Chapter18:Still left out

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"Not again,"
They have been doing it for almost half an hour now, Y/N is certain that each of them has at least two times of orgasms which is unfair to her since she has none.

"Third time,"
Lisa counts as she makes Jisoo cum. Yes, they actually exchange partner.

"This is not okay,"
Y/N is mentally weak right now. This is just too much for her to handle, she doesn't sign up for this.

"I am getting out of here,"

"Sit back down,"
Rosé demands her right away when Jennie is eating her out, which causes Y/N to stun at the same place and dares to move nowhere. She has been attempting to escape from the spot for the fourth time, someone just has to understand that this is painful.

It's true that watching hot girls getting sex is incredibly amazing and Y/N won't deny that but it can be very torturing if they are doing it around you, yet they don't include you. Y/N could only sit back down and continue to watch the live porn in front of her.

She knows she is wet. She just has to be. She can't stop rubbing her thighs together and she can't stop biting her lips as she is trying to hold back her horny ass.

Rosé instructs Jennie to extend her tongue deeper inside her pussy as she is gripping Jennie's hair in her hands.

Y/N gulps down her saliva and starts to reread the bible in her mind again, with the determination to stay holy.

"You're going to make me cum so much, Jisoo,"
Lisa moans as Jisoo inserts her long digit inside Lisa. She finds her g-spot within a few seconds, so you can call her the magic finger as well.

"What have I done to deserve this?"
Y/N is questioning her life decision at this point. This is painful, she gets to hear them and not touch them. She is dying inside, her soul is no longer in her body. Blackpink have the bodies to die for, everyone knows that, and them having a foursome is literally illegal. Y/N can't help but to gulp down her saliva every time a moan is heard in the room.

"I don't know, but it's fun,"
Jisoo picks up Lisa's juice and presses her finger on Y/N's lips, signalling her to take it in her mouth. Like a good girl that she is, she obediently cleans Jisoo's finger with her warm tongue, earning a satisfying smile from the latter.

"What a good slut for mommy,"

"Too bad, her bottom hurts and she can't join us,"
Rosé pouts in fake.

One week later
It's finally Y/N's birthday, she is officially eighteen now. She wakes up with a blank expression on her face, seemingly wears out from her schedule the previous day. She came back home quite late last night as she had a shooting to rush. She is not sure where are the four at, probably at work.

She sighs deeply, knowing that she is going to celebrate her birthday by herself since no one is at home. She is thinking about going to her parents' house, they will of course love to see her on this particular day. It's been a long time for her to see Jieun too, that aunt of her always visit her during her birthday but this year is slightly different as she has moved out from her house and started to live with the loves of her life.

"Happy birthday!"
The four dorks shout loudly, which leads to Y/N flinching in surprised. All of them chuckle at the same time, Y/N is simply happy that they are willing to spend the entire day with her without going to work.

"I thought you're all working today,"

"Nah, your birthday is more important,"
Jisoo says.

They peck on Y/N's cheeks sweetly for her to start her special day with a bright mood and it works because Y/N loves kisses, especially from her dear girlfriends.

They have planned some birthday surprises for Y/N since two months ago. They have spent quite a lot of effort into it, just to earn a genuine happy smile from Y/N. Y/N is grateful, her girlfriends are always more romantic than her, though she won't admit it.

"Our baby is eighteen now,"
Jennie cups Y/N's cheeks and smiles at Y/N widely.

"Can you believe that? She is an actual adult now,"
Lisa says.

"Yeah, she can actually make decision now,"
Rosé adds.

"Hold up,"
Y/N gets rid of Jennie's hands from her face and flips through her bag.

"Here you go,"
She takes out four delicate boxes and opens them up for the four of them.

"They are promise rings, they are all customised,"
Y/N says proudly as she wears the rings for them one by one.

She doesn't have to measure their fingers since she knows their fingers well. Very well.

"It looks so pretty,"
Rosé exclaims.

"It's made from one of my father's invested jewellery brand, I forget what is it called, but their rings are nice,"

"Do you get these for free?"
Jisoo asks curiously.

"Of course not, I have started to earn money from my drama shooting, you know, I don't have to use my power for free stuffs,"

"You have earned quite a lot then, mind to be our sugar mommy?"
Jennie wiggles her eyebrows playfully.

"Does that mean that I will have more say on the bed?"

Lisa answers without thinking twice.

"Then no, thanks,"

"Anyway, we have invited your parents for your birthday party tonight, they say that they will brings along your aunt too. We have also invited your friends, though we are not sure if all of them are coming tonight,"

"Great, thank you, unnies, you have no idea how thankful I am right now,"

"Everything for you, princess,"
Right, today is princess theme.

"So I am a princess now?"
She has never gotten the role of princess before so she is actually quite excited.

"Yes, we are your...princesses too, just a more dominant one,"
Rosé says.


"Come on, get ready, the long day is about to start,"

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