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Summary: (NOT demon slayer todo) Shoto moved out of the Todoroki home and so did Natsou and Fuyumi and he lives with his boyfriend Izuku Midoriya and Izuku goes to U.A Shoto doesn't he mainly stays at home cooking or cleaning and he is a few boy and a cat because who doesn't like cats, also Izuku and Shoto got their own house and Inko lives with All for one who got Izuku and Shoto the house.

No one's POV 

"Shoto, I'm home" Izuku said and a Neko came out of the kitchen wearing a light pink crop top and black skirt with black leggings and black heels "Izu! Your back!" Shoto said as he ran over to give his boyfriend a hug and a small kiss on the cheek "I'll be upstairs changing out of my uniform I'll be back downstairs in a bit" Izuku said "okay I'm making Katsudon by the way" Shoto said "okay!" Izuku said as he got his backpack and Shoto went back to the kitchen to make food then Izuku came downstairs wearing his white T-shirt and some sweatpants and the door bell rang which made Shoto jump a bit and Izuku was concerned since he knew his past and why Shoto wanted to live with him not to mention he is scared of people he doesn't know and has separation anxiety the only reason why Shoto can survive without being with Izuku is because Izuku got him a kitten and Shoto likes wearing collars and Izuku's hoodies so he managed to survive when Izuku was at school. Izuku went over to the door and the 1-A was standing outside the door and Shoto just finished making food "oh! You guys are here!" Izuku said "yes thanks for letting us use your house for the class sleepover" Iida said as he was doing his hand movements again and everyone went inside the house "wow your house is nice did you finish making something? It smell good" Uraraka asked "dumb nerds, Deku can't cook good so he probably has a maid or butler" Bakugou said and everyone saw a boy with cat ears "aww, who is he?" Mina asked and Shoto ran over and hid behind Izuku "oh right, guys this was the lover I was talking about, Shoto! He isn't really good with people he doesn't know" Izuku said "oh! He does look adorable though" Toru said "anyways let's go in the living room there is a TV in there and a few board games and cards for everyone to play" Izuku said "oh! Sweet this will be awesome" Denki said and the Bakusquad ran to find the living room "down the hall on the left!" Izuku said hoping they heard him. Everyone was in the living room and Izuku left for a bit to get some water and Shoto was sitting on the couch sweating a bit and hoping Izuku would come back and it has only been 30 seconds "aww! Midoriya's boyfriend is so cute! He is also a cat!" Uraraka said and the girls were around Shoto admiring Shoto's cat features "ugh why does he get all the girls attention? They only knew him or a few minutes and they are all over him" Mineta said "chill Mineta he is Midobro's BF at least be nice to him" Denki said and another cat came in the room and it went on Shoto's lap and Shoto smiled "OMG I'M GOING TO DIE FROM CUTENESS" Mina announced then she fainted and Shoto's face looked scared "p-please don't die" Shoto said "okay we have to protect him he is too innocent" Jiro said and Izuku came back with water bottles "did I miss anything? Why is Mina on the floor?" Izuku asked "Deku... how do you have such an adorable boyfriend and never showed us what he looked like?!" Uraraka asked "well... Shoto didn't want anyone seeing the photo's I have of him which is mostly him sleeping and eating" Izuku said and Shoto stick his tongue out at him and the girls fainted and Shoto looked scared. "D-Did i kill them?!" Shoto whispered to himself as he ran and hide behind Izuku who put the water on the table "Sho, you didn't kill them they like cute things that's all" Izuku said as he stroked Shoto's hair and Shoto turned into a cat and Izuku carried him in his arms "oh! He can turn into a cat?" Kirishima