Chapter Twenty-Two : "Rose took my nose, I suppose."

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Hey shanks! get ready for an action packed chapter, with some developments. Why Minho's acting weird, what happens with Liam, and much more. Please don't forget to add, comment, and like! Thanks for reading <3

Chapter Twenty-Two: "Rose took my nose, I suppose."


I was only a little conscious the entire time I was being dragged. My arm, a blood stump tied together by rags, was twitching without my content. I had figured that the blood lost form my arm was the reason I was so numb to the pain, and Minnie must have noticed it too, because her grip tightened around my shoulders.

When I first came to fully consciousness, I was in shock. I stared at my stump in awe, and my jaw slacked and my eyes drooped and I fell into Minnie, and with a few determined grunts, I woke up a few hours later with the small Asian boy dragging me. It was almost as if the transition happened in my own arms. I was so surprised I fell onto the ground and screamed in pain.

About a half hour later, I woke up and I was in extreme pain, my hand was missing and it had finally dawned on my poor reality, and I started to cry. Lola sat there and patted my back while the twins and Murphy went to scope the scene, seeing as we were out in the open of these under ground tunnels. I went to wipe my tears, but I couldn't. I was shaking and struggling, and I was, of course, missing one of my hands.

"Here, let me help you." Lola says, and her hands glade across my cheeks, lingering for a few seconds as she wipes away the tears. I felt a little defeated at this point, watching her with raised eyebrows. I was pretty sure my face was pale with pain, so she couldn't see my surprise and blush.

"I don't think I can make it. This hurts too much. Everything takes strength out of me." I say, looking at my stump. The pain had dulled to a steady throb. My veins seem to be shaking in pain.

"Then we should leave them. Go to the safe haven ourselves."

The shock of her statement had barely settle on my skin, before she spoke once more. "We can let them arrive themselves. If we get you there sooner, then we can fix your hand sooner."

"It's better to move in numbers, so we can all make it there safely. No offense, you seem like a great fighter, but I'm in no shape to defend you if you're pushed down. And besides, Minnie and Marie are my friends. I can't leave them. I've already left behind Lamar and George with the explosion."

Lola stared at me for a few seconds, a look transfixed on her face. I stare back, unsure of what to do.

"Alright," she says finally, looking away, "No need to get so defensive."

"I wasn't! I was saying it wasn't the best plan."

"You're getting defensive right now."

"I am not... Yes I am. Okay, let's just go look for the others?"

"It's better we stay here. If they come back and don't see us, that will be extra and unneeded drama." Lola points out. I bite my bottom lip, the pain slowly spreading along my body.

"Alright. Good point." I then smirk. "The only good point you've made."

"Hey, shut up."

I look away, at the thick blackness of everything, the only light perches in Lola's open palms, like she created fire with her own control. My mind drifts off.

After a few more minutes, I become restless. A few footsteps sound, then it sounds like they're getting closer. "Finally." I shout, stumbling up. Lola stands up too, joining my side. The torch spreads light across the darkness, like a beacon. Three figures tumble up, hidden by darkness. Groans emit from the darkness like drunken moans.

TST: Searching In The Scorch :Sequel to The Maze In Her Heart: ✔ (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now