Chapter Twenty Eight: Confessions

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Chapter 28

So we set off. I was still sore but I didn't let it bother me much. I didn't want them to worry about me when Liam, obviously having a horrid concussion, was stumbling around, unaware of the world, like he wasn't aware minutes earlier. He seemed to go through phases, one minute he'll be capable of speech and the next he can barely talk.

Newt told me in a hushed voice that the group was heading to the safe haven, expecting to meet us there. He also said that he was worried, oh so worried, and kissed my temple repeatedly, not daring to stop and do anything else because George looked livid. His hair had changed since I last seen him- it looked like the sun faded all the pink and luster from his hair and kept it limp and auburn.

Roxie tried to walk next to him, stumbling and attempting to fall in the same step as him. He didn't once look at her, his eyes narrowed against the wind blowing our hair back. He ignored his sister completely. A pit developed in the bottom on my stomach. If Minnie ever showed such cold, bitterness towards me, I'd not be able to carry on. I need my sister, much like Roxie needs George.

I don't know whether to believe her story or not. Everything about it makes sense, from every single detail, but something ate away at my insides. Even if we went along with the plan, how would we do it? The safe haven is our only hope, yet it leads us right into WICKED'S digestive system. I was torn. Should I believe somebody who sent us here and almost killed my friend?

What if the letter was a variable?

We trekked our way across the mountain in uncomfortable silence, the only sounds those of a squawking raven overhead or Liam dragging his foot along and his grunts of pain. Every now and then George snapped in the boys face to keep him awake. Everybody was worried about him.

But I was also worried about the others. How were they coping, now with a wanted refugee from Crank Central in the group, along with two young ones and a emotionally unstable crew of teenage boys. Had somebody left the group? Had somebody died? Were they all lost? Were they already at the safe haven? All I could do was bite my words and swallow them whole and wait until the time came for when we saw the safe haven.

George snapped his fingers again.


"Lamar, I'm not going to say it again! Hurry up!"

I slug behind the pack, Eliza attached to my hip. I hadn't been in the best of moods ever since Newt, Aris, and George left to go find Marie and Liam. While they had the best intentions in mind, I didn't want to loose them, especially George.

It's not like we had anything, though I probably wanted it best. I just appriciated his acceptance and his presence, with his shoulder always broad and ready to be cried on. He was always there, and now he's not. He could die.

I should have gone with him.

I never want to loose him.

Eliza poked my arm. She had been at my side the entire time, trying to cheer me up. I could tell the rest of the group was bummed too but always smiled when I looked their way. I felt like a baby, but I didn't seem to care. I can't be tough all the time.

Even Ethan smiled. He didn't even know me but put up the fight of keeping his muscles stretched across his face. A stab of pain went through my heart at remembering that he alone was the reason George gave me the cold shoulder.

Ethan isn't even gay.

"Lamar? We're gonna get left behind." Eliza said, tugging at my sleeve. I don't want to yank my arm away so I allowed her to continue dragging my hand until I was back in line, between Teddy and Leo. They both smiled and said,

TST: Searching In The Scorch :Sequel to The Maze In Her Heart: ✔ (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now