asked "yeah one of the things a Neko can do (I don't even know if that is true NGL and some other shit I'm making up for this chapter) "cool! What else can he do?" Denki asked "well mainly Neko's are hard to find and if I remember correctly Neko's are mainly at home taking care of the pair homes and relatives Shoto is the only one in his family that is a Neko" Izuku said and Shoto went up to Izuku's face and licked it making Izuku giggle a bit "okay but this is adorable and the girls are still passed out" Sero said and Shoto stopped licking Izuku's face and he went to the girls seeing if they are alive. The girls slowly got up and they were all waken up by Shoto licking their faces "okay we should get some sleep it's late" Iida said "aww come on Iida it's a weekend tomorrow and plus it's a sleepover" Mina complained and Shoto turned back into his human form and went back to the couch sitting next to Izuku "we can watch a movie" Jiro said "great idea Kyoka! Is there any popcorn here?" Momo asked "in the kitchen Shoto can get snacks" Izuku said and Shoto was playing with his collar as he went to the kitchen and the girls fallowed since they want to know what kind of snacks they have and it was a pantry full of snacks. "Wow! There is a lot of sweets in here" Momo said "I like sweets... also because I like baking" Shoto said as got the popcorn and microwaved it and the girls got some chips and Shoto had some candy with him and Jiro got the popcorn that just finished popping "let's get back to the others" Toru said "so does anyone know what we are even watching?" Jiro asked "maybe a Disney movie" Tsuyu said "what's Disney?" Shoto asked and they all looked at him shocked "HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT A DISNEY MOVIE IS?! We need to watch all of them so you can know the true beauty of Disney" Mina said "still haven't answered my question" Shoto said "it's movies of fictional characters like Cinderella, Beauty and the beast, Princess and the frog, you know things like that for kids" Momo said "I was never allowed any of those things as a child father never let me have fun" Shoto said as his ears went down "okay we are watching all of them" Mina announced and they went back to the living room "oh right I forgot to say we have a movie theater" Izuku said "WHAT?!" 1-A yelled but the rich kids "yeah it's down the hallway" Shoto said and everyone went to the movie theater and they all watched Disney movies. After watching most the movies. "See? They are amazing!" Toru said to Shoto "Violet Evergarden is better" Shoto said "what's Violet Evergarden?" Everyone but Izuku and Shoto asked and Shoto smiled and they watched the Violet Evergarden series (10/10 recommended Violet Evergarden if you have not watched it also you guys might cry if you feel like it) "oh my gosh... THAT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL VIOLET DID NOT DESERVE THAT" Mina said and now the whole class was crying even Shoto "Sho... why did we have to rewatch all of the episodes? You know I get emotional" Izuku said as he was not over episode 10 for the 157th time (I CRIED AT THAT EPISODE... why does Violet Evergarden be so sad? Who knows I love it anyways) "sorry Izu I love Violet Evergarden" Shoto said "okay we should go to bed now and brush your teeth we ate a lot of sugar" Iida said and the class was stil crying over Violet Evergarden so they went to the bathrooms to brush their teeth. Everyone was in the other living room that was attached to the kitchen and they went to bed but Shoto and Izuku went to their room and Izuku was petting Shoto as he was purring Izuku likes it when Shoto purrs it makes him sleep when he knows Shoto is happy and they went back downstairs and they saw the class all asleep so they joined to sleep and Izuku loves it that Shoto doesn't need a lot of space in order to sleep "night Sho" Izuku said "night Izu" Shoto said as he kissed then went to sleep. 

