Chapter 1:New fresh start

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Two years later
Background information ℹ️
Jisoo, 19 years old: She is currently studying in a biomedical science school. Since she is the youngest in her family, she doesn't really need to be involved in her own family business so she decides to do what she is longing to—a neurosurgeon.

"Eomma, appa, I have to be honest with you all, I don't really feel like doing business, I want to continue my study and pursue my dream as a neurosurgeon,"

"We're okay with that, the company is well taken care by your sister and brother just do whatever you want, love,"

"Really? Oh my gosh, thanks, appa, eomma,"

Jennie, 19 years old: Intern in her parents' company, right, her parents are the typical type who want their daughter to start from the very beginning and earn their respect and position by herself.

"I deserved better than that,"

"Start from the basic first, darling, you will be the owner eventually, just take your time to gain some experience before you take over the company,"

"But they know who am I right?"

"Of course not, the whole point is for you to stay humble and learn something,"


"If you ever exposed your identity, we will confiscate your credit card,"

Rosé, 19 years old:  Assistant of her CEO, who also happens to be her mom. Not so bad as a starter, except her mom is very strict with her work and has scolded her like there is no tomorrow, total contrast to the usual lovely mama Park.

"Yah, Park Chaeyoung, this is such a simple task, how could you not know how to print a piece of paper?"

"I did follow the manual for god sake, it just doesn't work out, and I wanted to ask other people for help but you freaking stopped me to, what am I supposed to do then?"

"Don't give me that attitude of yours, this is a workplace, not your home,"


"There is no eomma here, only your one and only CEO, Mrs Park,"

"Fine, Mrs Park,"
She rolls her eyes.

"Get back to your work now,"

Lisa: Being the carefree self that she is, she doesn't care about her parents opposed to her own dream. She manages to pull it through and changes her parents mind, they are now very supportive after Lisa shows some achievement in her own field—photographer.

"Mum, I win another award again,"

"I am so proud of you, honey,"

"I will collaborate with a celebrity next week, gosh, I am so excited,"

"Really? You must have done a really great job to be able to work with him or her,"

"My presentation of my last photoshoot has also gotten a grade A, Y/N says she will treat me something nice as a reward,"

About Y/N...
She is studying in an art university, it's the first top three art university in Asia. She passes the interview at the first try and the school is well-known for their strictness, Y/N is indeed a pro. Of course there is something that she doesn't know what to do as well, such as technology, cooking and express her emotions in a more direct way (Blackpink can't stop complain about it too, Y/N is just too unpredictable sometimes)

Anyway, back to the topic, as usual, Y/N is having her lesson when a teacher calls her out of her classroom and informs her that the school has recommended her name to the VLC, a well-known famous actor/actress entertainment, as they are looking for some talented people in the school to join their entertainment. Y/N attends the interview and not surprised, she is invited to join their company three days later.

"I just receive an invitation letter from VLC ( a famous actor entertainment, it's totally make up, there is no such entertainment ),"
Y/N announces happily while her girlfriends are all cuddling with her on the couch.

"What is that supposed to mean?"
Lisa asks in a mindless tone while munching on the potato chips in her mouth.

"It means, I am going to be an actress,"

"What the heck?"
Jennie is not very supportive. You see, if Y/N becomes an actress, it means that more people are going to know her and more people are going to interact with her. Knowing how attractive Y/N is, people are probably going to end up liking her in the end, and that's the last thing they want.

"Why aren't you happy with that?"
Y/N pouts.

"I am neutral with that,"
Jisoo comments while snatching away Lisa's snack.

"As long as you love what you do, I will always support you,"
Rosé remarks supportively.

"Tsk, only Chaeng unnie loves me,"
Y/N gives Rosé a peck on her cheek and giggles at her.

"I am offended,"
Lisa puts her hand in front of her chest and acts like she is offended.

"For real though, Y/N, you know how terrible the environment is in that circle, I don't want you to get involved with that,"
Jennie elaborates her point.

"But it's a precious opportunity to make my dream come true,"
Y/N whines like a baby not getting her favourite toy.

"Y/N, you don't have to work at all, you have all of us and your dad is literally the richest man in South Korea,"

"I am doing it for my passion, not the money. Of course it will be nice if I actually earn a decent pay at the same time but that's not the main point,"

"I understand, Y/N, but are you sure that you want to do this?"

"Jennie, it's fine. That's something that she has to go through, she chooses what she wants, we can't always be there to spoon feed her, we can't just plot a path for her, she has to own up for her own decision in the end,"
Rosé explains. It's true, Y/N has the right to do what she wants, but she needs to understand what kind of consequences her action will bring her aside from all the benefits. Blackpink can't just interpret into her decision to do something. They can give their advices and express what they like and what they don't about the decision but they can never force Y/N to change her mind. That's the kind of respect you need to have toward one another in a healthy relationship, they believe.

"I am very certain, unnie, even if something bad happens to me, I will carry the responsibility at all cost,"


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