Chapter 13:Oh...I am so scared, hehe

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No One POV
"I need you to cooperate with me, I will pay you afterward,"
Y/N tells the girl who she just meets at the bar counter.

"What? I am not a whore looking for money, you bitch,"

"Calm down, I just need you for something, okay? And I am not even going to have sex with you so don't worry,"

"...okay, so you're going to pay me but we are not having sex?"


"That sounds appealing to me, now tell me, what is it?"

"First of all, I would like to clarify something, I have girlfriends. I mean, we are not really on good term right now but I love them so I am not going to actually cheat on them, is that understood?"
Y/N just wants to make sure that the girl won't come after her. She nods her head lightly in agreement and gulps down her tequila.

"I want to take a picture of you putting your hand on my thigh and post it on Instagram, is that okay for you? No face will be revealed,"

"Yeah sure,"

"I will pay you 400,000 won, is that enough?"
That's definitely more than enough. The girl's jaw drops when she hears that Y/N is going to pay her 400,000 won.

"Yeah, it is enough,"
She replies excitedly.

"Alright, let's do it then,"

Back to Blackpink, they are halfway discussing about how they should try to approach Y/N when Y/N's story post notification pops up on their phone screen.

"She unblocks us,"
Jennie squeals happily.

"Maybe she feels bad for leaving us out of her life afterward,"
Lisa can't wait to see what is Y/N doing right now. All four of them haven't seen her for a few days and they are already felt like Y/N is gone for years.

Rosé pronounces with an audible anger in her tone.

"What's wrong?"
Jisoo too unlocks her phone and checks as the other three are not looking really great after they saw Y/N's story.

"Whose fucking hand is that?"
Jisoo yells madly.

"Time to beat some bitches up,"

"She did it on purpose, girls. Can't you see? She posts it herself, she is trying to trigger us. That's why she unblocks us, just so that we can fucking see this,"
Jennie says in the equal amount of madness. They can't accept Y/N's behaviour at all, that's just totally wrong.

"And it's freaking working, can you believe her?"
Lisa brushes her hair back and shouts at her phone.

"We have to do something about this, we can't just let her do this,"

"Of course we can't, come on girls, hop in the car. We are about to fuck Y/N till she can't walk using the legs of hers that have been touched by other,"

In the car
"Lee Y/N, where the hell are you at?"
Rosé asks angrily once Y/N picks up the call. Y/N thought it is fun to tease the girls right now. Unbeknownst to her, her little victory celebration won't last long.

"I am not telling you,"
Y/N answers with complacency.

"We have our ways, Y/N, if you don't tell us now, we will make sure you stay in your bed for the whole damn day tomorrow, do you want that?"
Rosé threatens her.

"Oh...I am so scared,"
Y/N teases them boldly.

"You all can't find me, too bad, isn't it?"
She adds on.

"You are so fucking done. Let me just remind you that we have already given you a chance,"

"Bring it on...bitches,"
Although she insults them reluctantly but that doesn't affect how angry they are going to be. She quickly hangs up the call before the opposite side of the phone yells at her endlessly. However, Rosé hears it, in fact, everyone in the car hears what Y/N says vividly. In conclusion, she is doomed.

"Did you all hear that?"
Rosé asks them, just in case she mishears it.

"Loud and clear,"
The other three answer in unison.

"Jen, do you still have her GPS?"
Jisoo asks while driving.

"Yeah, I will send her location to you,"

Y/N's side
She laughs hysterically as she thinks about Blackpink getting all mad for what she has done but couldn't do anything to her. She thought she wins in this battle.

"Do you think they will find you?"

"Who knows?"
Y/N is actually not sure. She is aware that Jennie has her GPS but she is doubting that she still has it since she changed her phone not long ago.

"Aren't you scared that they are going to hunt you down?"
The girl chortles.

"Nah, they could only settle me on bed,"

"That's TMI, girl,"

"You seem nice, what's your name?"

"Park Sun Joo, how about you?"

"Lee Y/N,"

"That sounds a little familiar,"

"I don't know...maybe you heard it somewhere,"
Y/N smiles shyly. Her family is too powerful in this country, not exaggerating at all, their names always appear on the headline, so it's not surprised that people heard of Y/N's name once or twice.

"Yeah. Maybe. Let me treat you one drink,"

"Won't say no to that,"

"Can I have your phone number? I mean, even if we cannot be sex buddies, we can still be drinking buddies right?"
She then passes her phone to Y/N.

Y/N types in her phone number and passes it back to her.

"Wow, look at those girls over there,"
Sun Joo blows whistle to them, attracting their attention. Y/N then turns around, intriguing to the pretty girls that Sun Joo is calling.

She makes eyes contact with them...

They look at her back...

Y/N stands up from her seat instantly...

They rushes toward her direction...

Sun Joo squints her eyes at Y/N...

Y/N runs out of the exit...

Too late...

They are coming after her...

They grab her...

"Hey, unnies,"
She smiles at them sheepishly.

"Isn't this the same person who just calls us bitches a while ago?"
Lisa states with a disdainful tone.

"Actually...I have curfew, you know like, I am supposed to go back by 11p.m,"
Y/N stutters.

"Glad that you know. Let's go home now then, should we?"
Jisoo smirks at her.

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