Visit part 2

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Summary: (NOT demon slayer todo) part two of visit.

No one's POV 

A few months later Yuki went back to earth after her mission in Atlas and Shoto was excited to see his sister again since it's been a few months "Yuki! Welcome back sister, how was your mission?" Shoto asked as it was winter "it went well another successful mission in Atlas and I got a break to be on earth to be with our family, plus I remember you said it was a winter break here when you showed me around so I figured we can have some bonding time plus if I recall next month is your birthday so I will leave a week after your birthday" Yuki said as the airship flew off and the siblings went inside the dorms "Yuki! Your back already? How are you?" Momo asked "I am well thank you for asking, I assume everyone is well" Yuki said "yeah everyone has been fin since you left" Izuku said "'s warmer here on earth then in Atlas, I'm quite jealous in fact you guys have been attacked by villains I have a responsibility to help save an entire city underneath a floating city" Yuki said as the villain alarm went off and everyone went into their winter clothes to fight villains and when they were outside Dabi instantly recognize Yuki and hid behind Shigaraki. "Dabi what the fuck are you doing?" Shigaraki asked "Shigs... my sister is here I am not ready to face her so hide me" Dabi said as Yuki was outside as well "Touya Todoroki I can see you come out now" Yuki said as Dabi slowly and out "h-hey Yuki... how have you been?" Dabi asked "SHUT IT VILLAIN WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" Bakugou yelled "relax we were just here to pick up my brother and Shoto for the winter break I guess we should take your sister too" Shigaraki said "...I'm gonna die, just don't do anything stupid I haven't seen her in a very long time and I just want to impress her" Dabi said "...why didn't you just call? It's way easier plus the teachers are used to this by now that they stop coming" Iida said "well that is better eh whatever come one Izuku dad is missing you" Shigaraki said as Izuku got his bag and Shoto did too "we'll see you guys after the winter break merry Christmas guys" Izuku said "see you three later!" Momo said as the three went through the warp gate. "Izuku! Your home... who is she?" Inko asked "hello I am Yuki Todoroki, Shoto's older twin sister and Touya's little sister" Yuki said "oh! I'm Inko Midoriya, Izuku's and Tomura' mom and the man who has white hair is my husband Hisashi Midoriya and Izuku's and Tomura's father" Inko said "greetings Mrs. Midoriya and Mr. Midoriya" Yuki said "no need to be formal your part of Touya's family which makes you our family as well also you can call us Hisashi and Inko, or mom and dad if your comfortable" Inko said as All for one came in the room "Inko, Izuku, Tomura, Shoto, Touya, and... Touya's little sister?" Hisashi asked "Yuki, that is my name... one sec I have to take this call" Yuki said as her scroll was beeping and she went out of the room "okay everyone please don't do anything stupid, Yuki is a girl who can fight well thus her being quirkless I remember when she was a child she picked Fuyumi up easily" Touya said "...she also arrested someone a few days after arriving to earth a few months ago" Shoto said as everyone agreed to be on their best behavior as Yuki came back "who called you Yuki?" Toga asked "oh just my comrade Winter Schnee she asked if she could use my computer that's all" Yuki said "so since it's a week before Christmas want to go shopping for presents? Or make holiday themed cookies?" Inko asked "...Christmas? What is that? I don't think that is celebrated in Remnant I think it is but I'm always busy this is the first year I'm not busy with work in the Atlas military" Yuki said "you work for the military?" Hisashi asked "yeah I can't arrest people on earth since they aren't from Remnant though so your fine" Yuki said as she went on the couch as Inko made hot chocolate as Yuki was getting to know everyone. 

