Chapter 13: ᛚᛖᚷᛖᚾᛞᛊ ᚾᛖᚹᛖᚱ ᛞᛁᛖ

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Hiccup's POV

Everything in the race was amazing. Astrid and I point with five, Hannah had ten, Fishlegs and Snotlout had two, and the twins had one. As the horn is about to blow for the last lap, a big explosion came out of nowhere in the sky. "What is that?" Fishlegs asked. "It's the distress signal," Hannah answered. "This could it means Eret needs help," I added. "Oh, No! It seems that we must stop this celebration short of the emergency. Humans and Dragons, please head to the Great Hall, except the guards and riders for your safety!" The Announcer said and all of them obeyed before flying towards the Great Hall. "Alright, Gang. Let's check Eret to see what's going on," I said to the guards and riders and flew to the watchtowers where Eret is right now. We are about to reach the watch towers when we saw Eret in his dragon hybrid form flying towards us. "Eret, what's the problem?" I asked. "They're here, my Prince," Eret answered. With the word 'they,' meaning the Dragon Sacraments are here. I growled in range before I calm myself to speak. "Make sure all of the defenses are set," I ordered and he nodded before he left with the guards behind him. "Everyone, you know what to do," I said and everyone nodded before we all dive towards the incoming ships.

"Everybody, get ready," I said while diving as we almost get closer. "Ready?" I asked when we saw ships nearby the shore. "FIRE!!!" I called before we blasted the nearby ships. "DRAGONS!!!" One of the people on the ships screamed before any of them starts shooting at us, but we all dodged and continued blasted them. "Spitfire, Sparks, you take that ship to your right! Thor, Smokes, you take the ones to your left! Riders, from above! Winter and I take the middle" I ordered all of them and they agreed before we split up and fire the ships. "GET THOSE DRAGONS!!!" One of them said while continuing to hit us violently. Night Fury whistles and dragon fire shots come from the sky as the riders hit the ships in circles. Snotlout and Tuffnut took the ones from the right where the catapults are and Fishlegs and Ruffnut take the ones from the left where the air fires and cannons are. As for me and Astrid, we shapeshifted into dragons before jumped off our dragons and shot the main ship where they set the traps. In there was their leader and not just any leader, but an enemy the Dragonwalkers are battled with. The old man is no other than Gilbert the Wild. "Astrid, you take the back. I'll take the front," I roared at her. "Okay," Astrid replied before we got separated into two parts of the main ship. I landed in front of Gilbert and changed back into a human to see his wild grin. "Well, I never expected to see a dragon hybrid with the power of the mightiest dragons of the world," Gilbert said before he starts attacking me while I attacked back with my inferno.

Astrid's POV

I turned myself back into a human as I landed on the back of the main ship where I could see several people are about to attack me. I blasted each of them as they landed overboard while some passed out. I was about to head down the ship when I sensed someone before I blocked the attack on the person I know. "Harold..." I hissed. "Astrid..." He hissed back before attacking me again. "How are you possible? I thought you are dead," Harold asked as he attacks again. "I don't die or killed myself. I left because of you. I left so I don't want to see the range of your actions. I left because of Hiccup. And I left, because I'm a Dragonwalker," I said blocking his attack. "How could you?!" He snapped taking another hit. While we're fighting, I suddenly sensed someone behind me because I don't look back. But luckily, Snotlout came out of nowhere and blocked the attack. "Get. Away. From. The Dragon Queen. Dad," He growled as he fights off with his father Spitelout. We knocked both of our fathers before we attacked them again as they are now on the floor still having their weapons out. "Astrid Rose Hofferson. I should have known. You are no warrior to me. You are not my daughter..." With all of those cruel words he said, I suddenly go madly insane before I attack him so hard that something I did is I don't want to do.

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