Chapter 14: ᚠᛖᛞᛖᚱᚲᛚᛖᛁᛞ

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Hiccup's POV

"THIS IS AMAZING!!!" Hannah screamed as she dunks the black sheep in her basket declaring she's the winner of the evening Dragon Race. The crowd cheered as I stood up from my throne giving an applaud to my sister. "Well son, you've done everything. From a Viking of Berk to a Leader of Dragons," Dad said standing next to me. "Thank you Dad for summoning up," I replied. "You did a great job with everything. If it wasn't for you, we Haddocks and Hoffersons would be the last of our kind," Mom said approaching me. "That's true," I heard Gothi's voice said as she walked beside mom. "It's been thirty-five years that the Dragonwalkers and Night Furies are gone. But, five years later, everything when all...this," She said. "But you guys just gestured to all of me," I joked making them laughed. "Hey Hiccup, Snotlout wanted you to know that there will be a dance at the plaza, and he wanted to ask you if you could join us," Hannah said as she landed on the wooden platform. "What do you say, Dad?" I asked him. "I think it's a good idea," He answered. "Great!" Hannah exclaimed and flew off. The adults and I mounted our dragons and followed her to the plaza which was celebrating a group dance. Once we landed, Astrid walked up to me in a blue dress with a feathered headband.

 Once we landed, Astrid walked up to me in a blue dress with a feathered headband

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"Astrid, you look amazing," I said. "Thank you, Hiccup," She said blushing. I look at the plaza to see some people dancing. One of them includes Ruffnut and Fishlegs, Snotlout and Minden, Dagur and Mala, Heather and Eret, Hannah and Tuffnut, Takashi and Katie, Yorak and Ainar, and even my parents. The Bards are at the statue playing 'For the Dancing and the Dreaming-the Night Furies' traditional song-as all of them dancing around. I held my hand to Astrid asking her to dance with me. "As your wish, my Prince," She answered as she held out her hand to mine, and we joined the dance until by the strike of midnight.

By midnight strikes, we all went back into our homes to sleep. Dad would stay in Mom's while Gothi stays in the elder's hut where Mom resided as a healer. When Astrid and I walked back home and went to sleep, we went onto the roof in our dragon forms to watch the stars. "Well, this is it. It's the end of our war," Astrid spoke. "Yeah. But I don't think the war is over for us soon," I said. "Yeah," She replied. We stayed on the roof for a while until I spoke again. "You know, we still have time to prepare for our wedding," I said as I pulled out my betrothed gift. "Yeah, we should," Astrid replied as she pulled out hers as smiled as I joined her move.

Astrid and I suddenly woke up from the sound of the clock tower meaning it's breakfast time in the Great Hall. And today is the day that Astrid and I will announce our engagement to our people. In our human forms, we walked into the Hall to find the residents and the new ones-the Berkians-in there eating and chatting with something not important as usual. We stepped into the center and called out. "Humans and Dragons, can I call you out for the announcement?" I roared out and everyone got our attention.

Stoick's POV

I was in the Great Hall eating breakfast with Valka when we heard Hiccup called us for the announcement. 'I wonder what announcement would be?' I thought. "Well, you see, I made a little ritual of betrothal the other day before the war, so..." As he explained, all of us were surprised. 'Hiccup is engaged? To who?' As I thought, I looked at Valka who was smiling and I looked at Hannah who was next to the twins squealing in excitement as Tuffnut told her to calm down. "We are engaged!" He exclaimed raising his hands with Astrid's. All of us were shocked by that, but we suddenly cheered at it as Hannah screamed from the excitement, Valka was happy with her tears falling from her eyes, as for me, I would be happier for Hiccup to find a perfect woman for him. As everyone went back to their breakfast, Hiccup, and Astrid sat next to me and patted Hiccup on his shoulder. "Hiccup, I would be more proud of you!" I said. "Thanks, Dad," Hiccup replied.

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