Not a Todoroki one shot chapter but a Genshin impact one

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Summary: I know it's not related to MHA or KNY  but I came up with an idea for Genshin impact and I want to make it a Hu Tao angst one since I can't find much angst Hu Tao one and I wished I joined Genshin impact sooner so I can wish for her... anyways back to the story Hu Tao only wanted to seal Qiqi away because she wanted Qiqi to be reunited with her family and when she found out her backstory she tried to befriend Qiqi but Qiqi only remembers the time Hu Tao tries to seal her away and a lot of voice lines for characters is that they don't really like Hu Tao but Xingqiu and Xiao are like okay with her but for this chapter Hu Tao is good friends with Xiao and often hangs out with him when she's feeling down and she visits Xingqiu sometimes to hang out with her and Xiao. Male MC AU. 

No one's POV 

In Liyue Xiao was walking in the streets of Liyue and he was getting ready to head back to the Inn but he thought he should pay Hu Tao a visit so he walked over to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and saw Hu Tao sleeping under a tree "hey Hu Tao, are you awake?" Xiao asked as Hu Tao opened her eyes and was excited to see Xiao "Xiao! Your here!" Hu Tao said as she got up and hugged Xiao "um... what are you doing?" Xiao asked "I'm giving you a hug silly! Wanna get some almond tofu from the inn?" Hu Tao asked "sure" Xiao replied as the two walked to the Wangshu inn and had tofu and talked until night fall "well it's getting late you should get back to the Wangsheng funeral parlor now Hu Tao" Xiao said "okay fine, see you later Xiao" Hu Tao said leaving the inn and normally she would be smiling but when she left the inn she felt sad when she walked all the way back to Liyue Harbor and she saw Qiqi with a bag of herbs and normally she would be annoying her but this time Hu Tao left her alone and walked to the Funeral parlor and Qiqi saw Hu Tao watching her but she was confused when Hu Tao didn't bother her this time "Qiqi is confused Hu Tao normally would try to seal Qiqi away but this time Hu Tao looks sad... why?" Qiqi asked herself as she went to Bubu pharmacy and now Hu Tao was sitting on the hill sadly and Zhongli walked up the hill and saw Hu Tao looking at the graves "director are you okay?" Zhongli asked "I'm fine Zhongli just tired... goodnight I'm turning in for the night..." Hu Tao said taking her hat off and walking to her house and went to bed. 

The next day Hu Tao was walking around and she saw Qiqi with an empty bag as Qiqi was about to go out to get herbs and Qiqi saw Hu Tao and Hu Tao noticed Qiqi saw her and she turned her head away and walked out of Liyue harbor "Qiqi wants answers... Qiqi will fallow Hu Tao" Qiqi said to herself as she dropped her bag and fallowed Hu Tao who went over to Wangshu inn "Hu Tao? Why are you here?" Xiao asked "hey Xiao, I'm gonna be out of Liyue for a while and heading over to Mondstadt for business so I'm not going to be in Liyue harbor for a few days or weeks depending on how long I get a client" Hu Tao said "alright but if you get into danger call out my name" Xiao said "I will don't worry" Hu Tao said was she walked towards Mondstadt with Qiqi fallowing her. 

