Chapter 3: Hanging By A Thread

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I look down at the boy, arms folded across my chest. He sat, slumped against the wall, knocked out cold. A small bruise was purpling where Minnie had collided her fist into his head. 

"You really didn't have to hit him." Sammantha said, biting her lip. Minnie sighed and shoved her hands into her pockets of the white uniforms our captors supplied us with us. 

"I still had adrenaline. I really didn't mean to hit him. I guess I'm just scared." She walked over to the bottom bunk and sat down, giving a sigh. 

"I agree with you. I'm scared too. But we can't go around punching people. Maybe he knows where Roxie is." I said, tapping my chin. I take next to Minnie, fanning out my collar. Spots of blood dotted my shirt, drying in the thick air. It had only been roughly twenty minutes since I had woken up, but it felt like hours had dragged on. 

"What do we do now?" Minnie asks, looking at Sammantha and I. Not answering, we allowed the silence to hang in the air as is it were a threat. Nobody really had an answer to give her, and after a second, Minnie seemed to realize that, and leaned her head against the bedpost. 

The dejected look in her eyes won't ever erase from my mind. 


        The first recognition of the boys was the screaming. I straighten up and look around. The room was still deadly still- all the blankets were ruffled the same, and the curtains were in their same limp pose, blood splattered all across the lace. 

I stand up and shake Minnie. She stirs awake with a groan, biting her bottom lip. 

I walk up to the door and press my ears against it, my heart leaping when I hear Newt's voice. 

"It's too bloody dark in here!" He shouted, and when hearing that, I gave the door a hearty bang with my clenched fist. The metal made a loud hollow sound each time I pounded it, and I knew that'd get their attention. If they were able to break through doors in the Maze, they could do it here. 

"We're in here!" I shout, jangling the doorknob.

There's a shuffling then footsteps get louder. More boys are speaking, in distinct voice. I hear Lamar's Australian accent, and Newt's British one. I can hear Minho's voice, his small twang, and Thomas's tone. 

"Ladies?" A voice says. It's a very familiar Australian accent.

 "Lamar!" I shout back, relief flooding every inch of my body. To know they were safe made every bunched nerve in my body give a tug and straighten. It was reliving, after hours of sitting here, to finally here someone else.

"Stand back!" he shouts, and then I retreat to the other end of the room, my eyes glued to the door. All three of us seem to freeze as the door starts to shake with each blow Lamar makes to the door. Whatever he had was causing dust to fly from the hinges.

The door bursts open, screaming on it's damaged hinges. After a cloud of dust settles, Lamar is standing there, his katana in one hand, a fire extinguisher in the other. He runs up and we all tackle him in hugs. "Thank you so much! Is everyone okay?"

"Everyone is fine." Even in the darkness, I could hear the smile in his voice.

I look over his shoulder and into the darkness outside of the room. I look back at the other girls, before looking back. There were figures, milling about cautiously. I wouldn't have walked out of the room if I didn't hear Minho shouting, "Minnie? Marie?" 

"We're over here!" I shout, walking out of the door. My hands fling outwards as I search for my companions. My fingertips press into a body, but it was cold instead of warm. I retract my hand, ignoring the shock of goosebumps that had just ran up my arm. 

TST: Searching In The Scorch :Sequel to The Maze In Her Heart: ✔ (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now