Chapter 10:The storm has arrived

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"Really? So we are gonna argue about how you should take care of your health?"

"Well, I didn't start the argument first,"
Y/N shrugs her shoulder.


"I have shooting later so I have to shower now, if you could excuse me,"
Y/N opens the bathroom door for Rosé, signalling her to leave her alone.

"We're not done yet,"
Rosé tells her in a deep tone before she goes out of the bathroom.

"We are,"
Y/N shouts behind her and slams the door close.

"Woah, what's happening in the big morning?"
Jennie asks Rosé while rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"Y/N is acting like a brat again, surprising yet?"

"She is just stressed, leave her alone for now, she will apologise to you eventually when she realises that she has done something wrong,"
She then yawns softly.

"Where are her pills?"
Rosé asks.

"She needs to bring it to work. Just let her take it, we won't want her to fuck with other people because she can't control herself without the pills,"

"Bruh, fucking hell. I didn't work all day long to get this kind of shit at home,"

"Calm down, Rosie. Let me just make you coffee,"

At the shooting site
In the restroom
"You will have a kiss scene today,"
Adecy tells Y/N excitedly. It's exciting for Adecy but Y/N knows if Blackpink find out, she will be dead.

"Listen, we have to keep this low,"

Adecy asks confusingly.

"I can't let my girlfriends find out until the drama comes out, if not, they will murder me,"

"They didn't know?"


"Daring of you for not telling them,"

"Trust me, it's better to not tell them now. We have to get our things done, if they know about the kiss scene, they will intervene and then nothing can be done,"

The director knocks on the door. He looks traumatised, Y/N doesn't know what happen to him exactly but it's definitely nothing great.


"You don't have to shoot for the kiss scene today. Don't worry, I will find a substitute for your kiss scene,"

"But why? Isn't it better if I do it by myself,"

"Nothing, it's just that I think it will be better for other people to replace you for that particular scene,"
He doesn't explain anything.

However, Y/N is not dumb. She knows Blackpink must have done something to this. But the problem now is how do they even gain the power to intervene in this?

Back to home
Y/N goes back home, pulling a long face and she doesn't even bother to say hi to the four of them in the living room. She is mad because she figures out that Blackpink must have done something behind her back.

"Hey, baby,"
Jennie calls her sweetly but Y/N doesn't even spare a look at her.

"What's wrong? Is it because Chaeng scolded you this morning?"
She asks worryingly.

"What have you all done?"
Y/N confronts them angrily.

Jennie looks at the others helplessly while the others look back at her with the same equal amount of helplessness. They are doomed.

After they confess whatever they have done to Y/N, surprisingly, Y/N does not shout at them immediately. It makes them feel even more scared, Y/N is just too unpredictable sometimes.

"We are just trying to make things easier for you, we are doing it out of good intention,"
Rosé states gingerly.

Y/N is like a bomb right now, they have to be extremely careful with anything they say, if not, Y/N so going to explode and who knows what is she going to do when she explodes.

"Good intention?"
Y/N repeats after Rosé and scoffs.

"Well...maybe not,"
Jennie says.

"Definitely not to me,"
Y/N yells at them and takes in a deep breathe to prevent herself from fainting.

"Listen, here's what I am gonna do. Firstly, I will continue to shoot for the drama because my company will have to take out a large sum of money for the liquidated damages if I refuse to continue the shooting. Secondly, I will move out of here until I am finally ready to face the four of your stupid faces. Last but not least, I don't want to see four of you for at least one month. Am I understood?"

"But one month is too long,"
Jisoo says.

"Not my problem, you all should have thought of it before you did idiotic thing like corruption. Do you realise how stupid it is for you to do that? Imagine how would people feel if they find out that I only cast in the drama because my girlfriends fucking paid the director. I want to use my own acting skills to impress the director and let them cast me, not your fucking money to impress them. You are not respecting me at all,"

"Baby, I can't live without you for one month,"
Jennie begs pitifully but not this time, Y/N's anger is at the best of her, she is too blinded by her madness to see anything else.

"You can't live without water, food and oxygen, not Lee Y/N,"
Y/N replies her savagely and goes upstair to pack her stuffs, she is going back to her parents' house.

"You can stay here, we will try to make it up with you, Y/N, just give us a chance,"
Rosé tries to convince Y/N, only for Y/N to slam the door close right on her face.

"What should we do now?"
Lisa asks the rest of them.

"Nothing, like literally nothing,"
Jisoo answers helplessly and collapses on the couch exhausted after the confrontation.

Half an hour later
Y/N has done packing her stuffs, she has asked her parents to send a chauffeur to pick her up. Honestly, she won't know what to do without her parents, she is grateful that they are always on her side no matter what happens.

"Y/N, you know that we love you right?"
Lisa says, this is the one last chance to make Y/N stays.

"That's why I haven't broken up with all of you. I could have just done that, you know that right? But I didn't because I don't want to do thing that I will regret later on. So please, don't push on me too hard, if not I may have to say that word,"

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