The next morning Izuku woke up smelling bacon so he went to the kitchen and Shoto was making bacon and eggs so as usual he went over to Shoto half asleep "good morning Izuku! How was your sleep?" Shoto asked "hm... it was good Shoto are you making bacon? It smells nice" Izuku said "yeah! Go brush your hair it's very messy and maybe we can hang out since I normally see you for only an hour everyday when you go to school and normally you have a lot of homework so you stay in your room all day doing homework you only come down when you are hungry" Shoto said "okay baby, we can hang out later today" Izuku said as he kissed Shoto and Shoto continued with breakfast. Izuku came down fully awake now and he was eating breakfast that Shoto made for everyone then slowly everyone woke up and spate breakfast "hey! There is a festival today we should go!" Momo said as she looked on Twitter and Instagram "sounds fun! Are you coming Shoto?" Jiro asked "hmm... I have nothing to do today and I haven't went outside all week so I should go outside later for a walk" Shoto said as he smiled at everyone "okay, be careful when you go outside Sho" Izuku said "I will see you later babe" Shoto said as he went outside walking around the neighborhood. Shoto came back and everyone was ready to go out "Sho you should get ready as well" Izuku said "okay!" Shoto replied as he went upstairs and changed into a different crop top, skirt, leggings, and boots and when he came down Momo put a headband on him and Izuku came and he was a blushing mess and was completely red "Izu? Are you okay? Are you sick? Your really red" Shoto said as he was making sure Izuku was okay and not sick "I-I'm okay Shoto also I-I'm not sick" Izuku said "your still red though" Shoto said "I-I'm fine really" Izuku said "okay if you insist" Shoto said as he was holding Izuku's hand for comfort and everyone took a bus to go to the festival. On the bus most of the class was fooling around and most the couples were cuddling and Izuku was playing around with Shoto as he brought a few cat toys with him just to mess around with Shoto and sometimes he gets bored easily most the time and plus he likes to play with the collar Izuku got him so he gets less bored now and now Izuku is using a laser just to mess around with Shoto and he was trying to get the laser then he ended up on Izuku's lap and he realized who he was on and blushed furiously "I- you know what I'm not gonna ask" Shoto said and now Izuku was playing with Shoto's tail and he was purring... this went on for the rest of the ride. The bus arrived at the festival and 1-A was so excited and they made groups and they were going to meet up at a cafe at noon for lunch Izuku and Shoto were looking at the clothes they had and Shoto got a purple Kimono and he was wearing it which made Izuku blush and now Izuku got a Hakama with a haori and the two got the same color of zori's and tabi's and for fun Shoto got a ribbon to be in his hair which made him happy and it made Izuku smile seeing his boyfriend very happy then when they first met where he was always scared of everything and he barely smiled at all now he changed a lot now and it made Izuku proud. At noon everyone met up at the cafe and they got a lot of new things and they were looking at the clothes Izuku and Shoto wore "oh! Guys I forgot to tell you guys I found two people and they are Todoroki's daughter and son of Endeavour and they are very kind too" Momo said and Fuyumi and Natsuo came in the cafe and Shoto looked happy and so did the two siblings "Yumi! Natsu!" Shoto said "Sho!" The two said and they all hugged "WAIT YOU GUYS KNOW EACH OTHER?!" Mina asked "Shoto is the youngest Todoroki of the family I'm the only daughter and Natsu is the second youngest" Fuyumi said as they went over to the table "oh! Midoriya it's good to see you again" Natsuo said "hi, Natsuo and Fuyumi" Izuku said "Sho... your so much different now I remember you barely smiled or have any emotions when you were younger and now you found someone who changed you" Fuyumi said as she was crying happily "Yumi... you do know you are also dating Mirko right you also changed you got stronger with training with Mirko?" Shoto said "WHAT?! YOUR DATING MIRKO?! A PRO HERO?!" Natsuo said "oh shut up your also dating Hawks" Shoto said as everyone got something to eat and the two older siblings were a blushing mess "pffff, you just exposed your siblings this is the best thing I heard coming out of your mouth" Bakugou said "are you guys still alive?" Shoto said the siblings as they gave him a thumbs up "okay, okay I want to know is there anything else you can expose your siblings about?" Bakugou asked "I have a lot of blackmail of them so what do you want?" Shoto asked and the siblings covered his mouth and they continued with lunch. Later that night it was the fireworks and Shoto, Fuyumi, and Natsuo never saw fireworks before so everyone was on the beach and they watched the fireworks exploding in the air and their faces lit up in joy and Izuku looked at Shoto and Shoto looked at Izuku and Izuku went in for a kiss and the girls took pictures of the two kissing and they looked back up in the sky and continued to kiss. 

(Picture above)

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