Chapter 6:Don't fuck with her

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"Hey, bit-"
Lisa is about to pull Jung Ji's hair but Y/N stops her just in time.

She warns sternly.

"She is insulting you,"
Lisa spits frustratingly.

"She is still my senior, I am not allowed to talk back, so are you,"
Y/N explains to Lisa calmly.

"What the fuck is going on?"
Jung Ji yells at Y/N.

"Nothing, I am just telling her something,"
Y/N squeezes a smile toward her.

"Can you be professional when you're at work? Don't leave out of the camera shooting area,"
Meanwhile, she is drinking milk tea that she ordered her assistant to buy earlier on.

"Right, I am sorry,"
Y/N then rushes back to the shooting site.

"Of course you are. That's why I tell you not to use her,"
She bad mouths about Y/N to the director and rolls her eyes at Y/N.

Y/N feels extremely uncomfortable and uneasy. Blackpink feel so bad for her, Y/N doesn't deserve this. Her confident will be crashed since this is only her first time shooting for a drama, and yet she meets such troublesome person.

Hence, Blackpink decide to take action instead of just sit and watch. They are making a lot of hand gesture to the director. As complicated as it seems, it's basically saying that if he dares to remove Y/N from the drama, they will fucking kill him. Upon receiving the message from Blackpink, he bows at them apologetically, silently telling them that he will make sure everything goes on the right track soon.

"Listen, I will not remove Y/N. Either you leave or you suck it up and do your part right,"
He gathers his courage and warns Jung Ji.

"Woah. Are you threatening me right now?"
She confronts him in disbelief.

"Take it as whatever you want. I won't change my mind just because you want everything to be your way. I am the director here, I have all the say,"

"Great. I am leaving then. You better be prepared to have your director journey screwed,"
She stomps out of the shooting site madly but no one stops her from leaving nonetheless. People working there probably have enough with her terrible attitude too.

"I am so sorry for the mess,"
Y/N apologises to the director sincerely.

"No, it's not your fault. She is just being too unreasonable,"
He comforts her.

"If you need the payment to hire another person, feel free to ask from me,"
Y/N offers kindly.

"It's okay, I got it cover. In fact, are you interested in taking the main role in this drama? You kind of fit the personality of the character here,"

"Really? Can I?"
Y/N looks at Adecy uncertainly. Adecy nods at her lightly. It just requires a few words change in the agreement.

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I will work hard,"
Y/N says gratefully.

Back to home
"Y/N, you shouldn't have stopped me from slapping the hell out of that stupid bitch. You can't just take this shit without saying anything,"

"Calm down. I am all good, see,"
Y/N turns around to show Blackpink that she is completely fine.

"If that bitch ever messes up with you again, tell us,"
Jennie says.

"Chill. Who wants to swim with me?"
Y/N suggests bubbly.

"I want to join but I don't want to turn the pool into a bloody one,"
Jisoo comments.

"The rest of us will join then,"
Jennie rubs her hands together like a pervert.

"Now you make me regret my decision,"
Y/N remarks.

"You love it though, don't you?"
True, Y/N loves it when her girlfriends are craving for her body like a hungry wolf. It makes her feel weak and yet a turn on for her. That's when she tells herself that, fuck, I am so sick.

Fifteen minutes later
"I thought we are supposed to swim,"
Y/N says while Rosé, Lisa and Jennie are touching her naked body here and there like nobody's business. They think it's too much work to look for their swimsuit and all, and since they are the only one in the house, they thought fuck it, they can do whatever they want—swimming nakedly.

"We are,"
Rosé replies shamelessly.

"Shut up, your hands are literally on top of my breast,"
Y/N slaps away her hands and escapes from the three of them. Of course it doesn't work so well since the three of them are forming a circle around her, she has nowhere to go.

"Let me see which naughty girl is trying to run away from mommy,"
Lisa says while she lifts Y/N up. Y/N wraps her legs around Lisa's waist so that she won't slip down easily.

"Correction, mommies,"
Jisoo comments from aside. She is enjoying her time alone, at least she gets the time to concentrate on her revision. Thought she won't deny that she does feel a little sad that she can't join them.

"Now what?"
Rosé eyes at the other two doms.

"What? Screw her all night of course,"
Jennie says. Lisa then carries Y/N all the way to the living room whilst Y/N is shouting.

"Jisoo unnie! Help!"

"I will screw you too if I am not on my period,"
That's the only thing Jisoo says and it is not helpful at all.

"Where is the bondage?"
Lisa asks when she is controlling Y/N underneath her.

Rosé passes it to them.

"You need to stop moving. If not it will be extra painful for you later,"
Lisa warns. Y/N then stops struggling like the obedient girl that she is.

"Shit. She looks so hot,"
Jisoo remarks when she is walking pass by the crime scene. Y/N is looking all wet because she just gets out of the swimming pool which turns Jisoo on a lot. But she needs to control herself.

"Don't let her shout too loud,"
Jisoo tells Jennie before she leaves. If she hears Y/N's moan in the study room, she knows she won't be able to concentrate on her study anymore.

"Yes, ma'am. Guess we need tape too,"

"Just use the gag. Where is the toy by the way?"
Rosé asks Jisoo, since she was the one who kept all the toys after they used it last time.

"Underneath Y/N's bed,"

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