Chapter 12: ᛟᛞᛃᛊᛊᛖᛃ

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Stoick's POV

A Night Fury Villager gives me and the Berkian a tour to their island the next day after our breakfast in the Great Hall. Everything here is different. All of their houses are on trees while some are on hills and higher grounds. Each of them possesses Night Fury-shaped carvings on the fronts. We take a turn to see an underground nesting area full of baby dragons. Some of the kids are playing along with them. We head to the farming area. There we see harvesters picking up Night Fury scales from the field. Then we went to see an arena-looking area called the School of Dragons. There are young riders training with their Night Furies. Then we take the last tour to the forge or workshop as they called. "And this must be the end of the tour. I hope you all like it and enjoy roaming around if you like," The Villager said to us before any of us left, leaving me and Gobber behind. I see Gobber walking towards the forge to check it out and I followed him so I could find something interesting. All of the necessities here are very unique. The weapons are plain and not rusty, as I picked one of them, it was lightweight but I place it back before else. I looked over the area to see a Gronckle and a Blacksmith as the dragon spit out its lava, then the Blacksmith picked them up with his tongs and make a weapon. I look forward to the other area to find the identical Village clothes, Night Fury armor, and saddles at the hanging area. "Wow. Those are fine handcrafts here," Gobber said approaching me and I agreed with him. Not for long, a woman suddenly walked into the forge. The woman has brown hair wearing silver armor and holding a baby dragon that I have never seen before. "Hey, S. The Prince wanted to ask you about helping him prepare for the race tomorrow at the festival," The woman said to the Blacksmith. "Sure, I'll be there, Minden. I was just about to cool the Gronckle Iron for the decorations," The Blacksmith said with a familiar voice I heard before. "Do you want me to help you finish it?" The woman asked as she placed down her baby dragon. "Sure. I just need a basket of Night Fury feathers for this," The Blacksmith replied before the woman did what he said. While the two of them working, something seems familiar with that man. He has black hair, Viking-like body. Only the difference was the craftmanship which Gobber spoke up in realization. "Snotlout?" By hearing it, the Blacksmith froze in the spot which caused me to shock at what Gobber just said. That man, is my nephew Snotlout Jorgenson?

Snotlout's POV

My body suddenly froze from my spot when I heard the voice of Gobber calling my name. I turned to Minden if it's okay to let them know, and she nodded. I hesitantly turn on my back to see Gobber and Uncle Stoick here. Not for long, Gobber suddenly bone-crushing hugged me. "It's good to see you here, Lad!" He said before releasing him. "Gobber, how did you know that it was Snotlout?" Stoick asked. "I could see his craftmanship from a miles away. Just like Hiccup," Gobber said. I looked down disappointed. "Uncle Stoick, Gobber, I'm sorry," I said. "For what?" Stick asked. "For leaving Berk for the dragons with the gang," I replied. "They're here?" Gobber asked. Before I could answer, Minden spoke. "Of course, Sir. The reason they did that is that Hiccup and Astrid befriended their dragons. And for their choice of leaving for their unexpected reasons," She explained causing both adults to be surprised. "What reasons?" Stick asked. "For Hiccup, 1; because he's the runt of Berk, 2; for choosing to kill a Monstrous Nightmare, and 3; to protect his dragon because he was Hiccup's best friend. And for Astrid, 1; she was abused by her father and uncle, 2; for having an arranged marriage with me, and 3; if you find out she's a traitor, she'll be in so much trouble. As for me and the gang, we come to find Hiccup to apologize ever since Astrid and I found out about his secret," After I explained, Uncle Stoick looked down ashamed and guilty. "Snotlout, I'm sorry," He said. "Hey, no need. All I need was you to trust the dragons. And since you did, I forgive you," I replied and hugged him. "Can you tell me where they are?" He asked. "I'm afraid not because we must keep our secret until our time comes," I said releasing from the hug. "So, what is that are you making?" Gobber asked pointing at the feathers and lanterns. "I was making lanterns with feathers for tomorrow's Dragon Festival," I said fixing the metal. "The Dragon Festival is a festival celebrating the end of the 300-year war of Vikings and Dragons. We do this every year to celebrate the peace with dragons and the return of the existence of Night Furies and Dragonwalkers," Minden explained stroking her Razorwhip when it was now on her back. "That event sounds fun, uh...Minden, right?" Gobber said and she nodded. "Can I help with it?" Asked the Meathead. "Sure. I just need a basket of Night Fury feathers from there," I said pointing at the basket. "Night Furies has feathers?" He asked curiously. "Yes. But only the ones with it while others have scales," I replied putting Monstrous Nightmare gel in a reinforcement glass ball for lights.

