Chapter 14:I don't mean it

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In the car
"You know, I actually didn't try to hook up with the girl over there. It's just an act,"
Y/N tries to explain but no one responds to what she says. The demeaning silence in the car is slowly killing Y/N inside.

"I am just trying to make you jealous, that's all,"
Y/N swings her hands in the air as she is getting frustrated. Yet, no one replies to her dramatic gesture.

"I would like to drop by at my parents' house, thanks,"

" you think after everything that you have done to us, you can just walk away so easily?"
Jennie asks her with a smug look on her face.

"Absolutely not,"
Y/N chortles to cover up her anxiousness.

"It's just that you know, like I told you, I have a curfew,"

"Bullshit, Y/N, your parents have never set you any curfew. You are aware that we know your parents too right?"
Rosé says calmly beside her.

"Yeah, of course, my parents say that they want you all to come over so badly, I think it's a really great opportunity to do that now, don't you think?"

"No, we have a more important issue needs to be fixed now,"
Jisoo rejects her ruthlessly.

"Hello, Adecy? Yup, I am free right now. What? Oh, there is a scene needs to be shoot immediately? I will definitely come over right-"

"Stop it, Y/N. You are not even a good liar,"

"...just tell me what you all want already, for god sake, I am the one who is supposed to be mad,"
Y/N has enough of the weird vibe in the limited space and so she explodes right in front of them.

"After everything that you have just done, I think we deserve the right to be mad at you as well, Lee Y/N,"
Lisa says with a stern tone.

"Well, mine is not even that bad. It's just a minor skinship which does no harm. What you have done is terrible, you have crossed the boundary, we promised each other that we won't lie, remember?"

"You think so? You think what you have done is a minor problem while what we did is crossing the boundary? They are both equally bad, Y/N, we also promised each other that we won't cheat on each other, remember?"
As expected, Jennie from the debate team won't disappoint the other three with her excellent debating skill.

"This is not fair, I didn't cheat on you, it's just a picture to make you jealous, it is intentional that way. Plus, it's just her hand on my thigh, it's nothing as serious as corruption,"

"Your point is what? You should have fucked her instead? Since it's unfair?"

"No, my point is if me and you all have done something that you have claimed that is equally bad, then why am I the one getting the punishment? How about you all?"

"We had already have our punishment which is you ignoring us for the past few days,"

"I did say it's an one month thing,"

"Not anymore, since you didn't respect us during this one month,"

"You can't just force me to come back to you all,"

"Yes, we can,"

"Fine. I can go back, but under one condition,"

Jennie asks.

"We won't have sex until two months later,"

"What is that for?"

"For my last piece of dignity,"

At their shared house
Y/N sleeps with them separately, she uses the room downstairs and walks away from Blackpink egoistically.

"Oh my god, have you seen the face she has made?"
Lisa asks the other three madly.

"Yeah, she can really be a bitch sometimes,"
Rosé remarks.

"We will fucking ruin her two months later, just wait patiently,"
Jennie crosses her arms and leans on the door frame while watching Y/N moving her stuffs out of the room.

"Unlike us, she has a condition, she is gonna need us sooner or later,"
Jisoo says confidently.

"She has her stupid medicine, she won't need us,"
Rosé says frustratingly.

"Who says we can't take it away from her?"
Jisoo raises her eyebrows and smirks.

"You have a point there,"
Jennie high-five her.

"Not now though, let's just wait for a good timing,"

One month later
"How are you and your pretty girlfriends doing?"

"As usual, we are giving each other cold shoulder,"

"Don't you think it's a bit over? It's been one month,"

"Nope, they deserve it. They never even apologise to me and they don't bother to talk to me, so why should I care? I shouldn't be the one who begs for their attention,"
However, that's not true at all. Everything she has done is literally yelling Blackpink for their attention.

She would accidentally forget her clothes and walk around the whole house with only her towel. She would accidentally drop her plot on the floor in front of them, only to pick it up in a seductive way. She would accidentally leak her water out of her mouth all the way to her neck while drinking. Surprisingly, all of these don't work. She expected them to hop on her and force her into a heated sex. But no, they will simply ignore her and walk away.

At one point, Y/N actually thought they are cheating on her since they have obviously lost their interest in her. But she brushes that thought off in no time, because no one will lose interest in her, she is well aware that she is too hot for people to handle. (Blackpink gives her that confidence)

"Maybe it's because you had tried to trick them into thinking that you were cheating on them? That's why they don't feel sorry toward you as much as before,"
Adecy explains.

"Bruh, whatever. I don't give a fuck to what they think of me anyway,"

"You don't sound like you are,"
Adecy chuckles, earning a stern look from Y/N.

"Just saying the truth. And you are good to go, the shooting is about to start,"

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