Chapter 16:The game is on

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"Let me see,"
Jisoo sits beside Y/N as she returns back with the ointment in her hand.

Y/N whines as Jisoo's finger comes in contact to her butt. The stinging pain on her bum is torturing her so much that she would rather die than having to suffer from this kind of pain.

"That's for disobeying us,"
Jisoo says. Y/N only scoffs and turns away from Jisoo.

"You have an attitude, Y/N,"

"You're the one taking advantage of me,"
Obviously, Y/N is still not forgiving them yet.

"How about we take you out for dinner?"
Jisoo softens down.

"Do I look like I can walk now?"
Y/N rolls her eyes at Jisoo's suggestion.

"I mean when you recover,"

"I am not an easy girl, you think that you can please me just by treating me dinner? Even Adecy can do better than that,"

"What else do you want?"

"What can you offer me?"

"You have enough bags,"

"Then I don't want that,"

"You have enough make up products too,"

"I don't need that too,"

"What do you need then?"

"That's for me to know, and for four of you to find out,"

"But are you going to stay with us from now onward?"

"It's impossible for me to get down of the bed for these few days so what do you think?"

"Great. I will take your stuffs from your parents' and bring them back here,"

"Fuck, unnie, can you don't get too excited?"
Jisoo accidentally presses on Y/N's wound too hardly when she squeals excitedly because of Y/N's return.

"I am sorry, I just can't help it. I am done with it by the way. Do you want to wear your pants back?"

"How am I supposed to wear my pants like this?"


"Exactly, maybe a few hours later,"

"Here you go,"
Lisa brings in breakfast for Y/N. It consists of eggs and sausages, perfecto!

"Who makes this?"

She places the plate on the bed carefully, so that she won't spill the whole thing. If not Y/N will kill her for ruining her breakfast and Jennie will kill her for wasting her time and effort.

Jennie is a good cook, her food is considered safe in Y/N's view, unlike Lisa.

"Are you sure you don't want to wear any pants? Because I am not sure if I can control myself,"

"Lalisa, seriously? I am in pain right here and all you think about is to fuck me again?"

"Well, you have a sexy butt. And don't call me by my full name, it turns me on even more,"

"It's not sexy when it's filled with blood and wound. And it's just your name, how does it even turn you on?"

"It is sexy to me. I just feel turn on if you called out my full name like that, don't judge me, okay?"

"You sick-minded,"
Y/N rolls her eyes at Lisa and eats her breakfast.

"Y/N, you're moving back?"
Rosé barges in the room and asks after she was told by Jisoo that Y/N is coming back.

Y/N replies plainly.

"Oh my god, baby, welcome back!"
Lisa kisses on Y/N's cheek lightly and gives her a cheeky smile. Y/N can't help but to grin at their overly excited reaction.

"That doesn't mean that I forgive you all,"
Y/N adds.

"That doesn't matter, as long as you're in this house, everything is fine,"
Rosé says.

"No sex for two weeks,"
Y/N announces suddenly.

"Huh? Why?"
Jisoo pouts as she rushes her way to the room when she hears that Y/N refuses to have sex with them for two weeks.

"Two reasons. It's your punishment and I am severely injured,"
Y/N emphasises.

"That's too harsh,"
Jennie too goes to that room and shares her thought.

"I give zero fuck,"
Y/N gives them an angelic smile and drops her smile in just a second before burying her face in her pillow as her neck gets sore.

"Well, at least she moves back, it's something good, I guess,"
Lisa expresses optimistically.

"That doesn't mean I forgive the four of you,"
Y/N says in muffled as she is lazy to raise her head up from the pillow.

"No worries, we haven't forgiven you too,"
Jennie fires back savagely.

"Seriously? After what all of you had done to me yesterday night? I am the one who have all the right to get angry, not you,"
Y/N defends.

"You did have some fun,"


"It's just sex,"

"So it's just sex now? You didn't act like it's just sex when we were fucking your brain out of you yesterday,"
Rosé adds.

"I don't care. Suit yourself, do all you want, not like you can live without me anyway,"
The thing is, Blackpink feel like they should strangle Y/N since she is clearly advantage of them. But on the other hand, Y/N is not wrong and they hate it when she is right about this kind of thing. They basically pose no threats to Y/N because Y/N knows, she knows Blackpink will never ever leave her.

"She makes me to start thinking that maybe she deserves all the wounds on her bum,"
Lisa facepalms herself.

"Absolutely, she should experience how is it like to live without us when she has difficulty taking care of herself on daily basis. Maybe by then she will start to learn that she is the one who can't live without us,"
Jisoo says.

"You all are petty,"
Y/N attacks them once again.

"Well done, Y/N. You just earn yourself a chance to experience life without us,"
Rosé claps sarcastically.


"We should just watch the television now, should we? I have heard that the Olympic this year is quite interesting,"
Lisa remarks as all of them are getting downstairs to watch the television instead of paying attention to Y/N.

"All of you are even more petty than Adecy,"
Y/N yells at them.

"No offence, Adecy,"
She then mumbles to herself.

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