Chapter 26: A bittersweet reunion.

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Hey shanks! Ready for another action packed chapter? Me too. Also, I'm so sorry for not updating!! So listen up, this update will be followed by another- so yes, I am doing a double update. But be prepared. Next chapter has the biggest plot twist in this book.

Chapter 26: When everything went downhill... again.


"Alright shanks! Up and at them! We gotta hit the hills early if we wanna get where we gotta go!"

Everybody groans and starts to stretch, hair ruffled from a night of sleeping. Liam and I are already ready to go, clenching and un-clenching our fists. We went over the plan last night in hushed voices:  Go along with them until they overthrow Roxie. 

I watch the girls as they untie Liam. He falls to the ground, groaning. His beating had really taken the toll on him, for his entire body seemed to be battered and sore. His missing hand didn't help his case either. I want to help him but I must stick to the plan.

But when I fall too, and the entire pain takes over my body, I can't help but let out a groan of pain as well. My hands are scratched, nails dirty, and hair in knots. I can feel my own heart pulsating slowly, trying to make up for all the blood knocked out of my mouth. 

"Up!" I hear Harriet shout. Liam and I stumble up, allowing the girls to tie our already chafed fists. As they walk away, I can see Harriet wink at me. That wink fills me with certainty- we're still sticking with the plan.

Roxie stands at the base of the group, looking at all of the people are they pack up camp. Fires spat on, food packed in tight plastic baggies. Her eyes land everywhere except Liam, who grunts, leaning against the wall. Once or twice, she glances my way then quickly looks away. 

"We're ready?" She says after a few more minutes. After seeing a few scattered nods, Roxie turns on her heel and briskly starts walking, using her lean body shape to stay balanced against the wall. And we were off. 


"So you're telling me you know where my girlfriend and Liam are?" I say nervously. Aris takes a few steps forward, pushing past George. 

"I know where they went, that's all. They headed up through the base of the mountain." 

George glares at the back of the boys head, still unsure. I wasn't trusting this bloody shank either, but he was better than anything I've had so far. He offers a lead to jump off of. My ribs ached from falling earlier when protecting my friends from the spears. It grazed the shirt as well, so I had to wrap a sheet around my torso. I shoot George a look from over Aris's shoulders, before grabbing his arm and shoving him forward. 

"Get on with it then." I say. Aris rubs his arm, looking back at me. I almost feel sorry for him- after all he's been through- but I only have one goal. Following the boy, George and I sneaked after him through the shadows of the town, careful not to disturb any cranks. Multiple times I feel my mind wandering, but I always snap it back to attention.

"Okay, we're here." Aris finally says. I find myself looking up slowly, shielding myself from the sun as it starts to set. The jagged mountain tops seemed more real now that they were right in front of me. The rock was red and worn, soft and sandy to the touch. George pokes around for a bit before finding a small tail snaking up the side of the mountain. 

"Nice work." I say as Aris takes a step, heaving himself up the trail. George smiles, but I could tell it was fake. 

"Thanks boss," is all he says. 

TST: Searching In The Scorch :Sequel to The Maze In Her Heart: ✔ (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now