Chapter 4:Time of the month

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10 minutes later
Still in Hani's office
"Oh, I see what you mean now,"

"Thank you so much, because you have no idea how much I hate to explain it over and over again,"

"No worries, oh, your manager is here,"

That deep voice sounds so familiar to Y/N.

She squeals excitedly.

She too welcomes her excitedly.

"I don't know that you will be here,"

"I just get this job last year,"

"Do you guys know each other?"
Hani asks.

"Yeah, she is my friend since kindergarten,"
Adecy replies.

"That's good then, you guys understand each other's need, I am sure you can get along well,"

Back to home
"You will not believe who is my manager!"
Y/N announces excitedly.

Jennie asks.

"It's Adecy, isn't that great? You guys won't have to worry about her,"
After knowing Adecy for almost two years, Blackpink does feel more relieved upon hearing that Adecy is Y/N's manager. It means that they won't have to deal with the unnecessary flirting and also every single thing that may happen between Y/N and her manager.

"Great, we won't have to worry then,"
Lisa says.

"Y/N, can you come and cuddle with me now?"
Rosé has been urging her to since the last half an hour, but Y/N has chosen to selectively unheard it.

"Don't make me say it one more time,"
Rosé warns, she doesn't mean to put up a grumpy mood but her mum scolded her again during her work and her mood goes down ever since then.

"What's wrong with her today?"
Y/N whispers to Jisoo, she knows that Rosé is not usually this easily triggered, unless something that really pisses her off happens.

"Her mum may or may not scold her again today,"

"I see..."

"Lee Y/N!"
Rosé shouts.

"Wait, I am coming,"
When Y/N reaches the couch, Rosé has already stood up madly and she points to the direction of the bedroom.

Honestly, Y/N won't mind if Rosé puts her anger out on her sexually, she only hates it when the girls pick up fights with her randomly although she is not even the one who does all the shitty things toward them.

"You know what to do,"
As soon as Rosé closes the door behind her, she speaks up fiercely, with her arms cross in madness.

Y/N discards her clothes with no hesitation at all as she doesn't want Rosé to shout at her for not following her demand. After dating for two whole years, Y/N knows just the right thing to calm them down, especially on bed, she is definitely an expert for that.

"What can I do to help you feel better, mommy?"
Y/N grabs Rosé's hand and leads her to the bed, laying Rosé below her. Y/N only develops this side of her recently, it's only for urgent use, for example, this. If not, she will still be the girl who gets shy easily on bed.

"Let me see what you can do to make me feel better,"
Rosé puts on a smug look, she knows Y/N well, Y/N is probably cringing inside, she only forces herself to do this to avoid Rosé spanking her constantly later, for the purpose of releasing her anger of course.

Y/N pulls down Rosé's pants along with her underwear. Without saying another word, she dives deep inside the arousal, trying her best to calm Rosé down. It works effectively as Rosé can't stop moaning out of satisfaction. She grips Y/N's hair tightly and presses her face deeper. It's not that hard for Y/N to find her sensitive spot, she has been doing this for the past two years, she is technically trained.

Although the girls like to 'use' Y/N a lot but they have their own needs, they will make Y/N go down on them very often too. Sometimes they will even make Y/N wears the strap on as a punishment. It's funny to see Y/N being sexually frustrated because she is not receiving any stimulation from the girls and yet she has to satisfy their needs. That's not the funniest part, the fact that Y/N will never admit that she is sexually frustrated makes their punishment even better. Y/N could only give them her silent treatment for a few hours and things will go back to normal again.

"Yes, babygirl, deeper,"
Rosé urges as Y/N is giving her a mind blowing oral sex. Not the best one but it definitely helps her feel better.

Jisoo opens the door and notices the busy duo. Not like she will avoid it anyway. She goes into the room and takes her charger as if nothing is happening right in the room.

"Join us, Jisoo, oh my fucking god, you're so good, Y/N,"
Rosé says breathlessly.

"No, I am having my period,"
Jisoo replies helplessly. She does want to join them, but sometimes thing just won't go as plan.

"Y/N, don't slow down!"
Rosé demands.

Jisoo politely closes the door for both of them and shakes her head in disapproval. She wonders can Y/N even breathe since there is no gap between Y/N's face and Rosé's pussy. But again, she remembers, Y/N is well-trained by them and the concern is thrown off her mind in no time.

Meanwhile, Lisa and Jennie are playing their two player video games in the living room. They are Jisoo's one by the way, both of them only borrowed it and played it for once but got addicted right away.

"What is happening up there?"
Lisa asks impatiently, the constant moaning is affecting her performance.

"What else? Rosé and Y/N are fucking in the room,"
Jisoo answers her.

"I want to join them,"
Jennie puts down her remote and runs upstair immediately.

"Hey, oh shit, I am losing, Jennie!"
Lisa yells.

"It's okay, I will replace her,"
Jisoo then sits down on the couch and puts on her professional gamer mode.

"Why don't you join them too?"
Lisa asks.

"Time of the month,"
Jisoo says with a heavy sigh following after.

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