Sleep never seemed more inviting. {Chapter Ten}

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        It's quiet. Nobody moves, shouts, and even breaths. We seem to be all holding our breath. After about a million years, Rat Man slowly eases back into his chair and scoots in, sticking his head up so his nose quivers indignantly. "So let me cut to the chase.

        "I could launch into a heart warming speech about how you're working for the greater good, and we love each and every one of you." At these words, his voice steadily gets higher as he fakes affection, clapping his hands together and making a quick smooching sound. Some Gladers look taken aback, others look disgusted. as for myself, I am mortified. I can smell his breath from here.

        "But I'm not. I'm gonna give you the goods up front." he says. his palms slap back onto the surface of his desk and finds the folder, grabbing a piece of paper and holding it up. "The Scorch Trails.

        "You have three weeks, and no exceptions, to cross the Scorch. The Scorch is obviously what it's named after. Dry, cracked deserts. along the way, you will run into MANY obstacles, or shall we say in our new, fancier term, variables.

        "You're also probably wondering why. Well let's take it back a few steps. Ten years ago, sun flares scorched the earth, leaving those who survived to the gruesome aftermath of it's wrath. To this day, the sun is still closer than it has ever been. But that's the least of our worries. We live in isolation for the fear that we will catch the flare. After the sun flares, there was a disease released to the public. We call it The Flare.

        "It roots deep inside your brain, and turns you slowly insane, stripping your humanity slowly, making sure you have a slow, painful death, or if you take the quick way out. And the worst is that there is no cure. So this is what we ask of you.

        "Travel across the Scorch in three weeks of time so you will reach the safe house. By then, our research will be almost complete, and you will succeed in the Scorch Trails. If you travel to the safe house, and survive, then you will have the cure for the Flare."

        Nobody moves.

        "And in case you were lacking enthusiasm, I have some news for you. You, each and every one of you, have the Flare rooted deep into you."

        That causes commotion. I start to sweat, and I feel a pounding headache coming on. Are headaches and sweating symptoms of the Flare? I can feel it working it's way into my system already, pumping through my veins.

        Thomas jumps up, his hair disheveled in a rage. "What do you mean?" In a second, Minho and Newt were on him , holding him down and pulling him back down.     

        It takes a few minutes for everybody to calm down. Rat Man waits patiently, seeming to enjoy our discomfort.

        "So, The transportation device will be here tomorrow morning, from six to six of five. It's called a Flat Trans. If you miss it, there's no going back. If you decide to stay here, you will be.. executed in the most gruesome way." I try to fight down bile at the menacing look in Rat Man's eyes.

        This isn't fair, but I have no choice. I'm going to die if I don't go along with this sick, twisted plan. I can only think of one thing. WICKED is not good. It never was. And right now, Sammantha is looking like their number one fan with the faded sharpie still clear as day reading WICKED IS GOOD against her pale skin.

        I stifle a scream of frustration. "I suggest you pack up for these next three weeks." Rat Man says with a sick, twisted smile. My headache is now at the need of a hospital, I need to get out of here. The room bursts into questions and fights, the Glader's go nuts. Rat Man stands still, waiting while he packs ip his papaers and grabs his book.

        "Slim it!" Thomas shouts, and MInho stumbles up next up to him, obviously seeing as he is needed as a "leader". "You heard the man!" Minho shouts, and Thomas stands still but fuming. "He's obviously not gonna answer your questions, you shanks!"

        "Thank you young man." Rat Man says, but nobody hears him. Eventually, everybody quiets down. Rat Man smiles at us all, but it lacks any emotion. "Cross the Scorch, then we'll talk."

        And with that, Rat Man turns and everything within the wall in enveloped in white, opaque smoke. We wait several minutes until it clears. Once we can see clearly, there is no Rat Man, or desk, or book. There was no recognition he was even there.

        I take this moment to run out.

        ((A/N: There is a picture of Marie to your right, and if you're on mobile, then it's the media thingy. Um.. next chapter is when they will leave, and there's gonna be a death! //LE GASP// Who will it be? Stay tuned.))

TST: Searching In The Scorch :Sequel to The Maze In Her Heart: ✔ (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now