At Mondstadt Hu Tao was amazed at the city of freedom "the city of freedom... this place is so different from Liyue harbor... well I feel bad for lying to Xiao maybe I can finally make some new friends since everyone else don't want to be my friend other then Xiao and Xingqiu but Xiao is an adeptus and Xingqiu is a member of the Guhua clan... maybe I can see what it's like to be free" Hu Tao said as she walked near good hunter "hello would you like anything? I never seen anyone  with those types of clothes are you from Liyue?" Sara asked "yeah, I'm Hu Tao the 77th director of the Wangsheng Funeral parlor... can I try what the sticky honey roast tastes like?" Hu Tao asked putting down a bag of mora "of course, it will be ready in a moment" Sara said as Hu Tao went over to a table and Qiqi walked near Hu Tao and tugged on her sleeves and Hu Tao was surprised at seeing Qiqi in Mondstadt "Qiqi?! What are you doing here in  Mondstadt?! I thought you would be collecting herbs in Liyue" Hu Tao said "Qiqi saw Hu Tao yesterday looking sad and Qiqi saw Hu Tao seeing Qiqi today but Hu Tao didn't chase Qiqi today and Qiqi fallowed Hu Tao all the way to Mondstadt" Qiqi said "well you should get back to Liyue, Doctor Baizhu will be worried for you" Hu Tao said "Hu Tao is acting strange Hu Tao didn't have Qiqi for weeks Qiqi wants to know is Hu Tao sad?" Qiqi asked "huh? Oh no I'm fine" Hu Tao said as Sara came with the stick honey roast "here you go Miss Hu Tao and who is this child? Is this your little sister?" Sara asked "this is Qiqi she's not my little sister she just fallowed me here from Liyue harbor that's all" Hu Tao said "oh your a long way from home Miss Qiqi I can get you whatever you want to get your energy back so one of the knights of favonius can take you back home" Sara said "cocogoat milk" Qiqi said "...what's Cocogoat milk?" Sara asked Hu Tao "cocogoat milk is what Qiqi calls Coconut milk since she forgot the name" Hu Tao whispered "ah okay, I will get you a coconut milk" Sara said going in the kitchen to get a coconut milk for Qiqi "what is Hu Tao eating? Qiqi never seen that before" Qiqi said "it's a Mondstadt dish called sticky honey roast it's pretty good... want to try some?" Hu Tao asked and Qiqi nodded slowly and Hu gave her a fork to try the sticky honey roast and Sara came back with coconut milk "Miss Qiqi once you finish please go to the knights of favonius headquarters so they can bring you back to Liyue harbor" Sara said "...did you say something? Qiqi forgot" Qiqi said "um... you can tell her Miss Hu Tao" Sara said as Hu Tao finished the stick honey roast "Qiqi, I'll bring you over to the knights headquarters so they can take you home" Hu Tao said giving her a small smile "Qiqi wants to... be friends with Hu Tao if she tells Qiqi why she wants to seal Qiqi away" Qiqi said as Hu Tao was surprised "I wanted to seal you away so you can be with your family again... I try to seal you away because of that but I only made people hate me even Zhongli is tired of me doing that" Hu Tao said as the two were near the headquarters "Qiqi's family would know Qiqi is happy with her new life Qiqi doesn't remember her family well... but Qiqi has a new family that makes Qiqi happy... can Hu Tao be Qiqi's friend without trying to seal Qiqi away?" Qiqi asked "of course Qiqi! But let's get you back home first" Hu Tao said "Qiqi wants to stay with Hu Tao" Qiqi said "okay fine-" Hu Tao cut herself off but Klee and Diona bumping into her "oh! Sorry about that miss! Me and my friend Klee were playing" Diona said helping Klee up "Klee is sorry too... who are you? Klee has never seen you before and Klee knows almost everyone in Mondstadt" Klee said "I'm Hu Tao I'm from Liyue and this is Qiqi she is also from Liyue we're visiting Mondstadt for a while" Hu Tao said "can Klee and Diona be rinds with Qiqi?! We promise to be careful!" Klee said "I can watch them if your gone I'm old enough to be responsible over Klee from blowing something up and make sure she doesn't end up in solitary confinement again by the acting grand master" Diona said "Qiqi already forgot their names" Qiqi said "I'm the spark knight Klee of the knights of favoinus!" Klee said "I'm Dione I'm a bartender if the cats tail" Diona said "I am Qiqi... I am a zombie... um I forgot what comes next" Qiqi said "a zombie?! Wow! Your a zombie! How cool!" Klee said "oh! Traveler! Over here!" Hu Tao said waving over to Aether and Paimon "huh?! Hu Tao and Qiqi in Mondstadt?!" Paimon asked "gege Aether and Paimon, Qiqi and Hu Tao are friends now... Qiqi fallowed Hu Tao to Mondstadt" Qiqi said "Hu Tao and Qiqi friends?! Is Paimon still sleeping?!" Paimon asked "Paimon I think they are friends" Aether said "well I still have to do some business to do I'm going to see if there will be some clients around Mondstadt maybe I could ask the knights... can you guys watch over Qiqi while I'm gone? She wanted me to bring her back to Liyue when I am finished okay? Okay see you guys later!" Hu Tao said running off in the distance "Klee and Diona and Qiqi will be best friends! I'll go tell master Jean Klee will be out longer with Klee's friends" Klee said "okay we'll see you near Barbatos's statue near the cathedral" Diona said "okay! Paimon, Traveler can you come with Klee to make something for Qiqi and Diona?" Klee asked 'is it another bomb?" Paimon asked "no no! It's a friendship bracelet" Klee said "sure Klee" Aether said as the three went inside the headquarters and Hu Tao watched as Qiqi was having fun from afar "I finally became friends with Qiqi" Hu Tao said to herself as she walked to Flora's shop and bought some celilia flowers and Hu Tao just so happens to have Glaze lilies on her as well and she made a little flower crown and walked over to Qiqi "hey Qiqi, I made this for you" Hu Tao said putting the flower crown in Qiqi's head "do you like it?" Hu Tao asked "Qiqi loves it... thank you Hu Tao" Qiqi said hugging Hu Tao. 

When the two were done in Mondstadt they were walking back to Liyue harbor but then a group of hilichurls came and it surprised to two and Hu Tao was fighting them off but then an abyss mage came and froze Hu Tao and when Hu Tao broke free she was frozen cold and Qiqi got her sword out and fought the monsters off "Xiao..." Hu Tao said before she fell and Xiao came and fought all the monsters off and he ran over to Hu Tao "Hu Tao..." Xiao said "hi Xiao... I said you name didn't I?" Hu Tao said as Qiqi ran over to Hu Tao in tears "Hu Tao... no" Qiqi said as Hu Tao smiled and she died "no" the two said as Xiao carried Hu Tao back to Wangsheng funeral parlor and Zhongli saw as Hu Tao was dead and Qiqi was in tears "director?!" Zhongli asked "she died from an abyss mage" Xiao said as he place Hu Tao down. 

A few years later Qiqi walked over the funeral parlor with Xiao and Qiqi out down a bouquet of glaze lilies and Xiao put down a bouquet of celilia's since it was made from the flowers Hu Tao made for Qiqi and she was planning to give something similar to Xiao and Xingqiu. 

"Here lies the 77th director of the Wangsheng funeral parlor Hu Tao"

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