Chapter 17:Left out

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"I want my lunch,"
Y/N yells from the room, hoping that someone is actually kind enough to send her some food.
No respond.

"Come on, don't be so petty,"
Y/N softens down her tone eventually. She knows it won't do her any good if she keeps her stubbornness.

"We want apologies,"
Jisoo crosses her arms and leans against the door frame with a victorious smirk on her face.

"You have done something wrong too, it just makes us equal after what I have done,"

"Fine, then we want sex after three days, what do you say?"
They do understand that Y/N can't have sex with her wounded bottom now, they are not that unreasonable too.

Y/N kicks her legs frustratedly on the bed.

"Fine, but fuck you all,"
Y/N adds while she groans lowly.


"Can I at least have my lunch now?"

"Sure. See, no pain no gain, Y/N,"
Y/N rolls her eyes at that statement and purses her lips unhappily on top of her pillow.

At night
"All of you should stop disturbing me when I am trying to memorise my lines,"
Luckily, Y/N has a five days break since the crew are still discussing on how to edit the plot. The director realises that the plot can be more interesting after Y/N has given him some advices. Y/N just simply thinks that the plot is getting a little boring when it's almost ending. She thinks that they could add in some spice in it and she brought it up to the director. Gladly, her director is not a stubborn one and takes in Y/N's advices.

"Are we disturbing you?"

"Yeah, obviously,"

"But we want to stay with you,"
Lisa says cutely.

"Just lower down your volume and maybe you should also stop talking about my breasts' size right in front of me. That's lowkey considered as sexual harassment,"

"Really? Aren't you the one who tells us to harass you as much as we can?"
Jennie defends.

"I didn't use that particular word, I used force and harsh,"

"You're implying that,"

"No, I mean...maybe I did but that's not the main point. My point is that you shouldn't discuss about my breasts,"

"Come on, we have seen everything of you. Don't act shy now when we have already dated for two years, it's time for us to act like old couple who always bicker each other and comfortable enough to talk about the-"
Rosé says but gets interrupted by Y/N.

"Okay, okay, on my gosh, at least don't say it out loud,"

"What's wrong with praising your perfect tiddies anyway? We love them,"
Lisa smiles cheekily.

"I am trying to do my job here, four of you are literally distracting me,"

"You know what can be more distracting?"
Jisoo suggests boldly. She removes Jennie's shirt and hers and throws them to Y/N's face, follows by Lisa and Rosé of course.

"No, you're not doing this to me,"
Y/N uses their clothes to cover her eyes so that she can't see them and get turned on. Her bottom is killing her for god sake. When she hears nothing, she removes the clothes from her face, only to see her girlfriends standing nakedly right in front of her, proudly.

"Don't you dare to move your eyes away,"
They warn her before Rosé takes out the toy from the closet.

Both Jennie and Rosé take out their favourite from the toy box—strapons, and secure them around their hips. Meanwhile, Lisa and Jisoo lie down beside her, waiting for the two dominants of the day to get ready.

"We are not doing this today, my butts still hurt,"
Y/N says tiredly.

"Who says we are doing it with you?"
Lisa chuckles while Y/N releases a big question mark on her face. Y/N looks at them confusedly and her gaze keeps on switching from her left (Jisoo) and right (Lisa) side.

"What is going on?"

"Just watch,"

Jisoo and Jennie then start making out beside her, she is more than confused at this state until she turns to her right side, guess what, Lisa and Rosé are doing the exact same thing as well.

Well, confession time. Back when they were still friends without Y/N's presence, they did this very often as well. In another words, they were already friends with benefit back then, they took care of each other's needs when they were not in any relationship.

Unexpectedly, Rosé inserts her fake length inside Lisa and not long after, Jennie does the same thing to Jisoo too. That's right, freaking live porn right in front of Y/N.

"Oh my gosh, what the hell?"
Y/N is enjoying it, but she won't admit it.

She can hear the four of them moaning so clearly around her. Y/N feels like bursting anytime soon, obviously, they are trying to tease her while her body does not allow her to have sex.

Is it fun?

Yes, for Blackpink.

"Faster, Jen,"
Jisoo urges below Jennie.

On the other side, Rosé and Lisa are making out while Rosé moves her hips in an inhuman speed. The slapping sound, saliva exchanging sound and moaning are painfully loud for Y/N.

She tries to ignore it. She meditates, switches her attention to her plot, she even starts to read bible in her mind but NOPE. None of that works. Worse, she is not allowed to go anywhere expect for staying at her current spot.

She does try to keep her eyes at her feet instead of the four beside her at first but it is not working too. She can't help but to steal a few glances at them, only to see Jennie sucking Jisoo's nipples hungrily and Rosé leaving hickeys on Lisa's smooth neck.

Her breathes also start to get heavier as Jisoo and Lisa are getting more and more near their orgasms. She wants to touch the girls' bodies so badly but knowing them, she is not allowed to touch them without permission as well. She is sobbing in her mind right now, this is just too hard to tolerate.

"Oh my god, fuck,"
Y/N cusses.

"Yeah, fuck,"
Lisa exclaims as Rosé has helped her reach her high.

"Shit, you are still so good,"
Lisa praises.

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