Chapter 2: ᚦᛖ ᛞᚱᚨᚷᛟᚾᛒᛟᚱᚾ ᚲᛟᛗᛖᛊ

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Astrid's POV

It's been two months since Hiccup missing or died, or should I say he ran away from Berk, everything suddenly changed. The twins stopped pranking around because Hiccup was responsible for that stuff. Fishlegs was upset because he knew Hiccup was the only person to hear and learn about dragons. Stoick locked himself in his house devastated a few weeks after he thought Hiccup died and his brother Spitelout must do the chief job while Stoick was down until the chief was back on track again, only this time that he was seeking revenge on the Night Fury for killing him. Gobber is disappointed that Hiccup was his only apprentice because he was responsible for all of the weapons in Berk. without him, all of the weapons are very spoiled. Snotlout has another story. When Stoick choose him to become chief, at first for him he was excited. But a few weeks later, Snotlout was kinda not feeling well. When I eavesdrop on them, I felt bad for him because he was being yelled at by his father and the chief. That confused me, ever since that incident, he stopped thinking about himself and he stops flirting with me which was good but not too much, he also sometimes visits the forge during his free time when Gobber was not around, and that makes me understand that he felt guilty for bullying Hiccup in the past. As for me, I still missed Hiccup. Only me, Gobber, and Fishlegs believed that he's still out there alive, and we make sure that it's true by waiting for him to apologize. Even though I love him deeply, I can't say that word to anyone, except for Gothi because she trusts the people she cares about.

This early morning right now was another raid. The Vikings tried their best to capture the dragons from stealing the food, while the rest and the gang are putting the fire out when someone yelled, "Night Fury!" "Get down!" A sudden plasma blast came out of nowhere destroying the towers above as something flies by the sky. I look very close to see what it is, and to my surprise, it was a Night Fury, but, it's white. "I've never seen that dragon before!" "Me neither!" I heard the twins said as Fishlegs approached me. "I never think of that as a Night Fury, but a...but a..." "Light Fury..." I finished his sentence before we heard a screech in the sky as we believed that the dragon was caught on a bola. I looked to see what the dragon was and the thing I see was a white figure falling towards the woods. I'm guessing it was that Light Fury dragon. Once the raid was over, everyone started fixing the village while the young ones like me and the gang watched them by. I started to remember that the Light Fury shot down to the woods, and that's what I'm about to go. As I searched the whole Ravens Point, I suddenly heard a roar from the distance. I followed it carefully, and I was shocked to see a Night Fury or Light Fury in person. I had my ax ready just in case it attacks, as I was close to the dragon, the dragon's eyes shot open as its pupils were slit. Our eyes were locked like we were met before as I started to get nervous with the ax in my hand. Without realizing what I was doing, I used my ax carefully to cut the ropes of the bola. After I took it off, I stepped back making sure if the dragon would pull into another move. The Light Fury walks closer to me inches away from my face. Something in my mind was setting me something as I realized I pushed my ax away from us, and what happens next is something weird. The dragon's eye pupils turned from vicious and slit into big and adorable. Our eyes were locked again as I realized that dragons aren't vicious beasts. Dragons are intelligent, gentle, and curious creatures and that's why there were dragon raids. Their queen ordered them to hunt food for her. I started to reach the dragon but the dragon looked away suspiciously. I was thinking, I looked away leaning my hand to the dragon nervously. That is when I felt scales on my hand. I took a peek and saw that the Light Fury's snout on my hand. I was amazed by the experience I stood up petting the dragon, and when I realized that if the Vikings find us, then we'll be dead. "Okay then, I guess we should find something to keep you hidden from the village," I said to the dragon, then I remembered that there was this cove in the woods. So, I escort the dragon through the wood until the cove was in sight. The dragon flew down and I followed it as I carefully walk down the rocks. I know this place and that is the place where I found out that Hiccup did run away instead of dying.

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