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Something very close to my heart and hell special for me is coming on 19th ......stay tuned to get more updates

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2 days later

Avu's pov

"I wish time just could stop
When I am in your arms "

What more is needed in life when you open your eyes in morning and the first thing that come to your sight is none other then his face , he cuddling with me , he securing me in his arms , whole day I wait for the night just to get in his embrace, place my head on his chest and heard his heartbeat, my favourite music is when his heart beats fast ,his heart beats for me . I just want to stay here forever . While thinking all this I lifted my head up and pecked his lips

"Angel we slept late at night na ...... Let me sleep na" he whined to which I cuckled and in response he tightened his grip on me ....... "Now sleep like this with me it's your punishment, you aren't allowed to leave the bed " he finished and shifted downwards snuggling his face in my chest , holding me tightly from my waist like a kid as if he will loose me . I too hugged him by his head and cuddled with him again , feeling his warmth ...... His hot  breaths hitting my figure , sniffing to him more I closed my eyes

"Trinnnngggggggg" the alarm clock shot open our eyes again ........ He groaned in the same position ...... The next moment he tried to get up but I gripped tighter on him

"What" he stated frustrated

"I wanna sleep" I replied closing my eyes just to be open again by him pulling himself out of my embrace

"Then sleep , I didn't told you to wake up... You can sleep as much as you want " she said and got off the bed to which I frowned

"You exactly know that I can't sleep without you and then also you do such things" I said while getting up in a frustrated tone

"I have to go for workout what is my fault in this thing " he said throughing his hand in the air

"You know what your abs won't get  vanished if you'll skip your workout for a single freaking day " she said fully annoyed and threw a pillow on him ...... And soon he too responded with another pillow flying towards me ........ In no time pillow fight started and the room was fully messed at the ended the fight by laughing our heart out noticing our child antics

"You know what let's go together for the workout" he said to me after we were done with laughing

"A gym workout.....A big fat no.....I am not gonna accompany you in the gym ..... You enjoy mister" I replied and he smirked

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