Chapter 30:Will you marry us?

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"Look at her,"
Rosé tells Lisa as they are watching Y/N on the Jimmy Fallon show on her phone.

"Aw~she is so sweet,"
Lisa comments adoringly.

"What is happening?"
Jennie asks after she just woke up from her short nap.

"Y/N is on the Jimmy Fallon show,"

"Does that mean that she is in USA now?"
Jisoo inquires when she has finally done drying her hair.

" means that she is literally in the same country as us right now!"
Lisa says out loudly.

Jennie says.

"What should we do? This is not going according to our plan,"

"It's fine. We can just call Adecy and tell her to make Y/N stay here for as long as she can then. Since she is just here, might as well just wait till we have done all the decorations and bring her to where we are right now,"

"Sure. I am gonna call her now,"
Rosé volunteers.

Three weeks ago
"It's time,"
It was ordinary day when Jennie said it out of nowhere.

Y/N was not home that day because she had gone back to her parents' house to visit them.

"Time for what?"
Lisa asks curiously.

"It's time to make Y/N ours,"
She smirks.

"Jennie, this is not Yandere fanfics, please phrase it in a better way,"
Rosé interrupted Jennie because authornim told her to.

"Alright. What I mean is that it's time for us to propose to Y/N,"

"I agree,"
Jisoo voices out.

"We need a plan before that. Any idea?"
Jennie questions.

"We should probably propose to her oversea,"
Rosé says.

"I suggest Hawaii,"
Lisa comments excitedly.

"I suggest USA,"
Jisoo says.

"I am considering France,"

"To achieve fairness, we will use scissor-paper-stone to decide,"

Obviously, Jisoo wins in the end.

"Alright. Now that we have chosen the location, should we discuss how we should propose to her next?"

"Yeah, I am thinking of renting a helicopter and hiring the professional to do a show on the sky while Y/N is watching. The show should give her a hint about our proposal and when it's done, we will appear out of nowhere and propose to her at the same time,"
Rosé states.

"Okay, but how are we gonna appear out of nowhere at the same time?"
Jennie asks.

"Great question. We are gonna lie and tell her that we are going to different countries but then we are actually going to USA together and she won't know,"

"Right, we will probably need two weeks to do all that,"
Jisoo says.

"No problem, we will just tell her we are going on a two-weeks trip then,"

Back to present
Two weeks later
All done. They are ready. By that, it means that they are mentally ready too. They just have to wait for Y/N's arrival now.

Meanwhile, Y/N is sitting on the plane anxiously because Adecy has been refusing to tell her where they are heading to.

"Sis, you can't just bring me to the plane blindfolded without telling me where we are going to. I am scared,"

"No worries. I promise you that it will only be fun,"

"My girlfriends are going back to Korea, they will get worried if they don't see me there,"

"It's fine, Y/N, relax,"

"How can I possibly relax when you don't tell me where we are going and knowing that my girlfriends will get worried about me?"

"Everything is cool. Now, just get your beauty sleep. I will wake you up when we are there,"

"What the heck is this even?"

Two hours later
"Why are we here in LA?"
Y/N asks confusingly.

"You will know when we reach our destination,"

"Are you introducing me your boyfriend? It better be or I will seem this as illegal human trafficking right now,"

"Trust me, it's way better than that,"

Another half an hour later
"Are you kidding me? We are literally at the beach. Sis, I didn't bring my swimsuit,"

"Don't worry, Y/N. Just sit down here and look up at the sky,"
Adecy instructs as she makes Y/N sits on a random bench.

Within three seconds, the helicopter starts to show up and it attracts everyone's attention at the beach, including Y/N's, of course.

Y/N, our love!
Y/N immediately recognises who do that.

You're the most precious human being ever!
Y/N covers her mouth in shock as it slowly hits her realisation that everyone can see it.

You are a brat too!
She chuckles when she sees that.

But we still love you!
Her tears are forming in her eyes instantly.

We have been through thick and thin together!
Y/N just has to cry. It makes her feel emotional, all the memories just start to flash in her mind.

We can't live without you now!

So we will stick with you forever!

Look back now!

Y/N does what she is told and she looks back.

"Will you marry us?"
Four of them kneels down on the sand with rings on their hands. Y/N can't help but to cry louder because of them.

"Say yes, Y/N!"
Adecy urges while she is recording the romantic scene on her phone.

"Yes, I do,"
Y/N answers softly. Her girlfriends stand up from the sand and hug Y/N exhilaratingly.

"She is marrying us!"
Lisa exclaims happily. All of them have been looking forward to this day so much. They can't even use words to explain how happy they are feeling right now.

"Put the rings,"
Adecy reminds them. There are four rings so they put two rings on each of Y/N's ring fingers.

"Thank you, unnies,"
Y/N is still crying. She can't control her tears. She is so touched and happy. Y/N is so grateful that she has four of them as her girlfriends because they always treat her like a literal princess and they love her so much that Y/N doesn't think anyone else except for her parents can love her like they do.

"I love you,"
Y/N says.

"We love you too,"

A/N:Woahhh! End of book two!

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