A couple days later Yuki, the LOV, Izuku and Shoto started to have a bond with each other and soon Yuki showed them her semblance "so yeah I got my semblance and it's called 'shapeshifter' basically what it means I can transform into anyone I want and I can use their powers ask well plus my weapon of choice is called 'change' which is similar to my semblance but I can change it to other weapons so basically I can pretend to be anyone if I want and the thing is what I can do is that if I need to break into some place with a hand scanner or face scanner then it will allow me in if I want, along with people's voices" Yuki said as she turned into Winter and transformed her brooch into her swords too "wow! We're similar in power I need someone's blood to transform into them" Toga said and Yuki turned her weapon back to her brooch form in secret and Yuki transformed into Toga and the two got along well and Dabi was still freaking out on how Yuki dropped in unexpectedly "hey Yuki wanna go to the mall?" Dabi asked "sure! Wait where is Fuyumi and Natsuo? And mom?" Yuki asked "mom is in the mental hospital for years after she burned my face with a tea kettle but she is going out of the hospital for the holiday's Fuyumi and Natsuo are also coming here for the break" Shoto said "that's why you have a burn scar, I see now" Yuki said "how did you get that scar?" Dabi asked "eh it was a Grimm attack years ago not during the fall of Beacon though like before that like 3 years after living on Remnant" Yuki said "what's the fall of Beacon?" Hisashi asked "...a while ago I think one year or two I attended a school for Huntsmen and Huntresses and I was a first year, a few months into the school year was the Vytal festival where every two years one kingdom is chosen to open their doors to citizens from ever corner of Remnant to meet and indulge in one others cultures, it's basically a fighting festival where students from other school fight other teams, then during the finals... Grimm attacked the school and all students had to evacuate and fight Grimm, Sakura died during that battle and I became a Maiden possessing the power Sakura transferred over to me" Yuki said "Maiden? Transferred power? What do you mean?" Shoto asked "I'll show you during a fight of that reminds me, Shoto does my right eye look different from yours?" Yuki asked "well yours is more silver and mine is more gray why do you ask?" Shoto asked "god damn it I wanted to see if you also have silver eyes and turn Grimm to stone or blind someone for fun" Yuki said "what?" Everyone asked "get sunglasses I'll show you since I just so happen to get a Grimm alert on my scroll... invading Musutafu it's time to be a Huntress now... this is going to be a long day... oh shit we need to get everyone to calm down first" Yuki said "what's so wrong with Grimm?" Shigaraki asked "they are attracted to negative energy like anger, hatred, all those emotions they will be attracted to people who are panicking" Yuki said as she got out a scythe "lets go now I have one job to do now if you fallow me stay a safe distance from me and probably best to wear sunglasses as well I don't want to blind you guys" Yuki said as she ran out the base and ran all the way to Musutafu. "YUKI! YOUR GOING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED" Shoto yelled as one large Grimm stood before Yuki ready to attack and Yuki closed her eyes and when she opened them a large bright light came out her eyes and when the light went out the Grimm was turned to stone and Yuki used her scythe to cut the Grimm in half and it disappeared and Yuki looked at her scroll "Grimm is all cleared lets head back now" Yuki said as civilians came out and praised Yuki which made Yuki confused "Shoto, what are these people doing?" Yuki asked "well when a hero saves everyone civilians come out and praise the hero most the time" Shoto explained "...I'm not a hero I'm a Huntress not a hero Grimm is what I fight all the damn time" Yuki said "well to them your a hero" Shoto said and Yuki transformed into Ruby and used her semblance to take the LOV, Izuku, and Shoto back to the base "I should never go outside again" Yuki said "well on the bright side everyone believes your a pro hero now" Izuku said "I don't want to be a pro hero... my dream was to be like Sakura a Huntress who fights Grimm and an Atlesian soldier of Atlas that is all I want" Yuki said "well for now you can just be a normal girl now" Shoto said as Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Rei came in and tackled Yuki ""YOUR HOME NOW YUKI" the three yelled happily as Yuki was shocked and the four got up and dressed for the weather and went to the mall. When everyone got to the mall the girls went straight to the clothing stores or the stores with candles, lotion, and anything with scents is where the girls where but with the guys they also went to the clothing stores and some went to get some food and the Todoroki's were all together "Fuyumi look at this shirt it has picture of Rindou or the Autumn Bellflower, my favorite flower, can we buy this?" Rei asked "yeah sure mom buy whatever you want we have dads card" Fuyumi said as Shoto pulled out a platinum card "yeah how did you managed to get Enji's card?" Natsuo asked "Yuki showed me how to pickpocket someone with a hug or anything in fact so Enji thought I was giving him a hug but I got his whole wallet" Shoto explained as Yuki got out Dabi's phone "WHERE DID YOU GET MY PHONE?!" Dabi yelled "I also have your wallet you should never let your guard down even when eating and sleeping" Yuki said as she tossed Dabi's phone and wallet over to Dabi and he caught them "how did you learn this trick in the first place?" Natsuo asked "okay me and Sakura may or may not have been working with the Branwen tribe for a while when we were on Remnant and they are a tribe of Bandits so I used to be a temporary bandit so they didn't care if I became a Huntress but always welcome me when I went back to the tribe I don't know why though" Yuki said "so... your a former bandit eh? I guess having a villainous side runs in the family I guess" Dabi said "what do you mean?" Natsuo asked "mom burned Shoto thinking he was Enji, Enji is just an abuser, Touya is a villain, Natsuo literally managed to yell at Enji saying  he wants him dead, Fuyumi is the one who can poison people with her amazing cooking if you want, Shoto threatened a police officer and he knows how to steal in a blink of an eye, I used to be a bandit along with Sakura" Yuki said as she continued to look at clothes. 

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