Chapter 29: Emergency.

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Chapter 29: Emergency 


I didn't understand what was going on- but obviously it prompted everybody to get to work. I turned to see Minnie was rushing through the bodies with her hands in the air. Her mouth opened, and she started to shout, but the lightning cut her off. It jutted to the ground and highlighted her figure, making her seem more of a boss than she was. The clouds behind her were swirling, fast and menacing, and the wind was ripping her curls around her face. 

"You!" I finally heard her voice, and saw her pointing to Roxie. "You get Liam under the mountain and to protection!" At these words, Roxie nodded like a skittish rabbit and dragged the unconscious blonde under the rocks. The world itself seemed to be grumbling like an angry stomach. I look down and see a crack rip through the crust between my legs, and jump over to Minho, just in time. 

The world let out a might roar, and the earth cracked open like a baby bird emerging from an egg. The groups had merged into one, it was hard to tell who from who now because of the wind swirling flecks of sand into the masses of hair and into the folds of clothes. I take a deep breath and turn to Minho. He was holding something out to me but his gaze was on Minnie, he was ushering her forward. She ran over and Minho wrapped us in a huddle. 

For a second the wind was muted and all I could hear was Minho's voice, crisp and clear. "We're going to stick together. No matter what." Then, before either of us could respond, he shoved weapons- a sword with a rusty looking blade and a glass-tipped spear- into our hands and retreated to where Liam was.

Minnie ran off after him, but I remained where I was, my eyes glued on the hole. The group was passing around weapons, and those with weapons were clustered around the hole, bracing themselves. The hole was big enough to separate the group to two sides, and I found myself making eye contact with Newt through the flying sand. His gaze was hard and willing, and I knew what I had to do. Fight like hell. 

I wasn't conscious of Lola's presence until she was next to me, her arm wrapped around Murphy tightly. He was shaking, but nevertheless, holding a weapon of sorts, his eyes dead set on the hole. I could see down the line on the other side how Jorge was holding Eliza close to him and shielding her from the sand. My heart throbbed for the small girl. She must be terrified.

For a moment, the wind died down, but the noises continued. The group looked around in confusion as sand settled on our heads and boots. We then realized that the hole was making noises. A platform, roughly the size of the hole, was being raised, slowly. On the platform were coffins, all the dimensions of a tall human being and scattered amoungst the platform. 

As if by an unspoken agreement, the group on both sides took steps back, their weapons raised. A plume of smoke settled along the cracked ground as the platform was raised up and level with the ground. The wind picked up again, but not as strong, just enough to give a light breeze along our necks. Goosebumps raised along my arms, whether from the breeze or my fear was debatable. 

Then, the coffin lids all raised at the same times. Everybody raised their weapons as the figures inside stirred. Were they Grievers? I half expected to see them- at least those I could fight. But what I saw come out of that coffin I had never seen before, ever. 

A tall, human structured figure raised from the coffin, limbs swaying. In the darkness, I could guess it was human, but as others raised and stepped from the coffins, I saw they were all the same height, and gave off a creepy, unnatural vibe. Then lightning streaked across the sky and I looked up, and I saw it. The monster was coming to me, dragging it's feet. It was yellow, yellow like pus, and it's skin was dripping slowly like wax from its boneless limbs. It's eyes and moth and nostrils were covered in a thin film of yellow goo, and when it opened it's mouth, nothing came out except a rattled breath of air. 

TST: Searching In The Scorch :Sequel to The Maze In Her Heart: ✔ (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now