess cause I know my deeds were wrong ,I wanna confess cause I know I hurted the one who loved  me to the moon and back by doing all this , I wanna confess cause I lost my everything  just because of this thing , I lost everyone who loved me,  I wanna confess cause I am fed up of this life , these lies" Jannat said all at the same time and ended up crying ....... I felt bad watching her crying cause there was a time when she was my bestfriend from childhood ....... but I controlled my emotions

"It all started when I was a kid , we were friends or I say best friends , our families were close too ...... one day my parents called me to discuss something , they told me that your company is on higher level then ours and they want our company to be on highest ....... I was too small to understand such things and to disobey my parents , they wanted that fame which you have , they told me to be friend with you and get close to you ......they manipulated me the way that i used to do all the things they ask me to do ..... we were already best friends but I was trying to be close to you and while playing this act I started developing feelings for you .......I developed liking for you but I thought it is love ........ I even denied my parents that i won't be able to betray or hurt you , but it all changed when you came back to home in holidays ......... i was craving to see you , to see my best friend after a year ....... i really hated your decision of going out for studies leaving all of us ......... but i was happy that you were returning althoughit was week but you were returning" said Jannat looking at me with

"Do you remember  what happened  when you returned ....... when we were  sitting in garden" she asked  me and i nodded in confusion ...... aa i remembered that thing but was it the same thing she was trying to say ...... that proposal

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