A leap of faith

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Summary:  (Demon slayer Todo... don't judge me why I make so many of these please and Villain Deku) The league of villains kidnapped Shoto and they are using him as bait to kill All might then when they attacked U.A they allowed Shoto to have one phone call which made them very worried 

No one's POV

Shoto is chained up in the room the league put him in for 2 whole days now and they were confused on why he hasn't screamed or cried yet "Shigs, the kids hasn't eaten for 2 days now and yet he isn't starving and no matter how much we tortured him he doesn't scream, not to mention he has eye bags under his eyes already" Dabi complained. "I don't know why either, he has a high pain tolerance you know what lets just kill him in front of his class" Shigaraki said and everyone agreed but Dabi who looked shocked he is going to kill his baby brother 'Shoto please forgive me' Dabi thought. 

At the U.A roof top

Deku is holding a knife near Shoto's neck ready to decapitate him in front of his classmates "young Midoriya please put the knife off off of young Todoroki's neck" All might said which only made him put it closer but he was confused why Shoto isn't shaking in fear. "Well U.A we will give the Todoroki kid one phone call and you guys will hear it too" Toga said getting his phone and allowed him to pick the number and he stared at it while it rings. The person Shoto wanted to call answered the phone "Shoto? Is everything okay? You never call us during school hours" the person said and it was a soft male voice "Oyakata-sama I do not understand my current mission" Shoto said and the person named Oyakata-sama knew what it was. "I understand where are you?" Oyakata-sama asked "at the main base of the hero school on the roof top" Shoto replied and everyone was confused since it was the weirdest conversation ever "I see well then all I need you to do is have a leap of faith also you have my permission" Oyakata-sama said "thank you sir" Shoto said as Izuku realized they were speaking in code and Shoto had a secret sword hidden in his sleeve and he attack them all "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Everyone yelled as Shoto is showing no mercy towards the villains "HEY TODOROKI, STOP ATTACKING US" Deku yelled but Shoto didn't listen but he only stop swinging his sword but he continued cutting and beating up the villains until they are bloody. "I do not want you guys to interfere with my new mission so I must take my leave now" Shoto said as he took his phone back and dialed another number "Giyuu, send some of the kakushi to U.A high school, yes I know, yup, yeah I think I broke some of their arms but I have permission from the master to harm humans" Shoto said as he hung up and some people with black uniforms and their heads and faces are wrapped in the same color fabric and the back said 'kakushi' "master Todoroki we're here now are these the people we are supposed to bring to the butterfly mansion?" One of the people asked "yes, bring all these people to the butterfly mansion but first bandaged them up before they bleed to death" Shoto said as he whipped the blood off his hands. "I'll leave the rest to you Shinobu and Kanao" Shoto said as he jumped off the building and two others jumped up and guided the kakushi people "are you guys also injured?" Kanao asked as the class was injured before they brought Shoto and Deku to the scene "Kanao they look injured hey bring some people here and take them to the butterfly mansion" Shinobu said "OI DON'T TOUCH ME" Bakugou yelled "HEY! Lady Kocho and Lady Tsuyuri gave us our orders so we must fallow them not to mention Master Todoroki's orders he gave as well" the kakushi member said "ugh, fine" Bakugou said "well you fallow orders of our student huh?" All might said smiling "you act like Master Uzui" another kakushi member said. After the kakushi finished they blindfolded everyone and took them to the butterfly mansion where everyone was resting and sleeping. 

After everyone woke up

Shoto went to the villains room where they woke up and where uncomfortable with a hero in the room but he didn't attack them just gave them some tea and food "why are you here hero?" Shigaraki asked "I'm just doing my orders that's all, plus I broke some of your guy's jaws so drink the tea it has a special herb to help heal faster then normal" Shoto said as he was undoing and redoing everyone's bandages. "Hey, Shoto do you perhaps remember who Touya is?" Dabi asked "I don't know anyone named 'Touya' it doesn't ring a bell" Shoto said as he continued to wrap Dabi's arms carefully "how about your oldest brother?" Dabi asked "I can't remember my biological family if that is what your asking, I lost my memories when I was a child due to abuse from my village" Shoto admitted surprising everyone. "Wait you don't know who they are? The Todoroki family?!" Deku said "no, even if I did I want to know why they left a child to grow up learning how to survive, cook, medical things, and a lot more to live in the wild even hunting down beasts since I was a child, thinking about my real family gives me anger on why they abandoned me" Shoto said in a monotone voice and wrapped Dabi's arm very rough "ow! Your doing this bandage why to tight" Dabi said snapping Shoto out of his anger "oh, sorry that tends to happen when my emotions take over I lose control" Shoto said redoing the bandage softer. Dabi looked at Shoto sadly as he didn't know Shoto has forgotten about his own family "hey onii-chan, your being called in the other room" the girl Dabi remembered Shoto saying 'Kanao' before blacking out and Dabi's blood boiled when Kanao said 'onii-chan' to Shoto in fact he thinks Kanao is taking Shoto away from him "thanks for telling me Kanao can you take care of the others in this room?" Shoto said but when he went to the door he felt dizzy and held his head a bit in the hallway but he wanted to perform his duties so he pushed himself towards the room where his classmates are. 

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