THE PLAN (Chapter-57)

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Arnav's POV

"The day I waited for came when your college announced a trip and in this the main advantage for me was the place , that was trip to himachal Pradesh....... I planned e everythingand decided to execute it when you guys will move from dalhousie to khajiyar ....... that was the perfect destination as there were valleys all around and that was what I needed ....... as per plan I manipulated you in a way that you convinced me to accompany you in the trip as outsiders were allowed too and this was the first step ...... the group I introduced to you as my friends were my dad's workers in real ....... but you trusted me blindly as I was your best friend....... and with this my plan and the trip started " she said and then looked at Neet

"You didn't recognised me right....... well yeah it is difficult for even me to recognize myself as I have changed alot ....... cause first reason was if I would have looked same as before there were more possibilities of arnav in recognising me after that memory loss ....... so I changed plenty of my things cause of which I started looking different ........ so let's get back to the topic ...... the first time I saw you avneet I was quite happy as you were so good , like nature wise and overall ...... a jolly personality ....... but somewhere I was burning from inside as an when I see you and arnav together enjoying, romancing and along with it you were getting so much love , just not from arnav , but from your best friends Lawanya and Pradeep too ....... and I was missing my bestfriend while watching you all together , I was missing the thing which was missing in my life and that thing was love ......I always loved my parents and did those things for them too but in return I didn't even got a small amount of love moreover I got thoss shitty tasks which i would have never willed to do if i would haven't manipulated by them" she took a pause and looked at me with teary eyes and guilt visible in her voice ...... I couldn't stopped myself ....... I wasn't able to control my emotions anymore , I got up and made my towards her .......the moment I reached her I engulfed her in a hug ....... I missed hugging my bestie ....... I hugged her for some more minutes and then our hug was broken by a voice ...... the most annoying one for my ears I must say was faisal

"Continue with the story , you can do all these things later on too...... " faisal said out of jealousy I guess

( A/N - why am i thinking that this is what readers also wanna say to me ...... am I right readers?)

We parted the hug and she continued "when we were on the way to khajiayar ......... do you remeber one of the van broke down....... and we got a break in between ...... that was when step 2 completed was all planned we were walking on roads enjoying, playing with snow and all ...... avneet and you were playing too ...... you threw a snowball on avneet and started running ........ you chellenged her yo chase and you speeded up ...... you were running while looking at avneet and that was the moment when your fun moments turned into a lifetime sorrow ....... I planned to push you from the cliff but you helped me out as you yourself slipped from the cliff cause of the slippery road ........ I was confirmed that you won't die as I already arranged everything the place was selected from where I was gonna push you and unfortunately your fate planned the same , you slipped from the same place and I knew you were safe but I too pretended as if we lost you ....... that day I saw avneet for last time and still remeber her emotionless face ......sge was turned into a robot who wasn't moving from the place from where you slipped .....tears were not stopping from her eyes...... she was just calling you as if you'll come back and this was it was just a nightmare ....... but she didn't knew that it was really the last time she was seeing her jaan .....
Your family , the cops , forest rangers and everyone arrived at that spot ...... but nor the first rangers neither the cops could find you as you were already with my people......they took you too the nearby village as soon they found you ...... the cottage where you opened your eyes for the first time was also arranged by me , all those people from whom you were surrounded was mine too including that doctor too ........ the moment I got to know that you lost your memory I took your weakness as an opportunity to manipulate you ...... I started planning how to manipulate but it wasn't that difficult as you were getting some flashbacks of you and avneet so taking it as a opportunity I manipulated in a way that you thought I am the one who loved you and the girl you loved was me ....... making you trust on me wasn't difficult at all ........ cause I knew how to do it ......I was doing it since we were kids and like this things happened " she completed leaving all of us in tears ...... avneet was crying like hell remembering all those things...... tears were not stopping from her eyes and hugged her sideways

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