Chapter 23:When curiosity doesn't kill a cat

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Blackpink and Y/N are having an outing together. After the whole day of doing nothing actually meaningful, they then decide to have an early dinner. While they are consuming their delicious food, Y/N is getting distracted by something interesting outside the window while they are eating at a restaurant.

"Hey, baby, what are you looking at?"
Jennie asks when she notices that Y/N hasn't touched her food yet.

"Just something interesting,"

"What is interesting?"
Rosé too takes a look outside only to see a paparazzi taking a picture of them.

"What the hell? I am gonna kill this guy,"
Rosé rages but Y/N pulls her back down on her seat.

"It's okay, he is gonna think that we are just friends anyway,"
Y/N says.

"We literally just made out in the car,"
Lisa reminds her.

"Doesn't matter, I am not trying to hide that I am having a relationship anyway,"

"Won't it affect your popularity?"

"To some extent. I don't care though,"
Y/N then picks up her folk and spoon and starts eating calmly.

"What if people attack you online?"
Jisoo inquires concernedly.

"Let them be. The mouth is on them, not me, I can't shut them up anyway. Look, I get that you all are worried about me, but I am totally fine. I think it is great that if our relationship is exposed, at least four of you don't have to feel insecure now,"

"Are you sure? What if people do not want to invite you to shoot for their drama anymore?"

"Nah, diamond always shine,"

Two hours later
"You're not sticking that inside me,"
For the first time in forever, Y/N rejects their sex request. Reject as if seriously reject.

"Huh? But why? This is expensive though,"
Rosé asks.

"Nope, I feel disturbed so no,"
Y/N crosses her arms firmly and getting fed up with the new toy that her girlfriends have bought after she has worn back her pants and shirts.

Y/N and Jisoo are making out passionately when Jennie pulls out an odd sex toy out of nowhere. After understanding what it really is, Y/N can't help but to feel a little disgusted and turned off.


"It's just morally wrong, I can't accept this,"

"It's us fucking you anyway, why are you so bothered by what is this toy inspired by?"
Lisa says.

"Because it's very wrong,"

"You won't know how it feels until you try it,"
Blackpink are still trying to talk Y/N into this.

"No can do. This is way too much,"

"Come on, baby, do you want to leave us hanging? Can't you try to accept it?"
Jennie allures.

"Not at all. Get it away from me, thanks,"
Y/N frowns with a sting of disgust.

"Your heat is coming soon though,"
Jisoo reminds her.

"It's okay, I can eat my med,"

"Young lady, do you think that we are not prepared for this?"
Rosé smirks.

"Fine! Give me half an hour to get over this and I have a few questions here. First of all, whose idea is that?"

Lisa raises her hand proudly.

"No sex for you the next two weeks,"
Y/N announces while putting a bright smile on her face.

"And the three of you just happily agree with her?"

"No, I opposed at first,"
Jisoo says.

"But they convince me in the end,"

"Yeah, obviously,"
Y/N rolls her eyes at Jisoo.

"How does it even work?"

"Just like normal sex,"
Jennie tries to make it sound as easily as possible so that Y/N could get over it faster.

"Now, since this thing happens, I truly think that it is better for you all to let me look through all the sex toys you are buying in the future,"

"Of course, no problem. You are the one using it anyway,"
Rosé says.

"What were you even thinking when you thought of buying this?"
Y/N confronts Lisa.

"I was looking through Twitter and some fucked up thing appear on my screen. Trust me when I say that I only clicked on the video because I was curious. I watched it and I became interested but mostly curious of how it works out. So I bought a similar toy to conduct my little experiment,"

"And you think I am a suitable variable for your so-called experiment?"

"I mean..."

"You mean what? Can't you do it to yourself instead?"

"Well, to be fair, I think it's better for me to observe the process,"

"What kind of video have you watched though?"
Rosé inquires.

"Promise me you won't judge me,"

"Of course I am going to judge you, you bought a toy for it for fuck sake,"
Y/N reasons out.

"Okay, basically, it's a video of a dog fucking a woman, I think it's a German shepherd if I am not wrong,"

"Oh my god, shut the fuck up now,"
Y/N demands while resting her forehead in her palm.

"Honestly, I think it is quite-"

"Stop talking, and let me calm down,"

"Okay, I am sorry,"

"What should I do when my girlfriends love such thing?"

"I don't love it, I am just curious. You know how human is curious about stuffs?"

"So what now? You are going to develop feeling for dogs?"
Jennie asks.

"Oh, fuck no. I love them as my pets only. Please don't. Oh my god, now that I have the image in my mind, I feel disgusted too,"

"Exactly, unnie,"

"Well, I am still curious though. I swear, there is no fucking way that I want to do it with an actual dog. I have my boundary too,"

"Glad to know that you are only curious about it,"
Y/N says in relief.

"So are you trying it or not?"

"Yeah, I guess. As long as we don't actually relate it to the actual canine, I am fine. Sex remains as sex,"

"Of course,"

"I know she has no boundary,"
Lisa whispers to the three.

"I heard you, Lalisa!"

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