Chapter 5:Shh...

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Today is Y/N first shooting day, she is so excited that she didn't sleep for the whole night. Blackpink accompanies her to the shorting site too as it is a significant day for Y/N, they want to be there with Y/N.

"Have you mesmerised your script?"
Adecy asks Y/N. This drama is quite a last minute one actually, Y/N was only informed that she is taking the side role in this drama last week. Though she is only a side role but she is considered lucky enough, because not many people can gain a chance of saying a line in front of the camera when they are new to this industry.

"Of course I do,"
She remembers every single line. She tells herself that she has to do her best as this is an important chance for other directors or producers to see her potential.

"Great, don't mess this up, just relax,"

"You need to relax, Adecy, you look even more nervous than me,"
Y/N comforts her. She understands why Adecy is so nervous, she is her first manager, and Y/N is the first celebrity that she looks after too. She doesn't want to make a mistake and make people think that she is not trustworthy.

"No, I am fine. This is about you, Y/N, I am here for you if you need any help, alright?"


Soon, Blackpink arrives at the shooting site as they promised Y/N to. When Y/N sees them, she jumps in to pull them into a group hug immediately.

She squeals.

"Hey, baby, is everything okay?"
Jennie asks.

"Yeah, we are about to start by the way, I have to get ready. I will talk to you all later,"
Y/N waves at them before she walks her way in front of the camera.

"I told you the money is worth it,"
Rosé says complacently.

"If she finds out, we are all screwed,"
Lisa remarks.

"Then we better pray she doesn't,"
Jennie adds.

"We spent freaking hundred million for this, the producer better don't fuck this up,"
Jisoo says while observing the shooting side around her.

You may wonder where they get the money from? Well, sometimes you have to sacrifice your brand new Gucci and Prada for something that you think is more worth it which in this case-buying a role for Y/N. It's clearly not acceptable, it's a taboo in this industry but Blackpink doesn't care about rules. They won't dare to risk it all, hence, they only bought Y/N a side role. They know that Y/N is a smart girl, if she gets a lead role in a drama when she only just enters the industry, she will get paranoid. So a side role is good enough for her at this moment.

They just want to make Y/N happy. Not matter what they have to do, they believe that as long as Y/N is happy, everything is worth the money and sacrifices. While Y/N thought that she gets this role because of pure luck, Blackpink finds a shortcut for her. Obviously, they don't want Y/N to know, if not, Y/N will be even more mad than ever before.

"We are just helping her, she won't get mad,"
Jennie says with no worrisome at all.

"Nope, based on her personality, she will of course be mad at us and I think there is a possibility that she will do more than just silent treatment which we can already barely tolerate. I can't imagine the consequences. Are we making a wrong decision?"
Lisa questions herself and her dearest friends once again.

"Lisa, we have already done it. There is no turning back. Plus, look at Y/N, she is so happy, don't you think that it's such a lovely thing to see?"
Jisoo comments, trying to sweep away Lisa's concern and t works effectively as she mentions Y/N being all happy after she knows that she gets a role in a drama.

"That's true. I love to see her smile,"
Lisa says softly, as if the softest spot in her heart is melting.

"Then you should stop worrying about all kind of things, just make sure that we look unsuspicious in front of her,"
Jennie says.

They sit down on the long bench that allows the crews to rest on it when they are tired. But since they are working now, the long bench is empty so they gladly take the seat over there and they ensure that they can have the best view of Y/N.

"I love her confidence level in front of the camera. That's our girl,"
Rosé comments proudly from aside.

"She acts so different whenever she is put under the spotlight, unlike her usual self, she will not even startle when it's her time to shine,"
Jisoo adds.

"Look at Jung Ji who is speaking now,"
Her name is Han Jung Ji. The most famous actress in the Korea so far, she has debuted for five years and she is 24 years old. There is a rumour saying that she is a difficult person to deal with but rumpus is rumour, except when it's true.

"I can't feel a good vibe from her,"
Jennie remarks honestly.

"Director, I can't have this going on,"
Jung Ji crosses her arms and she acts like she is fed up with Y/N. Oh...girl, you don't want to do that.

"What's wrong?"
The director asks patiently. Duh, she is the most famous actress, he is supposed to be a little timid in front of her.

"I don't want to share a scene with her. Who is she even? Don't pull down my standard,"
She scolds and she doesn't bother to keep her volume low as well. Even Blackpink can hear what she say vividly, left alone Y/N, who is literally just standing right in front of her.

As expected, Y/N's facial expression stiffens in just a second. She tries to say something but nothing comes out in the end. She knows it's something that she has to deal with in this industry but she doesn't see it coming so soon.

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