Chapter 25:Aftermath

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A/N: Lisaaaaaaaa!

Y/N is going out with both Jennie and Lisa, they are on their way to pay their bills and rent fee. When they have arrived at the outside of the bank to get some cash, someone holds the corner of Y/N's clothes gently to grab her attention.

"May I take a picture with you?"
A little girl who is around five years old asks Y/N. Her mother is holding her hand while giving Y/N a small polite smile.

Y/N squats down to meet the girl's height. She wraps her arm around her shoulder and her mother takes a picture of them joyfully, she is utterly surprised by Y/N's friendliness.

"Is she famous now?"
Lisa inquires Jennie softly.

"Yeah, look at her,"
She smiles proudly.

"Quit staring at me like a creep,"
Y/N says after she has taken the photo with the girl.

"We are just so proud of you,"
Lisa confesses honestly.

"For taking a picture with a girl?"
Y/N weirds out.

"No, but for what you have gained after the tons of effort you have put in,"

"Really? I thought you were not really supportive at first,"

"That's because I am scared that someone will take you away from us,"

"That's the last thing you need to worry about now. The paparazzi exposed us yesterday, it's all over the headline,"
Y/N states.

"I swear to god, why can't they mind their own businesses?"
Lisa spats as she feels uncomfortable with the fact that someone just invaded their privacy and using it as a way to make money.

"You really don't care about it at all, do you?"
Jennie asks Y/N.

"No, it's not like it is illegal to have a relationship. I personally think that at least it is good to let people know that I am unavailable so they won't bother me. Plus, the responses online are mostly positive, they are congratulating us,"

"Do they know that you have four girlfriends?"

"Yeah, ends up that he actually caught pictures of four of you making out with me in the car,"

"Wait, what? Was my face caught too?"
Jennie asks eagerly.

"Yeah, crystal clear,"


"What's wrong?"
Lisa asks worryingly.

"My colleagues are definitely going to ask me questions,"


"Remember my parents tell me to keep it a low profile and I can't expose my identity?"

" should be fine. It's just your relationship, nothing is actually related to your parents here,"

"Who knows? What if someone found my pictures online and they would know that I am their boss's daughter,"

"Let's just see how it goes tomorrow, don't overthink too much right now,"
Y/N comforts her.

"I don't want my parents confiscating my credit card, this is literally my only way to survive now,"

"No worries, I can take care of you,"
Y/N says confidently.

"Am I actually gonna be a sugar baby?"

"Do you want to?"

"No, I am more of a mommy,"

"Well, then..."

"Then what?"

"You are on your own,"
Y/N says jokingly.

"That helps a lot, Y/N, thank you,"
Jennie replies sarcastically.

The next day
In Jennie's workplace
"Look at this girl,"
The moment Jennie steps into her workplace, she could already hear some of her colleagues teasing her.

"She knows how to use her tongue,"

"Shut up, Jackson,"
Jennie urges him out of embarrassment.

"It's okay. I once sent my nude online accidentally too,"
Jackson tries to comfort her but he only earns a disgusted face from Jennie instead.

"What the heck is that for?"

"To make you feel better,"
He replies shamelessly.

"Thank you. It doesn't work by the way,"

"Tell us, how does it feel to date someone famous? Isn't she the actress who becomes popular recently because of her drama? My parents love to watch that drama and they can't keep their mouths shut ever since the first episode was released,"
Jin Young drops his questions eagerly but Jennie doesn't even know how to answer him.

"Guys, here's the thing-"

"Aren't you in a poly relationship? There are a few more photos of her making out with other people or is she cheating on you?"
Mark too asks curiously.

"You guys need to calm down and let me talk. First of all, she is indeed my girlfriend and we are in a poly relationship with three other people. Secondly, there is nothing special dating a celebrity, I feel normal and there is nothing to brag about. Last but not least, can we not talk about her during our working hour, let's just concentrate on our job, yeah?"

"Fine. But you must tell us everything at the gathering tonight,"

"How about no?"

"Too bad, there is no option for you to choose,"

While Jennie is facing all these kind of issues at her workplace, Jisoo is not having an easy day either. Her colleagues in the hospital are questioning her endlessly once she reaches the building.

"Are you seriously dating a celebrity right now? Oh my gosh, can you get her autograph for me?"
Yuna, the new intern who recently becomes friend with Jisoo, asks excitedly.


"Huh? But why?"
She drags her tone.

"Because I don't want to bother her and it feels weird for me to ask for her autograph,"

"Even Yeji is dying to know about your relationship together. How does it feel like to date four girls together?"

"Okay. Basically, we are 'sharing' Y/N. Four of us are not dating, we are best friends. We are dating Y/N and not one another,"

"Okay...but still, is it fun?"

"It's fun most of the time, but you don't want to go through the time when five of us are having period at the same time. It's a mess, all of us will have grumpy mood,"

"If you are willing to share Y/N with each other, does it mean that you don't love her enough?"
Chaeryoung questions.

"What? Of course not, all of us love her to death. That's why we want to share her, we don't want to fight about who is getting her in the end and shits like that, you know,"

"Who does she love the most though?"
Yeji inquires.

"She loves all of us equally. She can't live without any of us,"

"How are you so confident?"
Ryujin chuckles.

"That's not even a question,"

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