FRIENDZONE (Chapter-3)

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Hello guys
Hope you all are fine
So I am here with the next chapter

Guys the above rep is very much related to this chapter do listen to it before or after reading the chapter 👆

So let's start with the chapter
Hope you will like it

Sm1's pov
I woke up in morning it was quite early because I do work out in morning but I didn't find avneet on couch the I went to washroom and spoke
Pov ends

Sm1- avneet are you in
Avu - yes 2 minutes

After two minutes she came out from the washroom

Sm1- why you woke up too early

Avu -its my habit

Sm 1- you must be tired you should take proper rest

Avu - I am going outside to greet aunty

Sm 1- wait they left yesterday night after all the rituals were completed now only you and me are here

Avu - ok what do you want for breakfast

Sm1- anything

Avu - look I don't know you and your choice too please tell me the name of dish I'll make it

Sm 1- ok so my favourite dish aloo paratha

Avu - ( she was shocked after listening his favourite dish and went in her deep thoughts)

Sm1 -avneet avneet

Avu -( she came out of her thoughts) yes I am going to the kitchen it will take a while till you do your morning chores

Sm 1- hmm

After two hours

Avu was preparing the breakfast when sm1 comes and he speaks

Sm1 - see avneet I am very sorry but I was pressurise to marry you and really don't wanted to hurt you so I am thinking if we can't be couples we can be friends

Avu nodded

Sm 1- so let's begin from the beginning (he forwarded his hand towards avu and spoke ) Arnav   Arnav Nigam

(A/N -who guessed correct that sm1 is arnav comment down )

Avu - ( accepted his hand ) Avneet kaur

Arnav - no Avneet kaur nigam ( with a chuckle)

Avu nodded

Arnav - so I am not going to take your full name let's think for a pet name. Hmmm 🤔🤔 neet yes neet this would be great

Avu -  (she was totally shocked by listening neet from his mouth and a tear fell down to her cheeks and she spoke in breaking voice while sobbing) please don't call me this you can call anything else except this name (she ran to the washroom and locked herself inside and broke down she cried her heart out as all the past memories were coming in her mind )


SM1- I love you neet

Avu - I love you too jaan

Sm1 - you know what these are our names no one can call us with these names except us you are only and only my neet (kissed her forehead)

Avu - and no one can replace my jaan and I love you more then you love me

Sm1- and in case I die (he recieved a slap on his cheek from avu )

Avu - ( tears rolling down her eyes ) don't you ever say this again If you'll die than your neet will die on the spot with you

(A/N - my best friend does the same thing when I speake such things and I tell her this type of things again and again to tease her and trust me guys this slap and gaaliyan from her mouth means heaven to me love you twinny ❤️😘)

Sm 1 - (wiping her tears ) ok baba sorry I was just kidding


Avu - ( to herself )why God why you did this to me why you snached him from me you know I can't live without him

After crying for 15 minutes she went outside

Arnav's pov
I don't know what happened to me and I called her neet and I think she is hurt but I don't know the reason I should apologise to her let's wait for her but why she seems too familiar with me as I know her from a long period but we have met a several months ago no no no this headache will kill me no I can't take stress otherwise I will fell sick
After 15 minutes she came out
I stood up and went to her
Pov ends

Arnav - avu I mean avneet ya avneet I am very sorry I didn't knew you'll be hurt that's why I spoke that and I didn't know that you'll react like that

Avu - thats ok u can call me avu you can call me anything except neet and no  need to apologise it's just you didn't knew anything

Arnav's pov
What is in this name I want to know it why she got that hurt just by a name I want to know everything wait wait arnav but why are you taking that much I intrest in her you love someone else and you have to focus on and you and avu are JUST FRIENDS OK JUST FRIENDS
pov ends

Words- 885

That's all for today guys
Hope you liked the chapter
Shower your love
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See you in next chapter
Till then take care
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