Chapter 5: Being Labeled.

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The room at once tenses. I reach up, going to cover my mouth, but pause, placing my hand on my chin and cupping it. I had expected the news to hit me harder, but when I met Minnie's eyes, she seemed just as determined. It was as if death wasn't a threat anymore, or a fear. Death was there, a third party existence that sat in the corner. So much death surrounded us, and hung from the wall right in the other room. 

It only boiled down to which twin would be threatened, and which twin would prevail? It was like a sick twisted prophecy, but it wouldn't come true. I knew this group wouldn't allow it. 

As if hearing my thoughts, Minho breaks the silence, "We won't let our girls get ripped to bits by this 'other group'." Gladers nodded, mumbled in agreement. 

"Nobody will get left behind, I'm sure of that." Lamar said, rubbing his chin and looking over at Newt and Thomas, both of them nodding. 

"Alright, well that's nice, but now that that's sorted out, I'm sure we still have loads more questions." Liam said, walking over to Aris. "Such as, where did Aris come from? Where is Roxie? On top of that, we also have to think about the cranks, and the sudden brick walls, how to find a way out of here, and if Group B is even in this building."

"I would know if they were here. I know them, and I'm sure they'd be searching this building inside out for me." Aris said. "If I can get to them first, maybe I can stop them." 

        "We did a round around the building before we came up here," Thomas says, straightening up from where he was leaning against the wall. "There are no cranks, and we saw no other signs of life, or exit." 

"So does that mean this bloody Group B might be in another building?" Newt asks. 

Thomas nods his head, but the look on his face isn't sure.

"Not sure, but it seems that for now, we're safe."

"Safe? Are you crazy Thomas? Sorry." Chuck blurted out, flushing a bit in embarrassment. "But, we're stuck here, all the doors are locked, and there are no exits. No food, just water. Means of survival are pretty low." Chuck says, his little fro of hair bouncing in worry. 

 "We should split into groups." Minnie suggests, taking charge. "Thomas, you, Chuck, Minho, and Sammantha go check to see if you can find any other exits, even if it means a vent or something. Marie, Newt, Aris, and Liam go look for food. George, you and Lamar, comb the building, and if you find anything, come find me. And the rest of you." She turns to face the rest of the Gladers. "Go clean up those bodies."

 Some Gladers grunt in protest, no doubt that the bodies have to be cleaned, but everybody files out. We make our way into the room, and the first thing that was noticed was the smell- or the lack of it thereof. In the entire time that we had been questioning Aris, the bodies had disappeared. Everyone began talking amoungst each other, and murmuring worries. 

"What the bloody hell?" Newt says first, then everyone begins to speak over each other. 

"Oi, shanks! We have no clue what's going on but we need to stick to the plan. Go do your jobs, and we'll try to figure out what happened here." Minnie shouted. Minho, who had been looking around, turned to glance back at her with a glint of admiration and infatuation in his eyes. 

"Yes boss." I say, too tired of the confusion to even care anymore. I take a step back, scanning the spotless room once more time, before walking down the hall. Newt and I walk at the front, while Liam and Aris stick in the back, talking to each other. Their voices carry the awkwardness of two kids forced to hang out. 

"There's no food anywhere around here." Aris eventually said, placing his hands on his hips. Newt sucks in his cheeks, obviously stressed. 

"This can't be real. There's a bigger picture happening here." He says, touching a wall. The prison that we had found ourselves in was a collection of two dorms, three bathrooms, the "meeting" room, and a few empty rooms that seemed to have unknown purposes. Hallways stretched and ebbed around, but all looped back to the main room with the large table. 

TST: Searching In The Scorch :Sequel to The Maze In Her Heart: ✔ (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now