{Chapter 14} Little devils.

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        Lamar's POV

        "Aw darn it! I hit my shucking knee!" Miho's voice bounces around the halls and the group stops. I run into the back of some random Glader, who makes the scene of tripping forward and slamming into the wall. I roll my eyes even though nobody can see me. I really wish I had my katana in easy access, it would be useful. I probably could have sliced those things that we killing off the Gladers, but the chances of me against the lot of them would've been the end of me. I pat down some of my flouncy hair and twirl a strand of it absent-mindly.

        Crap. I've been around Sammantha too much, I'm picking up her shameless flirting habits. of course I've been around George nonstop, helping him cope through the loss of his sister, Roxie. Though we don't suspect she's dead, he was just starting to warm up, feel like a good big brother, when Wicked ripped her away, leaving his heart vacant again. I caught Minnie staring at us with a smirk one day, but it must have been a tired smirk, because she turned and fell on the bed shortly after, groaning into the covers and telling us to leave her alone.      

        She didn't shoo away Minho. He just sat there and patted her hair down as she slept. Needless to say, I doubt she even knew he was there, but it didn't stop him. Nobody tried to anyways, we would all get the same kind of response. "Beat it."

        Marie and Newt's romance is a little more softer around the edges. They're still incredibly blushy around each other, looking bashful when the hold hands, and lingering around each other after hugs as if they don't want to stop. I've only seen them kiss once, while Minnie and Minho peck each other almost every time they meet up.

        Samm has kinda ditched her romance with Thomas, who has no problem with it. He seemed kind of forced into it after she yelled his name from the days she arrived, looking uncomfortable when she got up close. I bet he told her off, and she obeyed, bucking him off and looking for new prey. She tried it with me before realizing I wasn't interested, then moving on to Newt and others such as Logan, a friend I've grown close to in the Glade.

        He hasn't been mentioned lately, just sticking to the back of the group. He doesn't seem to talk much, but I'm convincing him to speak up. Which is what he's doing right now. "On what?" His voice bounces around the walls just as Minho's did, I can hear his shaky signature.

        He doesn't have the cliche Glader hair, instead, it's kinda short cropped, yet he has bangs. His eyes are pearly white, with blue streaks, and his face is round and sorta babyish.

        "This stair. Mind yourself, we're going up." Minho replies shortly, his voice lacking enthusiasm.  There is a wave of rushed whispers. I can sense Logan is now next to me. He's probably the youngest now that Chuck has died.

        "Finally." he mumbles. We start jogging again, the stairs thick and slick, making it hard. A few times I bang my shin myself, and by the grunts, I can piece together that other Glader's have been having a hard time too.

        After about an hour of rushed jogging and shin banging madness, we slow to a stop. I turn to the left and lean against the wall, one leg on the stair below me, the other hunched up as I cradle my banged shin. It must be blue and black (AN: OR GOLD AND WHITE. SORRYNOTSORRY) by now. My backpack makes a weird squelching sound as I rest my weight against the wall, and I immediately retreat from the wall, setting my leg back down.

        "We've reached the bloody top." I can hear Newt's voice from all the way down here.
"Lamar, Minho, Thomas, come help a shank."

        I slowly feel my way up the stairs, under estimating my height. Swiftly, I slam my head on the top, causing a splitting throb in my temple. "Nice going." I can hear Thomas chuckle.

TST: Searching In The Scorch :Sequel to The Maze In Her Heart: ✔ (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now