3rd Person's POV

"INCOMING!!!" A sudden scream comes from a sudden blonde rough girl who was riding on a one-headed Zippleback flying above the hanging lights as it jingles. "Hey! Watch it!" A sudden shout comes from a blonde tough boy who is helping with his mate hanging them. "Do you think Ruffnut would ever stop that without you or Belch?" Asked the Rider Leader. "I don't know, Hannah. But, I believe that she will be in trouble," Said the tough boy. Upon fixing the decorations, one of the Berkians known to be the Thorston parents walked towards the two couples carrying a wagon full of banners and feathered flags. "What are you doing here with these?" Hannah asked the two. "Oh, we are trying to help you set up with the even you are preparing," The twins' mother said. "And also, you are grounded for leaving Berk, Mister. And your sister too," The twins' father said pointing at Tuffnut who is wearing dragon armor with a helmet on. "What?! How did you know it was me?!" Tuffnut asked pulling out his helmet. "Well, we know both of you will be here when we saw you and her off to the forest," The twins' mother said pointing at Hannah. "Well, we should be more careful here, Tuff," Hannah muttering while Tuffnut blushes. "That's okay. We are now okay that you two are together," The twins' mother said. "Just make sure that you don't blow up again," The twins' father added. "I promise. And I'll tell Ruffnut about this later once she's done flying with her one-headed Zippleback," Tuffnut replies pointing at the dragon Ruffnut is flying on, steering across the stables almost crashing it while the Night Furies are annoyed by her. "Oh, Alpha, help us," Hannah muttered sarcastically.

Stoick's POV

The next day is finally here. Every Villagers and Dragon are roaming around with goodies and games. It was almost noon that the Berkians are having fun when we suddenly heard the sound of the big thing they called the clock tower in the struck of 10. As it did, I could see the happy faces from the Villagers and Dragons before all of them flew off. "What's going on?!" One of the Berkians asked. "We are heading to the waterfalls to watch the Dragon Race!" One of the Villagers answered before they flew off. "Never heard about the race, huh?" The man named Eret asked as he walked to us. "Yeah, we are confused about what is going on," I said. "Well, you're going to love this race. Trust me," Eret said before he flew off in their direction. The Berkians and I mounted our dragons and followed them.

We made it to the waterfalls as we saw people at the group of seats and an empty one meaning it's for us Berkians. We all took our seats with our dragons next to us. It took a couple of minutes when the Announcer showed up. "Humans and Dragons! Welcome one and all to the 5th anniversary of the end of the 300-year war, and the return of the Night Furies and Dragonwalkers!" The Announcer said as the crowd cheered and he continued. "This year, right now, we are now celebrating their return by giving the hopes and up of living, and we all wanted to thank our prince for saving us. As for that, we will start with the Dragon Race. But with a twist, our Prince and the Princess will join the race!" The crowd cheered louder than a war cry making us Berkians and Berk Dragons covered our ears. "They sure had the roar of the dragon," Gobber said next to me. "Okay, then! Here are our contestants!" The Announcer said as a group of riders who are wearing full dragon-scaled armor on dragons as they flew in and landed on a bridge with baskets underneath the hatches behind them before he calls them. "Our first contestant is Spitfire Strike and Hookfang," A rider who I believed is Snotlout stepped up on the Monstrous Nightmare. "Next is Thor Bonecrusher and Meatlug," A rider walked up on a Gronckle. "The Twins Smokes and Sparks Loki and Barf and Belch," Stepping in are two twins on- Wait. Two one-headed Zipplebacks? Are those exist? "Next, our Princess and Leader of the Night Fury Riders, Hannah Fury, and Stormfly," A girl on the Deadly Nadder stepped up. 'Hannah? Sounds familiar,' I thought. "Next, the Queen of Dragons, Winter Light Flight, and Luna," A girl on the white Night Fury stepped in. "And last but not the least, our Prince of Night Furies, and the King of all of Dragons, Night Rider Fury III and Toothless!!!" The crowd suddenly cheered when the Prince stepped up on the Night Fury. From the past at first, we Vikings thought Night Furies are just myths. But now, they exist because all of them are part of the Dragonwalkers. "Alright! Who is ready to see who is the fastest and the one who points most scores?!" The Announcer asked and the crowd cheered before he raised his hand to silence them. The riders are in the position as the Announcer raises his hand to be ready. All of them are in their steady position. Not long before the Announcer lowered his hand and the riders flew off as the crowd cheered. I don't know what was happening while they're flying around the island when we suddenly heard a sheep in the air as we saw a sheep flying above and one of the riders snatched the sheep before they flew back and one of them tossed it in their basket. "Okay! First one point for Hannah!" The Announcer said. Well, I guess this wasn't bad.

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