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Summary: (Demon slayer Todo) Shoto gets hit by a quirk and he got spilt in two. Todo is his ice side, and Roki is his fire side, Todo is a kind and emotionless boy but shows more emotions then Roki and is like Muichiro who forgets things easily, Roki is a careless and emotionless boy like Sanemi. This is like the exchange student AU no one knows Shoto is an exchange student and is part of Kimetsu academy.

No one's POV

"Class Todoroki got hit by a quirk so um yeah Todoroki come in" Aizawa said and two boys came in one had all white hair and gray eyes, the other had a scar over his eye and turquoise eyes with all red hair "TODOROKI GOT SPILT?!" The class yelled "shut the fuck up" Roki said "why are we here again?" Todo asked "...THEIR SO DIFFERENT FROM THE TODOROKI WE KNOW" Denki yelled "who are they again?" Todo asked "who cares, I'm tired of this can we go do something better?" Roki asked "um sensei how are we going to bring back the old Todoroki? I'm getting more confused each minute" Izuku asked "I don't care and I don't know you kids will spend today taking care of them and I don't know how they do this thing you kids deal with it also Roki is the red head and Todo is the white hair" Aizawa said "he is a very bad teacher if he sleeps during class, the students don't even learn much since a student teaches them most the time" Todo said "yeah I agree" Roki said and Aizawa got so offended he went to the teachers lounge to sleep. When 1-A was getting their things Monoma and Kendo was in the hall "oh look it's class A with a student spilt in two! That's really pathetic you know not even class B can get themselves spilt" Monoma said and Roki was walking up to him and put his hand on Monoma's shoulder and slowly burned his shoulder "can I kill him?" Bakugou asked "I have a gun, here Roki" Todo said tossing Roki a pistol "thanks... I'm giving you one chance blondie, say another fucking word and I will shoot your head off after I cut it off and shoot you 37 times in the heart" Roki said and Monoma ran away and Roki tossed the gun back at Todo who froze it and broke it "wait how did you even get a gun on school grounds?" Sero asked "it was a fake one made from ice it had no bullets in it... you should've given me the other one" Roki said "the master said no playing with guns on school grounds again" Todo said "wait you guys did that before?" Iida asked "back at our school yeah" Roki whispered to himself and Todo who was looking outside "hello? Can you guys here me?" Iida asked "did someone say something?" Todo asked "...you know what never mind" Iida said "can we just leave already?" Roki asked "I am going to sleep for a bit" Todo said as a box came out of no where and Todo went inside slowly shrinking so he can fit in it and Roki carried the box "don't worry this happens a lot" Roki said as everyone went to the dorms. 

An hour later Roki was making sure the box was safe and didn't let anyone near it "um Roki... how long will Todo stay sleeping for?" Izuku asked "as long as he wants besides we are the same person so one of us during combat can be asleep and the other can fight for as long as we want and won't get tired because the other is resting" Roki said and Todo opened the box and fell out "hmm... what day is it again?" Todo asked "...what day is it? I don't know either" Roki said "okay cool... are we supposed to do something?" Todo asked "no we don't... wait hold one if I am the fire side does that mean I have to do the other one?" Roki asked "maybe... I still do the one we made" Todo said "yeah maybe, okay then I'll do the the other one since we know how to as well" Roki said "WHY ARE YOU GUYS SPEAKING IN CODE?!" Bakugou yelled "...SHUT THE ACTUALLY FUCK UP YOU ANGRY DOG!" Todo yelled "...I like him" Bakugou said "wow he swear for once in his life he mostly has his heads in the clouds" Roki said and he pat Todo's head "food. Now" Todo said as he went over to the kitchen and ate an apple "did anyone tell you guys Todo eats when he's sad? It's better to get him sweets" Roki said "you do the same thing" Todo said as he went over to the couch and flopped on it from the back "I think he broke his neck" Roki said "I am okay!" Todo said. A while later Todo is not really a problem for the class since he mainly eats, sleeps, and looks out the window while Roki on the other hand... he threatens everyone around him "AH! ROKI DON'T MAKE A HOLE IN THE WALL AGAIN" Iida said as Roki burned a hole in the wall for the third time this week and Todo was sleeping during the noise "WHY IS EVERYTHING ON FIRE?!" Aizawa yelled "...oh um sensei... uh we can explain um Roki made three holes, and set everything on fire" Izuku explained and Todo woke up confused "why is everything on fire?" Todo asked "can't you put it out?" Aizawa asked and Todo used his quirk to freeze the entire building "there the fire is out and the holes got frozen over" Todo said "not what we meant but okay... wait how will we get rid of the ice?" Aizawa asked "well if me and Roki were one person again then the dorms would be half frozen and we could've melted it but Roki isn't on the campus right now" Todo said and Momo and Iida went down "SENSEI ROKI ISN'T IN THE BUILDING" Momo said "Todo, can you do something to track Roki?" Aizawa asked "we have the same mind so I can talk to him through my head and through my left eye I can see where he is" Todo said as he covered his right eye and his left eye turned turquoise. After 30 seconds Todo was still tracking Roki and he started to speak what he sees "he got kidnapped by the LOV and is being kept somewhere in the... wait... NO!" Todo yelled as he took his hand off and his eye turned back to gray and he slammed the door open and ran out as everyone chased after Todo who was making his way to the Kimetsu academy "TODO SLOW DOWN WE NEED TO GET BACK UP THEY HAD NOMU'S THEY COULD KILL YOU!" Aizawa yelled and they arrived at the Kimetsu academy gates "Kyojuro! Open the gates and give me the keys to the basement Roki is in there" Todo said "alright the gates are opened and Sanemi has the gates I'm telling him right now" Kyojuro said "cold side of half n half, where are we?" Bakugou asked  "Kimetsu academy for young swordsmen this is the school me and Roki attended we graduated the swordsmen side and is learning about the world and the truth about the world, and anything to blend in with other schools but the thing is it is not like other schools swordsmen who wants to be part of the organization will attend this school which can only be found by existing swordsmen or when the higher ranks put them through recommendations and the school accepts anyone no matter how old you are" Todo said as Sanemi was at the front and gave Todo the key "here you go Todo" Sanemi said "thanks Sanemi, also bring some other Hashira's to the door of the basement someone might be injured so tell Shinobu" Todo said "hmm, I heard screams in the basement once" Obanai said coming out of no where and everyone went to the basement door. When everyone went to the door Roki unlocked the door and lit one of the candles then all of them light up "wow how did that happen?" Mina asked and Todo was silent then the league of villains new recruit was thrown to them bloody, burned, and bruised and Roki was on fire "I knew this would happen... ROKI! DON'T KILL ANYONE TODAY... hide the body if you do" Todo said as Roki went out of the shadows and the rest of the candles light up "they deserved it... that is why you never kidnap us or you will be the one bloody" Roki said "yeah lets take them to the infirmary" Todo said "I thought you said Roki will be hurt?" Momo asked "no, I said someone will be hurt I never said who" Todo said as the kakushi came and picked up the new recruit "now... GET OUT OF THE CAMPUS OR I WILL FINISH YOU OFF" Todo warned and the LOV ran off then Todo and Roki merged back together "that was fun, can we do it again?" Shoto asked "...NO WAY" everyone yelled.

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