Chapter 5: ᛋᛚᛖᛖᛈᛟᛋᛟᚾᚷ

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Snotlout's POV

This is bad. As in, very bad. I ran across the entire village looking for Astrid because I have to warn her about something that I don't want to get. Ever since I stopped liking her, everything is still the same. After I ran across the village, I decided to find her in the cove since she's not around at this time of day. I ran towards the woods to find her carrying an ax and a basket of fish for her Light Fury Luna. "Astrid! Astrid!" I called her out and she got my attention. I got tired from running and I hold my hand to tell her that I need to breathe before talking. "Astrid, bad news," I said through my breath. "What is it, Snotlout? Spit it out!" Astrid said. "I heard my dad, Uncle Stoick, and your dad talk about an arranged marriage between me and you, and it would take place when we are close adults. I also heard that they will tell us about it when we come back," After I told her everything, Astrid was shocked at first, then her face turned to anger, and throw her ax at the nearest tree making me spooked. "I can't believe it! Putting us in this situation without our permission?!" She shrieked as she picked her ax back. "What are we gonna do? Our parents won't say no if we told them that we don't want to," I asked worryingly. Astrid was walking in circles thinking until she stopped meaning she had an idea. "I had an idea. But, this could mean you will never see me again next time," She said and I realized what she meant. "you mean, you're running away?" I asked. "Like Hiccup did? Yes," Astrid answered before walking to the cove. "If you're leaving, then I'll come too," I said making her stopped in her tracks. "I don't care if I had to stay here because I'm the heir of Berk. This work is too much pressure for me. When I realized this, I wanted to forgive Hiccup for my mistake. He's my cousin after all," As I said this, Astrid dropped her ax and the basket and places her hands on my shoulders. "Go pack and meet me at the arena by evening," That's what she only said before she left to the cove. As I was to turn around and head back, I heard a twig snapped. I look around and find no one in the woods. Afterward, I ran back to the village ignoring the people as I head back home and start packing.

Astrid's POV

I can't believe what Snotlout just told me! Arranged marriage?! My body is started to boil with anger. When I reached the cove, I dropped my ax and head down to see Luna waiting for me. I dropped the basket for her to eat the fish and I sat on a boulder thinking of what to do after what I thinking of running away. I was lost my thought when I heard a feminine voice which turned out to be the voice of my Light Fury. "Is something wrong, Astrid?" Luna asked and I sigh. Since I found out I'm a Dragonwalker, I can communicate with her and the Dragonese language without any trouble. "Snotlout told me that our parents are arranging a marriage of us and we don't like it. And we decided to ran away from this island," I explained as I lay down on the boulder. I looked at Luna to see her shocked yet worried face before licking me and I giggled. "You know, running away would be a good idea since they would find out that you and your mother becoming Dragonwalkers," She said. "Yeah. Also, I was thinking. If I ever ran away, I would have no problem with my dad and my uncle," I said. "What was your problem with them?" She asked. "Well, they forced me on becoming a shieldmaiden and my mom didn't like it. They even abused me for failing my training against my childhood friend Hiccup. When we were ten, my dad forced us to be separated and no longer being friends anymore. Although I still missed him, dead or alive out there. And I wanted to have a better life without any bad endings facing me," As I said it, Luna embraced me to comfort me from my memories. "Don't ever think about it, Astrid. All of those problems would only brainwash you and made your life miserable. You have to move on as a free spirit," Luna said and I was so relieved I could hug her back a little tightly. "Thanks, Luna. That feels better," I told her and she gave me a gummy smile which made me laugh. "It would be better if we go on another flight before start packing," Luna said and I agreed as I mounted her and we took off blending in with the clouds in the sky.

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