Chapter 6: ᚱᚢᚾᚾᛁᚾᚷ ᚹᛁᛏᚺ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚹᛟᛚᚡᛖᛋ

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Astrid's POV

The gang and I've been flying to the north for hours as I could hear the twins were exhausted, but I ignored that. Moments later, we could see fogs in front of us. "Guys, stay close," I said as we flew through the fog. Getting past through it, we could see an island covered in ice spikes and dragons everywhere. Our dragons flew through the cavern tunnels before we land on the surface. We unmounted our dragons and we were amazed to see dragons flying everywhere in which I presume is the nest, then some dragons approached us. We got scared don't know what to do, then our dragons came and protect us. As the dragons walk towards us, we heard a feminine voice. "Hey! What's going on here?!" Said the girl as she approaches us and the dragons flew off. The girl kinda resembles Hiccup, only the difference is that she's a girl and she has braids. "Who are you? And how did you find this nest?" She asked sarcastically as she pulled out her weapon which I knew as the staff. Before I answer her question, Snotlout spoke up. "We were here to look for a boy named Hiccup, and we knew he rides a Night Fury. We know he's here and we want to apologize to him for our mistakes," By Snotlout answering it, we heard a familiar voice that we are not ready to face within. "How did you know?" It was Hiccup, next to him was a Night Fury who was growling. Without even thinking, I pulled out my pendant to show them the proof and both him and the girl were shocked, then Hiccup pulled the same pendant in white as I realized it was the same pendant from the memory my mom showed me. "That's impossible," We heard Fishlegs spoke, then I saw the Night Fury's eyes become big like a cat upon seeing something. It took a second that I realized Luna walked towards the Night Fury, circling each other until their eyes were met. "I never expected to see a Light Fury before," I heard the girl said. "Me either," Hiccup replied. I fake cough to get their attention. "Um, should we settle in so we could explain the conclusions?" I said. "Oh, right. About that," Hiccup said and we followed him and the girl to the cave they were resided in along with our dragons. From there were a four-winged dragon and a lady who was in forty's cooking at the fireplace and came to realized that it was Hiccup's mother Valka. When she noticed us, her eyes landed on me, then she puts down her cooking and approached me then she had her hand on my pendant until she was shocked to know me. "Astrid?" She asked making the teens shocked at how did she know me. I lowered my head and nodded, then she embraced me to a hug which confuses me. "It's been so long since the last time I saw you with Hiccup during both your birth," Valka said which surprises me. Hiccup and I were born on the same day? "Come in. I'm almost done cooking lunch," She suggested and we walked in despite our surprised faces and curiosity. Hiccup introduces the girl which turned out to be his sister Hannah to us and our dragons I knew by their names. By the time we're done, Valka called us for lunch. While we were eating, Hiccup asking us why are we here, then we told them the whole story.

After we told them, Snotlout stood up. "Hiccup, we're very sorry. We didn't realize this sooner," He said as we could see tears forming from his eyes. "It's alright, Snotlout. We always make mistakes," Hiccup said as he stood up and hugged him. "Wait, so, you and Astrid are Dragonwalkers, right? Is it possible to turn into dragons when you guys were asleep?" Ruffnut asked. "It is possible, Ruffnut. If you were born or cursed with it, you would gain the ability of a dragon," Hannah answered. "Is there a way to become one?" Fishlegs asked. "I'm afraid not. Not even dragon bite would work from Dragonwalkers or any other dragons," Hiccup replied as we heard the twins groaned. "We're sorry guys, but nothing we could do. We can't even make Dragonwalker bite formula because the ingredients are very rare and they're coming from the Hidden World. If you guys know about it," Valka added. "It's alright. It would be worse if they play with it," Snotlout said glaring at the twins as they stick out their tongues at him. "Uh, quick question, is that Nadder over there has a rider?" Hannah asked pointing at our Deadly Nadder which was named Stormfly. "No. But we hoped she find a better rider for her," I said as Hannah walked towards her. Stormfly was frightened at first, but when Hannah placed her hand on her snout, she was relieved. "I'll take her. I don't even have a dragon either," Hannah said as she cuddles with Stormfly. "Her name was Stormfly," I said. "I like it," Hannah replied. "Could it be your first time riding your new dragon?" Hiccup asked. "I guess so," Hannah replied.

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