Chapter 9:Random moments in the house

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"What's wrong, unnie?"
Y/N opens the door gingerly and asks Jisoo timidly.

"Who do you think you're yelling at just now?"
She traps Y/N in between her hands and confronts her madly.

"I am just reading my lines,"
Y/N blushes as she thinks that angry Jisoo is super hot.

Jisoo keeps back her hands awkwardly.

"I thought you're talking to me,"
Jisoo says.

"Why would I yell at you for no reason?"

"I don't know, you act like that sometimes,"

"Excuse me,"
Y/N pretends that she is offended by Jisoo's words.

"So I thought you're having your mood swing again,"

"Tsk, whatever, let me continue do what I was doing just now,"
Y/N is about to close the door but Jisoo stops her right in time.

"You haven't eaten anything yet,"

"Nah, it's fine,"

"It's not fine, Y/N. I don't want you to complain about how your stomach hurts later because you didn't eat,"

"I am busy,"

"Bring your plots along with you then, I will feed you,"

"Haha, nice joke,"
Jisoo doesn't laugh with her. That's when Y/N realises that Jisoo is not joking with her.

"Wait, are you serious?"
Jisoo nods her head lightly.

"I mean, I actually don't mind but like..."
Y/N discontinues her sentence.

"Like what?"

"It's a little embarrassing for me, I guess,"

"You think it's embarrassing for me to feed you?"
Jisoo chortles.

"You know what, forget it, I will eat by myself,"

"That's my girl,"
Jisoo smiles satisfyingly, she knows Y/N's weakness, she can't argue with her.

Now that she is sharing a room with the girls, supposedly, she should be sleeping in the middle of them because it's the easiest way for everyone to get access to her. But Y/N opposed to this idea immediately right after Rosé suggested it, she is not interested in squeezing in between people at all.

In the end, she fights herself a spot to sleep at the side of the bed. The girls have to take turn to sleep beside Y/N since being the stubborn moron that she is, no matter how hard they had tried to convince her to sleep in the middle, she won't change her mind.

Y/N is sleeping soundly when someone invades her space. The person wraps her arms around Y/N's waist, causing Y/N to groan softly.

"Y/N, wake up,"
Lisa whispers into Y/N's ears. She probably just got back home from work, Y/N remembered that she said that she had to do the shooting for some magazine.

"Don't disturb me,"
Y/N pushes Lisa away from her gently and goes back to sleep.

"I have something to show you,"

"I want to sleep,"

"It's something that you want,"

"It better be,"
Y/N sits up from the bed and looks at Lisa sternly. She then pulls up the bag from her back and smiles at Y/N cheekily.

"Why do you buy me a bag out of nowhere?"

"Why? You don't like it?"
Lisa is actually very sensitive inside. She won't really speaks up how she feels about certain things but if as soon as Y/N has known her enough, she learned that Lisa is the type of person that hides her emotions to herself, which is similar to how she is.

"No, of course I like it. I am just confused. Just what occasion is it for?"

"Nothing. I just feel like spoiling you once in a while,"
She hands the bag to Y/N and kisses her forehead.

"Thank you. I love you,"
Y/N takes the bag and joy is all over her face.

Ever since they started living in this mansion, they have to be so meticulous about their spending, they didn't have the chance to buy whatever they want. Lisa still decides to buy her the bag, there is no particular reason for her action, she just loves her so much and she wants to give Y/N everything if possible.

"You're welcome,"

"You earn a chance to cuddle with me tonight,"
Y/N puts the handbag into her closet carefully and jumps on the bed to join Lisa for cuddles.

"Don't buy luxury stuff for me next time,"
Y/N says softly while she is resting on Lisa's chest.

"You have to save money for your study,"

"It's just a bag, it doesn't hurt my purse that much,"

"I just don't want you to waste money on me, invest in yourself instead,"

"For you, it's not a waste. I will do it again and again, until you get completely spoiled because of me. Then when we fight next time, you won't be able to leave me because you are so used to being dependent on me,"
Lisa jokes.

"Keep on...dreaming,"
Y/N then dozes off. She hasn't gotten any sleep for the whole day, her schedule is killing her.

"Sweet dream, baby,"

The next morning
In the bathroom
"Who leaves the freaking tap running?"
Y/N yells. The bill is not cheap, they cannot have this happening in the house.

"Oh, shoot, I forgot to close it, I am sorry,"
Rosé apologises, earning a low frustrating groan from Y/N.

"Why so grumpy, darling?"
Rosé asks Y/N concernedly. Y/N doesn't look great, her face is so pale.

"I am just not getting enough sleep,"
Y/N rubs her temple to try soothing her headache away.

"You have to stop staying up so late to study the plot, Y/N. The plot is just there, the director will tell you what to do,"
Though it's out of good intention, but Y/N decides to debate about whether she should put in more effort for her drama.

"Look, I have to be emotionally involved in order to play the role well. So I have to take up time to understand the way she is thinking and her feeling when she is making decisions. I am never going to cry and laugh in front of the camera just because the director tells me to do it,"

"Fine. But can you take care of your health? It should always be your first priority, and not your career,"

"Welp, my career doesn't allow me to stay healthy physically and mentally unless I have the strong will to live long which I don't think I really give a damn right now at this point,"

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