Chapter Twenty *Lost Brothers, and Getting Lost ourselves*

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HELLO READERS! Thanks for reading this chapter! Don't forget to add, vote, and comment. The video in the media slot is an edit I made of our favorite guy, Lamar. :P Enjoy this chapter!!

Jorge leads us into a hall way, only lit by the blown out windows. I stand between Minnie and Liam, Minnie ahead, Liam slinking behind me. Murphy brings up the rear. Jorge then turns and jerks open a door, motioning Minnie forward, smirking.

Minnie quickly obliges, sinking into the darkness, I follow her suit, and so does Liam and Murphy. Soon enough, we're all in dark and silent, then there's a ripping sound, and the room floods with light. A crumpled up curtain rests in Jorge's hands. He looks at it and throws it to the ground, sitting behind a desk."Sit." he says simply.We do as told, all three of us sitting in the chairs in front of the desk.

Murphy drifts over to Jorge's side, his eyes glued on the door."You." Jorge points to Minnie, his eyes glimmering. "You explain to me. These two are mute, for now." Minnie looks a little taken aback, but she recovers, radiating in confidence.

"Well, I don't know how much you know, so I'm going to pretend you're stupid to the whole thing.""Never use the word stupid around me again. I strongly advise it." Jorge snaps at my sister, I can see her flush. I resist the urge to shout out, "STUPID!"

"And I advise you not to interrupt me." Minnie says. Murphy shifts, his spear unsheathing. Jorge holds a hand up. "Leave it." he says simply, then growls and leans across the table, "It's a good thing you're pretty, amiga." Minnie radiates confidence once more.

"We all started out with about fifty five boys.. and a few girls, including me and my sister..." A look of pain flinches across all of our faces, without realizing it or not. "Now we're down to around 20ish. I don't really know all the details, but all I do know, along with my companions, is that WICKED is some sort of organization and they're up to something.. some sort of experiment. We all started in this place called the Glade, it was surrounded by a maze, with these dangerous creature called Grievers."Minnie looks up, her bangs falling into her eyes softly, and I realize she's pulling the charm, something we used back in the Maze to earn over information and affection.

I try not to smirk when I see Jorge's eyes soften a fraction, but otherwise, the new information seems not to faze him, though the boy behind him seems to be listening intently.

So Minnie told him everything, Liam butting in a few times to add certain points we all forget, like how the beetle blades recorded us and said WICKED on them, earning a few shut up glances in the mean while. I never realized that Minnie had her own experiences in the Maze, and hearing her point of view kind of gives me perspective of what my friends have been through. How we all have a different story. Hearing Lamar's story would be cool. How we had escaped the Maze, how we thought we had escaped, for good, how we got double-crossed.

Then Jorge made Liam talk. He told them about our quest, how we were to go north, and roughly about one hundred miles, and survive, hopefully reaching a safe haven, all in the time of three weeks. He told them about the long tunnels, the three day prison, the cranks, and the little girl, who had attacked us in an attempt to stop us. He didn't tell them about his run in with Roxie. Nobody corrected him for that, though me and Minnie shared a glance that went unnoticed. He told Jorge and Murphy the whole story, and the more he said it, the crazier it sounded, but as his shoulders sagged, I could see it was easier to get it off his chest than to hold it in.

To actually have somebody listen to you for once.

I just hoped that WICKED was the Crank's enemy as much as ours.

TST: Searching In The Scorch :Sequel to The Maze In Her Heart: ✔ (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now