Chapter Nineteen: Gladers, Kicking, and Weird Mexicans who like to kill people.

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Chapter Nineteen

Marie's POV

    I fell into a dream.

    It was a memory, or perhaps just my mind playing tricks on me. But in all simplicity, it showed a young version of Minnie and I, sitting across from each other. The table between us was littered with foam building blocks of all colors and sizes, and we were in room with white carpet and walls, other children milling around us and playing with the other toys in the room. For a minute, I wonder if any of them are our friends, but none look familiar enough to be matched with any others.

    Minnie picks up a block. Sitting in third person, I seem to be hit with the realization of our identicalness. We look exactly the same, I can only tell us apart because Minnie has a little freckle on her left nostril, and that my eyes are green. But we are wearing the same outfit, a pressed white blouse and skirt with the words WICKED written on our  left breast pocket, and out hair is styled the same way, our brown curls, short at the time (being honest, it's a good look.), pulled into a short ponytail.

    "We have to do this." Minnie says, frowning as she chuck the blocks at the table. it bounces off  and lands back in her lap. Past me remains silent as past Minnie leans across the table, glaring at me with determination.

    "They'll kill us if we don't." she explains, and past me flinches.  I meet her eyes, and she stares back, undoubting. "Come on, Marie." she says, pronouncing it like "Mary." Her voice is squeakier than it is present day, it makes me want to hug her tight. Past me lets out a whine, a whine only a kid with seven years of experience on earth could master.

    "I don't want to die." past Marie lets out a little sob. Then she tilts her head forward, glaring at Minnie with pleading eyes. Minnie stares back, then finally whispers, "Me either.

    "I'm not talking to you until you master it." She leans back, and past me tries to grab her arm but she's too far back. Not in your head either. Her mini voice bounces along my head like a empty memory, I can tell Past hears it too because she throws a block at Minnie.

    "If you don't talk to me, I won't talk to you either." Past grumps. The twins stare each other down for what seems like an eternity. Finally, after a few minutes of silence, Marie closes her eyes. Suddenly, I'm the past Marie, I'm in her mind. I need to do what they taught me. So I clear my mind, which I have no trouble doing, and I picture Minnie's face. I gather the words, and I seem to throw it at her face

    You smell like bat poop.

    I open my eyes, so does Marie, and Minnie's looking back at her, smiling.

    So do you.


    I woke up when it was dark and moist. Dew clung to the hairs on my arm, but it's only my imagination, I straighten up and it's gone. It's pitch dark, the only things I can see are the littered bodies of the Gladers as they sleep, their chests heaving and falling, cutting into the dark night. There's something else I hear, but I don't believe it. Rain. It pounds the floor and the wall. I don't bother to get up and check... My joints feel like they were glued together, even when I sit up my back arches and my jaw starts to ache. So I look to my left, and place my hand on the chest of the Glader next to me, who (thankfully) is not Minnie (I'm not thankful that she wasn't sleeping next to me, just grateful I didn't accidentally touch her boob.). The Glader stirs, and a hand grips my arm suddenly. "Marie?" Lamar croaks out sleepily, and I nod, and then, and only then, does everything come crashing down upon me, Sammantha's death, the realization that I have the Flare, WICKED, The Scorch, everything.

TST: Searching In The Scorch :Sequel to The Maze In Her Heart: ✔ (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now