Chapter 02

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3 May 1999, 12 Grimmauld Place

"Right, Harry explain to me one more time," Katherine asked, glancing over at the three young children laid on the sofa fast asleep.

"They had a time-turner, we know that time-turners confiscated how they have one we don't know," Harry said Katherine nodded

"What I do know is that a child can't activate a time-turner, so I think future you sent them back here,"

"Future me?" Katherine questioned, "What makes you say that?"

"To quote the children, Mummy was hurt, Daddy can't get up," Harry told her, Katherine sighed

"Meaning he's probably dead," Katherine said, looking over at the children

"That's what I'm thinking," Harry said

"Do you have any idea who their father is?" Katherine asked, curious herself to know

"No, are you seeing anyone right now?" Harry asked, Katherine shook her head.

"Did you ask for their full name?" Katherine asked "Maybe they have their father's surname," she questioned

"I'm so stupid, why didn't I think of that," Harry said,

He walked over to the children, Katherine didn't think it was wise to wake them, they had clearly been through a rough time. Harry light shook the oldest boy awake, he stirred burying his head into the pillow, he turned over, putting the pillow over his head.

"Uncle Harry, I'm tired," he mumbled,

"Just one question," Harry held up his finger "What are your full names?"

"Alexander Nott, my sister is Lisa Nott and Rebekah Nott," he said,

Harry patted his back letting him go back to sleep, Harry looked over at Katherine she stood wide-eyed transfixed on the children. She shook her head walking out of the room, Katherine paced up and down the hallway talking to herself. Ginny and Harry watched her, worried that she was going to have a panic attack.

"Are you alright?" Ginny asked

"Nott, you got to be kidding me, I wouldn't show him the slightest attention, even if it was by law," Katherine said, Harry nodded understanding that Theo can be a difficult person to reason with.

"Kat, maybe you should sit down-

"No, I refuse to believe that I have not one but three children with him," Katherine said pointing to the living room where the children laid asleep.

"What if we proved their parentage?" Harry asked,

"What do you mean?"

"We'll do a DNA test, which means we'll need Theo there too," Katherine cringed but if there was a chance to prove that the children were related to them it was worth a shot.

"Mummy," Lisa asked from the doorway, causing Katherine to look at her, "Alex forget to tell you something,"

"What is it?" she asked

"You told us to tell you to look at our memories," Lisa told her, Katherine nodded, patting her back to go back into the living room.

5 May 1999, Nott Manor

Theo was still waiting on news regarding Pansy's recovery, it worried him that 3 days had passed since her attack and nothing. No updates on her health. No progress in the investigation following her attack. Theo thought that a shower might clear his head, as the hot water fell on his skin, it soothed the tension in his muscles, relieving stress. As he stepped out of his shower, a letter was on his table.

To Theo Nott,

This is private and confidential and the contents of this letter remain between us. There have been new developments and we need you to cooperate in order to verify a situation. I can't stress the secrecy regarding the new developments, I have strictly kept this private. Even other Ministry Officials don't know a thing regard this.

I urge you to appear at the Ministry for information, immediately.

Harry Potter

'What was he up to first he doesn't want me near the case, now he wants me to verify a situation?' He thought, Theo quickly got dressed reporting to the Ministry as Harry had asked.

In the Ministry of Magic,

Harry waited in his office, contemplating whether or not to let Ron in on what was going on. But for now, it was best to keep things as secretive as possible, he just hoped that Theo was in a good enough mood to hear him out. Theo walked down the hall, he entered Harry office, sitting in a chair opposite his desk.

"What did you find?" Theo asked


"You said there were new developments?" Theo questioned

"Oh yes," he said, "the thing is it's a little delicate,"

Harry proceeded to inform Theo of everything that happened from the earthquake to the children appearing with a time-turned. Although he left out the part of Katherine being their mother. Theo eyed him cautiously, Harry wasn't a good liar, Theo could tell he was telling the truth.

"Okay, so let me get this straight, you say these children are from the future, and you believe I'm there dad,"

"Yes, we have them here, they recognised their mother instantly we're hoping they do the same with you,"

"Who's their mother?" Theo asked, Harry avoided the question, it wasn't his place to say anything to him. Then again he didn't know if Katherine even wanted him to know.

"I'm going to bring the children in," Harry said leaving the room,

Theo ran his fingers through his hair, he shook his head 'This had to be the most fucked up thing he had heard,' he laughed to himself, reacting to the entire conversation between him and Potter. Harry came back with three small children.

"Daddy!" they ran to him hugging him tightly

"We thought you were hurt?" Lisa said, Theo didn't speak to them.

"Daddy, why didn't you pick me up?" Bekah asked, frown at Theo.

"Erm, I have a bad back," he said, he eyed the children closely, Harry to realised who Alex reminded him of, it was Theo, he looked just like him.

"Mummy, see daddy's okay," Alex said, hurrying out bringing in there mother. Theo's mouth fell open.

'No, I can't be true,' 

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