Chapter 25

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27th October 1999, Nott Manor

Theo still had no lead on the Lestrange brothers and their whereabouts, they were now a top priority to find. Katherine had made a list of possible wizards or witches that could have known about Cygnus wand. There weren't many wizards that came to mind, in fact, she wasn't even sure which ones were alive still or not.

Katherine had been working with Alex to see if he could remember more about the stuttering man. Though he was only seven and didn't want to push him too much. Alex tried his hardest to remember things, knowing it was important, as his mother had told him to remember as much as he could.

Katherine had invited one of her friends to come and help, a seer who might be able to help Alex remember what he heard or saw. Katherine didn't like exploiting her friend's gift, however, she could be a great help, in finding out what might happen.

"Katherine, I don't feel comfortable about this,"

"I know, it would greatly help, in finding out who, infected Rhea and Max," Katherine explained

"Alright, I'll help," she said, the blonde woman, kneeled down to the small boy.

"Hi there, my name's Phoebe Black-

"I know, auntie Pheebs," he laughed,

"Okay then, do you know what auntie Pheebs can do?" she asked, he nodded

"You see the future and help people," she smiled at the little boy,

"can you help me remember?" Phoebe nodded, guiding Alex to a sofa, she asked him to lay down, she knelt down on the floor next to him.

"I want you to close your eyes, and try and focus on the man's voice, can you do that for me?" she asked he nodded doing as she said.

Phoebe held one of her hands on Alex's forehead, while holding his wrist with her other hand, she closed her eyes, focusing. 'An old building appeared in her mind, flashing to a graveyard, seeing a silver hand taking the wand' Phoebe flinched, which worried Katherine as to what she was seeing.

"Mistress, will b-b- be needing this when she returns," the man stuttered' Phoebe shot her eyes open, Alex opened his eyes asking lots of questions. Katherine saw that her friend was struggling, luckily Theo came to take Alex away while Katherine calmed Phoebe.

"Pheebs what is it?" Katherine asked "Phoebe talk to me,"

"It's impossible,"

"What's impossible?"

"How is he still alive?" she asked herself, "my father would have made sure," she trailed off,

"You know who he is don't you?" Katherine said,

"Yes, his name, is Peter Pettigrew,"


31 October 1999, Nott Manor.

The children had been pestering their parents to take them out for Halloween, while Katherine loved the idea. Theo couldn't see the appeal in the muggle tradition of Trick or Treat. Katherine could see that future Katherine and Theo had surrounded their children with not only wizarding lifestyles but muggle lifestyle too.

"It'll just be an hour or two," Katherine told him, he sighed, smiling at Katherine,

"I suppose it won't be too bad," he said, Lisa and Bekah cheered

"Oh no, we don't have a costume?" Lisa pouted, Katherine took a few of her dress, waving her wand at them, shrinking them down. She transfigured them a small tiara, giving Bekah and Lisa a princess costume.

"What do you want to be Alex?" she asked

"Merlin!" he shouted, Katherine chuckled, shrinking one of Theo robes, she transfigured him a wand to go with his costume.

Theo smiled at them, they clearly went out for Halloween a lot, Katherine walked out with the children out into the street. Where many other families were trick or treating, Katherine walked the children to the front door, while Theo waited at the top of the path.

"What are you suppose to be?" a small child asked him,

"A wizard," he said

"You aren't a wizard,"

"Oh, really and what does a wizard look like," Theo asked the children, expecting some silly answer like warts and green skin.

"They wear robes and have wands or staffs if they're older," he was surprised about the accuracy of the muggle child.

"Anything else?" he asked

"They have long hair, and beards" Theo chuckled as he described his old headmaster Dumbledore "Some can turn into cats,"

"Ride on broomsticks, like in Hocus Pocus, but they're naughty witches," Theo was rather enjoying his conversation with the small muggle child, he was about to ask the child what 'Hocus Pocus' was when Bekah ran up to him

"Look daddy, I have sweeties," she said, showing him her bag of sweets. Katherine joined him walking to the next house. Alex, Lisa and Bekah ran ahead of them,

"Muggle's aren't a stupid as I first thought, that kid was right about a lot of things,"

"He's a child, their imagination runs wild, wait till he's older then he'll be like, 'Wizards what a load of nonsense' trust me," Katherine told him

"I take it you know someone like that?"

"Yeah, my grandfather, he was in denial about my Grandmother being a witch, he thought she joking with him,"

"What changed his mind?" Theo asked

"My mother, she said, he was like 'my little girl's special, oh we have to celebrate,' my grandmother wasn't happy with him, she'd been trying to convince him for years,"

"That's actually quite funny,"

Theo realised how late it was and suggested they return home, Alex, Lisa and Bekah, protested, Bekah even threw herself to the floor. Theo lifted her up, over his shoulder, she kicked and screamed, though it didn't last long as she calmed down quickly.

Katherine halted her steps as their home had been trashed, pictures were broken, the door almost off its hinges. Katherine hurried the children into Theo's study, locking the door behind them. Theo called for backup, someone had been in their home, clearly looking for something or someone.

"Katherine, you can come out," he said

"Did you find anything?" she asked, holding the children close against her.

"No, but I don't think we should stay here anymore," 

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