Chapter 11: ᛏᛟᚹᚨᚱᛞᛊ ᚦᛖ ᛊᚢᚾ

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Stoick's POV

It's been five years that Hiccup and the gang are gone, and it's been two years of having peace with the dragons. How did it happen? Well, while I was wandered into the woods to clear my head when I discovered a broken bola next to a tree that fell into the ground along with some scales of the Night Fury. Before I went to go further, I heard a roar at the end of the woods. I went to investigate it and I was surprised to see a dragon injured next to the seashore. I had my ax ready just in case. But before I could do anything, the dragon lay down still heavily breathing with its eyes turn round from slit. I started to get the feeling that dragons aren't beasts. I dropped my ax and approach the dragon. I had a packed chicken in case of my hunger, but I prefer giving it to the dragon. The dragon was aware of me first, but when he sees me holding a chicken, I feed the dragon with it and suddenly earned my trust. And I was right. They aren't beasts. As I did, we suddenly heard Gothi came to us with a bag of healers which confused me but trusted her to heal the dragon. Once she healed it, she told me that she, Valka, and Ingrid used to love dragons of their trust and showed me that she's a hybrid known as a Dragonwalker, but she told me to keep that secret from everyone. As I bonded with the dragon now I named Skullcrusher, I decided to announce that Berk would be with the dragons once I brought him home. Everyone seems to agree on that terms, all except Spitelout and Mildew. For Spitelout, after he lost his son, he started rampaging and wanted to kill dragons for killing them. Mildew on the other hand still hates dragons, and he even tries to get rid of them but failed several times. And by the end, we titled both of them Outcasts for those actions. Much like Harold after he abused Ingrid when they lost Astrid. Right now, I was in the Great Hall having lunch when we heard a sound of a Terrible Terror flying into the Hall and landed next to me. I was startled at first, but when I saw a letter attached to its leg, something tells me that someone is sending a message. I remove the letter from the Terror and unrolled the letter, in which I would be shocked at what would happen in the future.

Stock the Vast,

I've come to let you know that an upcoming Dragon War is coming to have a battle against you. One of the members who are the Ex-Berkians joined a clan called the Dragon Sacraments and they are planning to sacrifice you for caring with dragons. If you believe in this message, we will help you. And if you don't, I had no other choice. Please respond to us with your agreement to fight against the bloodthirsty clans. I will send the Paladins of the Titan Wing Dragons to check on you if you accept our help. Please, you must prepare.

War is coming.

From the Prince of Night Furies

"What is it, Stoick?" I heard Gobber asked as I realized most of the people starting at me. I handed Gobber the letter to read and he was shocked about it. "I'll call the village for the announcement when you are ready," He said before he waddled off. I looked at the letter one last time before I left the Great Hall with a Terror following me behind as I reached the house and start writing my response.

After I send the Terror with my letter, I went off to find Gobber gathering the village to the Great Hall. Once they are in, I walked to the council table. "You may be wondering why I called you here. Well, recently, I suddenly got a letter from someone we never heard before. He said that the Berkian Outcast suddenly joined a clan that kills anyone who cares for the dragons," The village seemed to be worried and frightened about it and whispers came through the Hall. "As I said, the clan was known as the Dragon Sacraments will set up a war between them and us. But, not to worry. As the letter said, we will agree to get some help from the unknown tribe of the Prince of the dragons which known to be the Night Furies," As I said the name of the dragon, the village gasped and argued that they are responsible for the death of my son. But, in my mind, he's still alive out there. "QUIET!!!" I shouted and the Hall went silent, and I continued. "I know we thought that my son Hiccup was killed by a Night Fury, but something tells me that the boy is out there, alive at any cost. But we must protect ourselves, to us, to Berk, to everyone!" As I announced, everyone cheered with their fists in the air. "Alright. Let's get prepare for the war. The Prince of the Night Furies said that he will send the group called the Paladins of the Titan Wings to check on us," I finished and everyone ran around the village to prepare for an upcoming war between dragon-loving killers and us.

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