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Summary: (demon slayer todo) villain Rei, Fuyumi, and Natuso AU, traitor Izuku AU, twins Au, secret siblings/sisters AU, cheater hate todo AU. So this is inspired from Muichiro's backstory which I went to re-read for angst and I got an idea to make this as a twins AU so the younger twin is Shoto and the older twin is Shohei which means respect and Shohei respects lots of people and their personalities are completely different despite looking the same Shoto is kind, always smiles, and is always tries to stay positive and he is more emotional then Shohei, Shohei is mainly cold, rarely smiles around other people who is not Shoto and he is more of an introvert and he is very overprotective over Shoto and the two were separated for years until age 8 and the two were used for different things while they were separated like Shoto was used as a weapon for killing and fighting and Shohei is used as an experiment and he cheated on Izuku because his time was running out and Shoto knew he truly loved Izuku but because of the experiments his life was cut short so the two tries to spend as much time as they can with the leftover time Shohei has and Rei told the other siblings about the twins and the oldest twins (Sakura and Kori) and because Shohei cheated the league kidnapped him.

No one's POV

Shohei was sitting in a dark cell in the warehouse the league is in and then All for one and Inko came in and then the rest of the league came in then Overhaul "Shoto Todoroki meet Overhaul his quirk is the power to disassemble things and reassemble things even human flesh" All for one said as Overhaul took his gloves off and Inko opened the door "wait a minute... so this is an experiment?" Shohei asked "yes I will be taking you apart but don't worry I will put you back together later you will be like Eri" Overhaul said as he reached out to touch Shohei and took his right arm "be careful with this Chisaki the rest of us wants to have some fun torturing him as well" Dabi said as he activated his quirk on his left hand "yeah yeah I will be quick with this is going to be messy" Overhaul said as he gave Shoto his arm back but then took some of his blood and gave it to Toga who was very excited then Fuyumi took Shoto out of his cell and dragged him over to a electric chair and turned it on and Natsuo poured a bucket of water over Shohei and some laughed and Shohei was used to pain because of the experiments and out of nowhere he broke out and grabbed Natsuo's neck chocking him and they had a shock collar on him so Natsuo tried to set to the highest setting "Sh-Shoto..." Natsuo said "you guys made me repeat because I am nothing without you guys which is right... but because of this stupid family I get stronger because of my hatred of you all... I hate you all old man, Rei, Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Touya I hate you more then you think I don't see you as my family because you all left me alone to die I met someone who I deeply care about but now I am not with them now because of you" Shoto said as he yanked the collar off him showing a scar like thing around his neck and he still felt the electricity and Rei froze him and he dropped Natsuo "Natsu!" Fuyumi said as she ran towards Natsuo "his strength is so strong... we have to kill him" Natsuo said and Shohei felt a stab in his back and it was a spear from Izuku and he broke the ice as he fell and he didn't feel anything but the sadness he had to leave his twin "gods... please spare my twin unlike me he is kind... kinder then anyone I know... I will accept any punishment you give me but please spare Shoto" Shohei said as he felt light headed and the door opened up and it was the real Shoto and he felt a pain in his chest which meant Shohei was dying so he ran over to his twin in agony "Shohei? Please stay awake" Shoto begged as tears came down his face "Shoto? Why are you here? This is my burden to suffer I'm sorry I couldn't do anything for you I know we're twins but we have completely different personalities... I guess the experiments from all those years ago is finally kicking in" Shohei said and Shoto tried to take the spear out and wrapped Shohei's torso with bandages "wait did we kill the wrong twin?" Dabi asked and Shoto felt Shohei's pulse and there was no pulse. 

Shoto was traumatized seeing his only family who he knew was his family was dead so his eyes were wide but now it went back to normal and he normally would smile but this time he was not smiling but instead he was emotionless "are you actually Shoto?" Natsuo asked "...yeah what is it to you? I don't even know you guys, Shohei was the one who goes to school I stay home to train but now my twin is dead I am now the one who is going to be the one who goes to school I cannot lose any time now... also who are you guys?" Shoto asked as he was carrying his dead twin "you don't recognized your own family?" Rei asked "family? I thought nee-san Sakura and nee-san Kori and plus onii-chan Shohei are my family I have no memory of you guys" Shoto said as the door opened and some kakushi members came in "young master Todoroki please stop running off like that" the kakushi members said and Shoto smiled "sorry but can you bring my twin back to headquarters? I can clear up section 7 now" Shoto said as the kakushi knew what happened "of course" a kakushi member said as Shoto gave Shohei to them and ran off "master Shoto is still so young hasn't suffered enough?" A kakushi member asked "yeah even at a young age he won't allow himself to cry because he keeps overworking himself to distract himself from his emotions I have to say he can't keep doing this even though he is 16 he is more of a adult then a teen I guess that's what happens when he was used as a weapon and not a human" another kakushi member said as they finished making something and put Shohei on it and picked up the thing "master Shohei you did as much as you can your sacrifice will not be in vain you still have you brother do carry on your dream" another kakushi said as all the kakushi's looked down for the twins and left the league's warehouse "what have we done?" Rei asked "wait I can fix this he said he is going to U.A and Todo- I mean Shohei right? He was only kidnapped for the weekend so no one should know he is actually gone and plus they look the same so the class would never tell the difference well... only if he comes to U.A with his long hair" Izuku said "yeah your right we're counting on you Izuku don't let us down" Inko said "I won't mom" Izuku said as he went to bed for school. 

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