Chapter 19:Y/N's birthday pt.1

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"Get ready in five, we need to go somewhere,"
Lisa says.

Y/N asks cluelessly.

"You will know,"
Jisoo says and gives her a peck on her forehead affectionately.

"I hate unknown,"
Y/N complains.

"It will be fun, I promise,"
Jennie pats her girlfriend's head lightly and gives her a small gentle smile.

"No horror house?"
Y/N asks gingerly. She hates horror house. Blackpink once took her there, the four of them were supposed to protect Y/N but ended up hiding behind her instead because they were even more scared than Y/N.

"No, we are scared too,"
Rosé remarks.

"Good that you know,"
Y/N comments sarcastically.

"Come on, are you done?"
Jennie asks.

"One more thing, my lipstick,"

"No need to,"
Jennie cups Y/N's cheeks and attaches her lips to hers.

Lisa facepalms herself.

"See, you always look better in my colour,"
Jennie smirks while Y/N is blushing madly.


"What? You look great, we can go now,"

"Oh my god, this is so cringed,"
Rosé adds before all of them leave the house.

"Water park?"


"I never bring any extra clothes,"
Y/N hollers.

"We have already brought it for you, no worries,"
Jisoo shows her the backpack that Rosé is carrying, it's not very big, but there are probably many things inside.

"I don't have swimsuit and I am wearing white T-shirt,"

"We have prepared swimsuit for you too, let's just go to the changing room and change now,"
Lisa says excitedly.

"I won't mind if you want to continue wearing the white T-shirt though,"
Rosé suggests with a smug look on her face.

"Not a chance,"
Y/N says savagely.

After taking about twenty minutes in the changing room to get changed, they (just Blackpink actually) finally get ready and are so prepared to play every single facilities in the water park.

One hour later
"I am not playing this,"
Jisoo refuses the invitation to join in their adventure as she looks at the height of the platform.

"Oh, come on,"
Jennie urges.

"I say no, no means no,"
Jisoo says firmly.

"Fine, then look after our stuffs,"
They give in ultimately because Jisoo literally looks pale.

She agrees gladly, just as long as she doesn't need to go anywhere near that platform.

Twenty minutes later
"I told you,"
Jisoo remakes complacently. Y/N's knees go weak after the whole ride so Rosé has to carry her throughout the way.

"I am stupid to think that I can handle that shit,"
Y/N mumbles softly on Rosé's shoulder.

"At least you learn your lesson,"
Jisoo smirks.

"What should we do now? We still have two hours to kill?"
They need to go back home and prepare for the birthday party later. But it's still quite early, they can stay at the water park and play some of the facilities there, it seems like there won't be enough time for them to play everything there but they do have fun together so they are not complaining either.

"Keep on playing, is that even a question, Lisa?"
Rosé rolls her eyes at Lisa while they are walking their way to the next station.

They are currently on their way back home. They will arrive there in half an hour, so there should be sufficient time for them to decorate the house.

It would have been quite a boring journey back home if not for Rosé adding some spice to it. Jennie and Lisa are not part of it though since Jennie is the driver and Lisa sits on the passenger seat.

"Sit on my lap,"
Rosé commands Y/N.

"No, you always have terrible idea,"
Y/N rejects right away.

"Come on,"

"It's my birthday, I can do whatever I want,"

"Well, who sets that rule?"

"Whoever have their birthday,"
Y/N answers with a thin smile.

"No, that's not how it works,"
Rosé disagrees.

"It is,"
Y/N talks back.

Rosé hints. Jisoo takes out the handcuff from the backpack right on cue, along with a new vibrator that Y/N hasn't seen before until now. Y/N suddenly realises the reason of why does the bag looks so big.

"We are gonna miss it,"
Lisa groans in frustration.

"Sucks to be you,"
Jisoo teases them.

"I don't like what you are thinking,"
Of course she likes it.

Since Y/N sits at the end of the left side, it makes an easy job for Rosé to handcuff Y/N's hands on the handle at the top of the car. The more Y/N struggles, the more painful her hands are going to be.

Rosé discards Y/N's pants and underwear exhilaratingly while Jisoo starts to set up the vibrator.

"She is not wet yet,"
Rosé says with a sense of disappointment. But it's understandable since Y/N is engaged in this activity out of nowhere, let's be realistic here, it's impossible for Y/N to get wet in what feels like a minute.

Rosé asks.

"Oops, didn't think we need that beforehand,"
Jisoo replies.

"Never mind, guess I need to do the work then,"
Right, oral sex. Y/N is honestly satisfied with how great the four of them have done her on bed, but Rosé can give her the best oral sex. The work that this woman can do with her tongue is incredible, there is not once Y/N can hold her moan back when Rosé's tongue comes in contact with her pussy.

Rosé straddles Y/N's thighs apart and takes a closer look at her private part. When she notices that Y/N takes in a sharp breathe, she immediately knows that Y/N is turned on already. She smirks and gives Y/N a kitten lick, earning a soft moan from the latter.

"Tell me when you are about to hit your orgasm,"
No, Y/N won't tell her, knowing that she is going to stop as soon as she says it.

They have been dating for two years and whenever the girls instruct her to tell her when she is about to cum, they always, and Y/N means every single fucking time, they will leave her begging for more since she is so closed to cum and can't exactly cum at the same time.

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