Chapter 09

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10 June 1999, Daphne Greengrass's House,

Katherine and Theo had a bit of trouble finding someone to watch Alex, Lisa and Bekah, but thankfully Ginny offered to watch them. though they would be around Hermione and Ron, which Harry and Ginny had to find a way to explain their existence.

Theo told Katherine about his friendship with Daphne, being that the only reason Theo was friends with her was that she and Pansy had been best friends since they were toddlers. They both arrived at Daphne's home, Theo knocked on her door, no one answered.

"She should be in," Theo said, opening the door,

Katherine and Theo both drew out their wands cautious walking through the home. A loud thud was heard from upstairs, Theo and Katherine raced upstairs. They found Daphne choking on the floor, Theo heard a noise from the other room.

"Help her!" Theo order, running after the intruder.

Katherine rushed to her side, she tilted Daphne's head back, holding her wand to Daphne's throat 'Anapneo' she cast Daphne gasped trying to catch her breath. Theo returned back to them, he hurried to Daphne's side, helping her up, Katherine checked Daphne over making sure she was alright.

"I think you're fine, but we should get you to a hospital to be sure," Katherine said,

Theo steadied Daphne, as the three of them apparated to St. Mungos, while Katherine explained to the mediwitches what happened. Theo sat with Daphne, Katherine was curious about Theo's relationship with Daphne and Pansy, wondering if there was more behind it. She shook her head at the thought.

'What did I care who he dated?'

"How is she?" Katherine asked Theo, he left the room walking out into the hall.

"She's shaken up but she'll be fine," Theo told her, "I want to get out of here," he said, leaving Katherine alone.

At 3 Greenfield Street,

Katherine returned home, though she didn't mention to Ginny and Harry that she was home, hoping to have a couple of hours without the children to relax. She heard a loud noise coming from her kitchen, Katherine gripped her wand tightly in her hand. She peeked around the corner, Theo was rummaging through her fridge.

"I didn't think you were coming back?" she said, Theo stood up straight, swaying a little.

"I don't even know why I'm here," he said, chuckling a little

"Are you drunk?" she asked,

"No," he said, laughing a little, he fell forward Katherine caught him,

"I'm fine, I'm so drunk," he said, his breath smelt of alcohol

"Okay, I think you need to lay down," Katherine said,

Katherin held him up she walked him to her bedroom, he fell on the bed pulling her down with him. Theo laughed as his hand rested on Katherine's side, he leaned up to kiss her. Katherine quickly moved off the bed, moving back to the door.

"No this isn't right, you're drunk," Katherine told him "you don't want me," she mumbled,

Katherine left him, in her bed, to which he quickly fell asleep, Harry and Ginny brought the children back. Katherine tried her best to keep them quiet, though it didn't matter Lisa screamed when Alex chased her and Theo didn't even stir. Once they were asleep, Katherine settled herself down on the sofa, not wanting to disturb Theo.

Theo woke up with a throbbing headache, he clutched his head as he tried to register where he was. He saw a photo on the bedside table of Katherine with both of her cousins. Then he realised he was in Katherine's bed, he crept out of bed, it was 3:30 in the morning. He found Katherine asleep on the sofa where he had been sleeping while he stayed here.

Theo sighed walking over to her, the floor creaked, he stopped walking when she turned over, her hand hitting the floor. Theo approached her, placing his hands under her, lifting her up, Katherine instinctively leaned on him. Theo carried her to her bed, then took her place on the sofa.

"Mummy, I've been sick," Lisa said, shaking Katherine awake, Katherine looked around her, she was in her bed.

"He brought me to bed," she said

"Who did?" Lisa asked

"No one," Katherine said

She walked out of her room, Theo was already up, with Alex and Bekah, he was cooking them breakfast though he used magic to do so. Katherine always cooked things the muggle way, as her grandmother had taught her. Alex creased his brows at Katherine, looking up at Theo.

"Did something bad happen?" Alex asked

"No, why would you say that?" Theo asked him

"You and mummy are different," he said

"Yes, you don't sleep in mum's bed," Lisa added

"Or kiss mummy while she cooks," Alex said,

"Or read us stories together," Bekah said,

Theo and Katherine looked at one another, feeling terrible that the children felt this way. Katherine didn't know what to say but thankfully Theo knew exactly what to tell them, he crouched to their eye level.

"Alright me and mummy will you stories at night, would that make you feel better?" he asked, they threw their arms around him in a group hug.

"Children, can I talk to daddy for a second," the children walked into the living room.

"I'm daddy now," he smirked at her

"To them you are," Katherine said,

"Actually I wanted to ask you something about them," Theo said, Katherine waited for his question

"What will happen to them, if we don't conceive them, I mean, I've grown attached to them," Theo said

"I have too, but we can't send them back,"

"Definitely not, we'd be sending them to their death," Theo said, Bekah began crying, Katherine turned to leave the kitchen

"Katherine," Theo said, she turned to him "I knew what I was doing last night," he said walking over to her stopping just inches away from her.

"Just tell me to stop," Theo said,

Theo snaked his hand around the back of her neck, he pressed his lips against hers, he clenched his eyes shut, expecting her to push him away. But to his surprise Katherine kissed him back, pulling on the collar of his shirt pulling him closer to her.

"Mummy!" Bekah yelled, Katherine pulled away from Theo, walking out of the kitchen to Bekah.

'He kissed me, and I liked it' 

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